Thursday, September 18, 2014

Finding Your Niche!

Have you found your niche?
As you fulfill your responsibilities
Do you find yourself thinking something like?
There’s no place like this place anywhere near this place
So this must be the place?

If so, then stay the course
And keep growing and learning in your area of expertise
It not, you need to get on track

If you know what your niche is
But aren’t working in it
Start planning a transaction
It could be as simple as a change in duties
As a complex as a change of career

No matter whether it will require six weeks or six years
You need a transition plan and a timetable
For completing it, once you’re certain
Of your course have the courage to take
The first step

If you have no idea what you should be doing
You need to do some research
Talk to your spouse and close friends
About your strength and weaknesses
Ask for your leader’s assessment

Take personal or temporal tests
Look for recurring themes in your life
Try to articulate your life purpose
Do whatever it takes to find clues concerning where you should be
Then try new things related to your discoveries

The only to find your niche
Is to gain experience
If you haven’t already
Find your niche and continue
Growing within it

Season Of Remembrance

There comes a moment
When it all makes sense
That time we never wanted to slip by
Wanting to be awake to witness it all
We never want to close our eyes

When history is been call upon
Beckoning on us to reach out
Because is our day to be remembered
All what we’ve walked and labour for
As nature harkens to our attention

Tomorrow will bring forth a new dawn
Of hope reassured go ahead don’t stop
That’s what we keep hearing as we go
Tomorrow never dies is pregnant with something
There comes that season of remembrance

The world stood aside on that day
As all roads leading to that great city
Where the event of a life time was about to be staged
All people from every quarters of the city emerge
In their various customs and attires out matching the other

Wow! Is a new day…
Have arrive with God by my side
And of course a praying mother some where
Sending forth the prayer missiles and bomb
Yet her prayer never goes unheard by heaven

See the curtains is drawn
The drum is rolled out
Bells twinkles and the instrumentation of the orchestral
Herald out the jubilant chant from the crowd
I choose my script, the stage light, costume

And then I rise off to the dashboard
Heading towards the finish-line got my script written
Wow I arrived yes I did, I did arrive at the finish-line
And with God following me through the prayer of my mum
I got to the finish-line and achieve nothing but greatness

Nature, the whole universe welcome to my event

Just One Day with You Changing Status Quos

I know of a truth
Tomorrow will come for someone
To stand up to the truth and face it off
With all vigor and passion to stand for it
If tomorrow never comes and it seems is far

I challenge to hold on to your passion
Your conviction because it will speak forth on that day
When the world will stand aside to witness you
Make history in landmark in giant strides
Attaining greatness finish so awesome

Am glad you make it today
That the breath of life is still flowing inside you
That irrespective of what betides you’ll finish strong
By standing so tall in the midst of daunting task
I know of a truth tomorrow awaits you

The dawn of a new stage of life for you
The world should go and prepare
For that this will go down memory line
Am calling you today to start preparation
Get everything in place cause the world will celebrate

Someone somewhere who has got it
Who has relentlessly labour for the truth
In the face of unfairness and moral decency
That time to start is now it doesn’t mater
What they might say or think of you

I stay on the same track
Don’t give up your conviction
To stand for that which is right
They might say no one change it
It has been that way all along

Who say so?
Who thought that records can not be made?
Who thought that history will not be re-writer?
Show me that person who has been carrying on in falsehood
And I will show that person who’s heading to destruction
I tell you is only you that can change that is all in your hands

Monday, September 8, 2014

To You Out There

Change will not come
Only if we dares it will come
If you think you can
Then you can
To you out there

The future started yesterday
And today we’re already late
To those who believes
There’s no time to waste
To you out there

Who utilize all his/her time
So cautious about time
That there’s no point
In wasting in an idle visitation
Void of aim with a certain goals

To you out there
Who never sees impossible
In which dictionary the word
Impossible never existed
Who dares to make a different

To those out there
Who knows what it takes
To make annuals in history record
Who never let situation to intimated them
Neither the society dictating its space for them

To you out there
Who knows that to make a footprint
In the sands of time
You got to stand up and work
For hard work never kills

To you out there
Who never believes success
Is made by cutting corner
But through the right procedure
Who wants and seek for that change