Sunday, March 22, 2015

Towards The Poll

Out they’re an outburst
Of a massive campaign
Everywhere man is found
An earnest preparation is on
Towards the poll

Banners and placard
Are on every street
Highways and walls of buildings
So much publicity is on
Very intense too hot to hold

Using every available means the print media
The Internet, social and electronic media
Some have some target in mind
Some aim towards the youth
Others aim towards the adult

Canvassing for supporters
Manifestoes rolled out on every meeting
With the campaign train on the move
Moving from one city to another
Just to get them to vote for them

Towards the poll
An earnest preparation
Banners and handbills
T-shirt and face cap
Campaign jingle on all media houses

All in the name of the “poll”
Election is near
So much to be done
Doing all sorts of things to win
So much money is been spent on campaign

Walking towards the D-day
Going to the poll
As we prepare towards the poll
Consultation here and there
Just…Towards the poll

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Going To The Poll

As we take today
To decide on one vital decision
Of entrusting the ship of our nation
To that man who will channel
The course of our nation
For the next coming years ahead

Enough political manifesto
Campaign train every where
Canvassing for voters to vote for them
Massive publicity is going
Doing everything possible to win
The election in very quarters

Lets know this
That voting the right person
Into office with the right capability
In stirring the ship of our nation
Lets vote wisely and right
Going to the poll today

Lets not wash our hands
With bribes, favoritism, nepotism and tribalism
One-man vote with the aim
Of voting into power the right person
If you sell your vote because of just selfish gain
You’ve sold out the future of this nation

As we go to the poll today we pray
God give us men
A time like this demands strong minds
Great hearts, true faith and ready hands!
Men whom the lust of office cannot buy
Men who possess opinion and a will
Men who love honour, men who cannot lie

As we go to the poll today
Lets put all this in mind
Praying for a better leader
With a heart for others
Not the one in sheep clothing but is a wolf
Going to the poll today
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The Game: Politics

Various Federal Reserve Notes, c.1995. Only th...Image via Wikipedia
They called it dirty game
Others don’t ever see it like that
Some say is another way
To share from the part
Of the national cake

National cake my foot
You called that national cake
Embezzling tax payer’s money
And you called it a national cake
The game politics

They enslave other people’s children
Just to carry out their evil crisis
At the poll and every well
While their own wards
Are away somewhere in another man’s land

So dirty and unimaginable
One can thought of ah
Is it not glittering all over?
That it cannot be hidden
You see them displaying their banners

Seeking for an innocent citizen
Because of poverty in the land
They take absolute advantage of that
Given money out in form of bribery
To silicate for vote in exchange for cash, food stuff and others

They kill to secure office
They bribe to get on the winning side
They sacrifice life for power and position
They do all such of manner of things
That’s the game of politics

Always wants second term
To come back to get the money
They’ve spent in the first term
Forgetting what they say
When they came in
“Anyone who runs for second term
Is like a child who don’t know the message he was sent”
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For the Aspirant

Today people stand out there
In the sun, rain and the chilling weather
Just to entrust their vote of confident in you
Cause they have faith in all you do
To the poll for the aspirant

Are you what you say you are?
Do you stand for integrity?
To protect and to serve with integrity
Isn’t it what you say you are?
Your party logo, do you reflect it?

Why are you running for a seat?
For self or humanity
To offer a humanitarian services
To the masses and your nation
Will you or you have an ulterior motive?

An agenda of a Judas
Betraying the trust of that people
That entrust so much trust in them
What happen to all those promises?
The debt on the radio, television and print media

For you the aspirant
After election
Will you be that person?
You use to be from day one
That time when you’re still clamoring for the position

Won’t change caught up with you
Just at a flip of a finger
Why the change over night
What happen to you that loving person?
Full of vision with enthusiasm

But the lust of office
Has caught up with you
And you sold out your value
The belief and principle you’ve hold on to
All your life because of politics
Think on these things “Aspirant”
Is for you “The Aspirant”
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Not Bunch Of Incapable Being

As we go to poll today
We seek for credible being
Not bunch of incapable being
Who seeks to satisfy their own selfish interest?
Not having heart for others

Cause a leader is someone
Who have a heart for others?
Anyone who those not have a heart
For others does not fit to be a leader at all
We seek for a good leader not incapable

Never seeking a office
To enrich their own pocket
Tiring to disguise as if they are ok
To occupy the position they seek
Just want to be there for an ulterior motive

Lets try to stop this mess
Of these bunch of incapable being
Going into that office again
There’s someone out there
Wanting to clinch the tax payer’s money

Not bunch of incapable being
Never qualify to occupy that seat
Neither that who have wash there with corrupt practices
Selling their soul to the devil
Sealing up their conscience with an hot iron

I mean angel in disguise
In sheep’s clothing covering with goat clothing
Coming up with ill-reforms
Unexecuted and unfinished project
Without result oriented administration at the end of such administration

We’ve got to vote
Those who want to serve whole-heartedly
Without nothing in return
To serve their fatherland
Not bunch of incapable being
Always self never others
But bunch of capable and dependable being
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Political Manifestos

Second round of the French presidential electi...Image via Wikipedia
Here they come again
With a whole bunch of promises
Is built up there in the castle
A mere wish that cannot see reality
Politicians unending program without activities

Making the people
Think they are what they say
Within them they are never that
Which they say all in the name
Of to get into office with the masses vote

Once the vote is gotten
They forget in haste
The people that stood for hours
In the sun rain and uncomfortable situation
Just to cast their vote for them

Political manifesto
So long list to finish
Why they’ll never cast a blink
At such exuberant list
Made out of a undue influence…power

After the month of election
Years in office such promises
Never live to been execute
Living everything to be carried away by the wind
If they are at all executed not all of them

While the people
That voted them in languishing in pain and poverty
Making the people to kill one another
For how long this will happen
When are going to stop all this crazy
Of what we call “Democracy”

Are some people not “Demo dey crazy”
Just pretending to be well
But they are really crazy
Drunk and intoxicated for power
Killing to be in office: do or die affair
Want to have power by all means
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The Poll

Pocket watch, savonette-type.Image via Wikipedia
There comes a moment
In a country’s life this time
As her citizens march forward
To take a solemn decision a vital one
To decide for that person

Who they will entrust
The course of her nation
Into his/her hands
To stare the ship of that great country
For the next coming administration

A search for that man that woman is on
A moment like this calls for
Real serious to decision
To vote wisely and usefulness
A moment like this calls for prayers

God give us men
A time like this demands strong mind
Great heart, true faith and ready hands!
Men (women) whom the lost of office does not kill
Men (women) whom the love of office cannot buy
Men (women) who possess opinion and a will
Men (women) who love honour
Men (women) who cannot lie

That is it a prayer for our nation
At this period of time
In time like this…

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Stop Complaining

When life throws at you challenges
Refuse to be let down at the corridor of despondence
Life is unfair and we got to be in each moment
It comes a time you stop complaining
And find what to do to change the whole issue

Changing the whole issue you’ve got to wake up
And decide on what you should and what you can do
Instead of complaining and getting worked out
Refuse to be let down at the corridor of despondence
Stop complaining and move on

Move on no matter what
Move on when the night seems long
Move on even though the tears rolls in streams
Move on the storms cloud gather
Move on if the storm threatens to swallow your ship alive

Enough of the complain of a thing
And choose to be awake alive in each moment
Forget the past and look ahead to a brighter day
Forget it all and seek for a new day
No matter what you are here

You can make it all work out
Making it straighten out
This is time to wake and wait
For the moment when you stop
You move from complaining to holding on

You still have more to go
And instead of dwelling on complaining
See complaining and complaining
Can not and can never take us to somewhere

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Retain God

Succeeding with God in ones life matters a lot
The life of one is all about God and God alone
A life lived outside the confine of God is going no where
But a dead end…retain God and amount to something good
Make sure you always do

In your pursuit in life’s long lonely road
Make sure you never leave God behind each journey
Bring Him along as you go through each phase of your life
Life is all about Him and Him alone
The fountain head of all the good things of life

As you plan and prepare…retain God
As you struck that business deal…retain God
As you seek for that employment…retain God
You embark on a business venture…retain God
You are about going into relationship…retain God

Never for once leave Him out or behind
Without you are less to nothing
You can not outlive Him
You can not live and move without Him
Retain God…and be a success in all spheres

Remember a stream that forget its sources
Will definitely runs dry no mater who its flows
Life is all about committing and been faithful to God
You have a source and that you mustn’t forget
God should be the center piece of all you do

Make sure you have a dream and a workable time frame
To work towards that dream of yours and bring the best into being
You retain God in all you do and in all your ways
Never leave Him out take Him with you all the way
Retain God