Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Bible

Unique among the book of the world is the Bible.
The perennial best seller,
The bible is to the believer holy scriptures,
The word of God- and the wayfaring man,
Though he be a fool, can by reading it
Find way of salvation.

The word “Bible”
Means book being derived from
The smaller form of Biblios
Which is Biblion {a little book}
Hence the bible is the book of books.
The story of the death of Sir WALTER SCOTT
Illustrates this when dying, Scott,
The professor of a great library, called to his son
” Bring, the Book” which book asked the son.

Sir Walter Scott replied
“There is only one book which is the Bible”.
That this book so impressed him as did no other-
Is recorded in the poem he had already written;

Within that awful volume lies
The mystery of mysteries race
Happiest may of the human race
To whom their God was granted grace
To read, to fear, to hope, to pray,
To lift the latch and force the way
And better have they ne’er been born
Who read to doubt, or read to scorn.

The Bible is,
Indeed the most unique of all books
And its uniqueness may be seen
From the following consideration.

In it’s sources:
The Bible comes not from any attempt by men
To discover God and this record their experience with God
These experience are then analyzed to determine
Those principles which are common to all of them.

In it’s style:
The literary style of the Bible portrays
A sublimity and unity that is starting
Men such as H.G WELLS, have tried to duplicate it
But have given up the attempts in hopeless frustration.

In it’s Supernatural authority inspiration:
Because of the uniqueness of it’s source and style
There need to be an explanation of why this Book
is superior to all other sacred books of competing religion
Which contend they are authoritative for man.

God did not simply use any human instrument
To bring into existence the Bible
Special men with the right
Background and qualification were selected by God.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It Is Finished

Two thousand years ago
the greatest event in the world
that has never occur since the beginning
of human race till date that was still the greatest event
and which is Christ death at Calvary.

At Calvary
Christ defeat the power of sin
in the life of human race where
He made an open show of defeat
of the devil and his agent

at that moment
when Christ gave up the ghost
the veil of the temple was rent in twain
from the top to the bottom
and everyone have an access
to the grace and throne of God.

He was led to Golgotha
where the defeat and disgrace of devil beginning
if not the death of Christ the world would have lost forever,
the night before He was arrested
he was praying for that Golgotha should come
and finally came and the devil his agent
and the power of sin was destroyed.

The god of this world
was brought under the control of Christ and his follower,
at the cross death lost his victory
and the grave has been denied the bread of life is broken
Jesus lives forever today He is sitting down
at the right hand of God waiting to judge the world.

When Jesus said it is finished
the power of sin is broken and Satan
and his agent has been destroyed and that is”
The greatest event in the world
is the drama at Calvary between Christ and the devil”…John 19:30


We live in an age
Of moral and spiritual crises
This is seen in the crime,
War and drug addiction, preoccupation with sex,
The disregard for authority the social upheavals
And racial strife, and the lack of moral
Understanding and concern.

Men and women have lost moral discernment,
Calling darkness light and evil, good
“Right” is what is ever acceptable by majority.

The church has come to resemble
The secular community in which it exists
And can no longer speak with moral
And spiritual authority to the community at large.

Why such moral and spiritual confusion?
Because there is no longer an objective moral
Authority teach the truth and to distinguish
Between right and wrong.

Men have lost faith in Holy Scripture,
So there remains no reliable, unchanging standard
Of right to measure conduct and character.

What is the solution?
Only an effusion of power from on high
Within the lives of Christian
Can deliver the contemporary church
From the moral spiritual chaos
Affecting the whole of mankind in this hour.

While multitude of Christians
Have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit,
Yet must have not attended God’s highest purpose,
For the baptism is only the door to something
Greater the deeper life, which a Spirit led life
Of total faith in God crucifixion of the “self life”
And growth into the fullness of God Himself.


These days’ people don’t pray no more
Because the thing of this world
And its fashion has taken the place of prayer.

The church that ought
To be place of prayer
Now has become where the things
Of the world are being advertised.

Also people don’t love no more
The Christians of those early days
Loved the Lord their God with all their heart
And fellow brethren but now, the Christians
Of these days have replaced the love of God
With the love of the world
Where is the love of God?

Today people say
They are celebrating Christmas
By the way what is the meaning of Christmas?
As a lay man Christmas is a period to remember
When the Savior of the world was born
This is to be celebrated with sobriety not the other way round
By drinking all sort of drinks, doing all kinds of evil
Which is not meant to be so.

Now it is no more called Christmas as we know it,
But world-mass the spirit of the last days
Has taken many people faraway from God.

Pastors that started the ministry humbly
Now carry themselves as the big men of God
That died for the world.

Many started fervently and eschew evil,
But today they’ve all allowed the world
To take away the zeal and vision
They have for the ministry of God.

The passion of lost soul
Now replaced with passion of the things of the world
Bishop and pastors sank into worldliness,
Forgetting the purpose of their calling
And indulging more and more in secular pursuit.