Monday, March 3, 2014

Centenary: Holding Fuel

One hundred years has come and gone
With so many event and tales to tell
Each one with his own side of evaluation
Of how far we’ve come as a nation
But is it the moment of opening our doors for celebration

Inviting de la cream in our earth space
Together to celebrate does it worth it at all
The celebration and awards given day
That couples the celebration
Should it be at this time?

Where the state of the nation is dilapidated
The whole sector is in need of thing at the other
Is there comes a time when a silence becomes a betray
You seated there you know it that all is not well
With our nation you need no seer to tell you so
Because it is everywhere with a enough sign not far from you

Our system how has it been all this while
What’s worth celebrating…sufficient fuel leads to holding
Expecting the price to hack waiting for scarcity to ensue
What is wrong until we get what is really wrong
That’s when we can fix it…the system

The poor masses bear the burnt
The needy are crying they are fed up of it all
The mass has come to that point of seat down and look
Because they are tired of it all see people carrying
Black market and petro station exploit the masses

The nation is sick
An urgent operation is needed
Who we go into the theater room
We all are wanted you and me
To fix up what’s wrong with our nation

Does it worth celebrating
Are will not drifting away from our founding fathers dream
For the country they gave their all for
Many things are at stake insecurity in our land
Jobless being floats around our cities and streets
Deplorable state of our roads, education, political and economic

1 comment:

  1. Nice write up. it takes people with large heart to talk in this nation.
