Sunday, September 25, 2016

To Writers In Times Like These

Write and send as much people you can reach
Write and inspire faithfulness in everyone
Write and call them back to the first love
Write and warn the corrupt and compromiser

Write and expose the seducer – Revelation 2: 18 – 19
Write to arouse watchfulness – Revelation 3: 7 – 11
Write and encourage the obedient
Write and stir up the lookwarm Revelation 21: 5
Write and review the promise for overcomers – Revelation 21: 6

Write and cause peace
Write and bring back hope to the street called home
Write and inspire to motivate becoming a better you
Write and cause a national revival in reading culture

Write and restore dignity where purity is lost
Write and instil honesty in the world of shady practices
Write and reform a national emancipation of the mind to truthfulness
Write and stand for what you write living it all out

A time like this demands write
Be it amateur, professional and freelancers
This is the time to rise up and write for change
Write and send to as many unreach people
As swept all the land a contagious fire of revival breaking out

To writers in time like these
Why do you write?
To pull the crowd or to get so much likes and comment
Social media is one of the greatest medium to reach the world
But what does your social pages says
To win the gain the popularity, where do you stand?

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