Friday, May 13, 2011

Kneeling to Win

Cover of "The Power of Prayer"Cover of The Power of Prayer

I congratulate you for the decision
And I celebrate with you for the wise decision
You’ve made in deciding to follow Jesus
Now id no time to seat down
And say have given all to Jesus
No but you’ve got to grow in grace

Kneeling to win
A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian
To win each trails and temptation
You’ve got to pray each day has it’s temptation
Temptation to go back to the old life
Study God’s word each day

Have a fellowship feed on His word
Study with the fellow believers
Know God’s own will before
You take any step cause is will first
Not yours follow what he said
Never run ahead of Him

Cause anything kept
Outside His care will get missing
But anything you keep with Him
Never get missing let Him lead the way
Never run ahead of Him
Give Him first place in your heart

Kneeling to Win
Within there resides
The power of believers
To win every battle of life
As the journey to heaven
The power of prayer

In believers life
Can not be over emphasized
Is the key that unlock heaven
That disarrays the kingdom of darkness
The mass-weapon the destroys
Every firing depths of the enemy
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Living an Acceptable Life

JesusImage via Wikipedia

It is required a steward
That he should been found faithful
Faithfulness is required by God
From us all that we are called by His name
Cause we are is ambassador
Living an accepted life

That brings glory and honour
To the name of Christ
Not that kind of life
That brings shame and blaspheming
But that which brings homour
An accepted life that is the kind of life

“I beseech you by the mercy of the Lord
That ye present your body
Holy and accepted will of God
Which is your reasonable service”
God demands from us all
A life worthy and acceptable

Formless and void of sin
Sin brings guilt and lost
Of eternity with God in His abode
It breaks the chord of father son, daughter relationship
Locking us out of God’s protection and provision
Living an accepted life

Living in the center of God’s will
Doing that which He commands
Living above sin, self and temptations
Becoming that person he wants us to be
Bringing glory to His name at all time
Living an acceptable life

That is the life
That God His please with
Doing and living in the center of his will
Not your own selfish will
Not your ways but his ways
That’s what he wants from you
Living an acceptable life
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In every imagination
We can all see that
God is good
The work of His hands praise
In earnest thanksgiving to Him

The breathe of life in us
We thank Him for all we are
And what we’ll be
Where will would have been
If God has not been by our side

How can we meet
The morning of the day
His tender mercy is always
Standing close by
At times we could not see Him
Even thou his close by

As we gathered here today
Friends, family, well-wishers and loved ones
In an harmonious mood
As heart felt gratitude are rise
In one unify accord to heavenly

As the chant of praise
Music filled the building
Building a sanctuary of praise
With a sweet smelling saviour
Offering our praise to God on high

The stage is set
The lighten so enchanting so bright
Shattering the darkness shinning through the night
We pick the music and its harmony
Arranged well spelled out void of mistakes

Rise the voice
Applaud with so captivating clapping of the hands
Raise them in reference to the one up there
Music unlimited…so lets offer our heart felt gratitude to God
In thanksgiving to Him and Him alone

Heart Felt Appreciation

To the most high
Who ruleth in the affairs of mankind
Who seated above using the earth
As His footstool looking down here
See I gave you the appreciation
And this is from my heart

I testify today for you’ve been
Faithful Lord, I testify today
For your tender mercy and love to me
For you’ve been very faithful
That’s why I testify today
I thank you Lord for all what I have

My mind, my soul and my all
The talent, skills and time
I testify today am yours Lord
Am yours, am yours Lord am yours
That’s why I give you worthy of this my praise
Cause there’s none like you

Your mercy flows like a river wide
Healing comes from your hands
Suffering children are saved in your hands
Cause you are beautiful beyond description
To marvelous for words too wonderful
For comprehension like nothing ever seen nor had

Who can grasps your infinite wisdom
Who can fathom the depth of your love
You’re beautiful beyond description
Majesty and throne above
And I stand in awe of you
Only God who whoms all praises due

I stand in awe of You
Receive my heart felt gratitude
Let it rise up to you as a sweet smelling savour
Lord hear my voice receive my praise today
This is from my heart
I thank you Lord