Friday, July 14, 2017

Long While You're Gone

The sun, planets and major moons (2560 res!)Image by Sonic Julez via Flickr
Each moment of our day
as we live here on this planet earth
as we go along this road of life
this way working along
life's slow some highway.

Fading away like the stars
of the morning loosing their life
in the glorious sun, soon we be past
from this earth and its toiling
only remembered by what we've done.

Shall we be missed why others
are succeeding ripping their lights
in the glorious sun this will be past
from this earth and its toiling
ever remembered by what you have done.

life live ought to be well spent
once silver cord is broken
man goes back to his eternal home
only what's done will forever live
long while you're gone
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Take Stand

Each day we walk around
Through our cities and various places
We see so many injustice and unfair dealing
Among human as oppression takes over
No one want to stand to take stand and speak up

I see children crying
Some can’t go back home
Just all because sales were bad
And was unable to make sales
Saying the one that sent them out to hawk..

The rich and affluent oppression the poor
You see them in their mansion
Zooming off at 190 speed per kilo meter
Splashing dirty mod water on them
Why this? Take stand ….. reach out to their needs

Take stand….. stand for child
Take stand…… stand for truth
Take stand…… act right and say no
Take stand…….. stand for holiness and righteousness
Take stand for that woman and child
Whose got no one been voice to then

Living in the Moment

Our life is what we make of it
You determine the way it will be
History we come and go but only
What matters is of how we’ve use the only one life
We have as human

Living in the moment
Simply means giving each moment its best
Forgetting the past and shutting it off from our present
Bracing a new hope and courage as  the new day comes
No matter how it has been let go of the past

Live as if it will be the last sunset you will see
Forget about the worries of the future
Commit your ways to God and of a truth He will see you through
Life is not all about going with the long face in pity and worrying
About what should not be, the future is sure only if you dare to believe

Living in the moment
Take one day at a time forget the yesterday’s task
Focusing on the task of the day by living your best
To make your life count each seconds of the day
When your life is lived out for humanity and God

Bringing life it uniqueness of that which made it to be so
By making each moment you lived in be nothing but its best
Life will be of a joy if we all forget the past pains and heartache
And race off to what lies ahead of us instead of what lies behind us
The best time to begin is not but now

Be that which you want to be
Stand out from the mixed crowd
Single yourself out and head to greatness
Forget it all just live out your life
You choose today to live in the moment

Doing that which brings you joy and happiness
You are too strong to be let down due to this and that
You are what you thing you are only if you look inside you
You can not be made inferior without your own consent
Live the life you want to live by living in the moment

The moment you start doing this
That’s when you wonder why have I not be doing this way

Only One

What if you were
The only one?
Imagine being the only one
In a world without A friend

 Nobody acknowledges your presence
Or believes in you
You’re spurned and shunned
A working shadow in search Of companion

Your loneliness knows no end
And unloved you watch
Your dream die but
Being around crowd
 Changes all that
Strength comes with numbers
And here there is always
A shoulder to lean on
Shouldn’t you blend? With a crowd

Prepare to Die!

An artist's impression of Sirius A and Sirius ...Image via Wikipedia
Minutes keep zooming off
The day is really get tense
Hours are swift as a jet
Months is rolling so swiftly
That you can not recognize at all

As the morning fades away
Like the stars of the morning
Loosing their stars
In the glorious sun
Thus will be past from the earth

To grave beyond
Then in the front of your name
Written is late that common title
Will be attached to your name
Long while you’ve taken your last breathe

Prepare to Die!
What have you done?
What will the world remember you for?
A life worth spent is a life worth lived for
Will you leave a footprint in the sands of time?

Some live and never find meaning
They die been so grief and sad
Some live and find meaning
And die happy so fulfilled
Living a worthy life of example

As the mother earth
Bids them farewell to the world beyond
As close their eyes darkness takes over
The body is laid to dust as the soul rest
Live a purposeful driven life

Fading away like the stars
Of the morning losing their light
In the glorious sun thus soon be past
From the earth and it’s toiling
Only remembered by what you have done
Prepare to die…
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The world loved him dearly
That he gave it all for them
Going the distance to make them happy
Becoming an household name
All for the love of the world
Little did he know
Theirs a midst behind the cloud
As heaven’s beckoned on his attention
To see what his ahead of him
But a deaf ear was cast

And was lost in pursuit
Of pleasing the world
The world he taught they got his back
Alas things becomes falling apart for him
But yet he refuses to see the red light

But he has gone so far
Because sold himself to world 
And when trouble times come the world forsake
Approaching the inevitable quiet end
As he lays down in the cold empty casket

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Just One Man

The nation is sick and helpless
The citizen is sick and tired of everything
As the state of the nation is over killing
The government of the day has lost her confidence
Right in the eyes of the public

The people are now at the mercy
Of e go better syndrome eaten them up
The out cry by the masses is unheard by those in power
The nation has fallen below the standard of what she is known to be
The giant of Africa

So says by many who has come and gone
And yet everything seems to be the same
And our problems get worsen everything
The power is intoxicating the holder
As each is blinded to the real fact

Just one man
And that man must have a heart for others
Because a leader is one who’s got a heart for others
Never selfish seeking self center person
Just one man and that man is no but you

You desire change be that change you want to see
I too desire change why can’t I become the wind of change
That will blow near and far across the length and breathe of this nation
See am not speaking for the one who refuse to see the light
Of change put am speaking to the one who still have hope for change

Just one man
Can change so many things
The power…employment
Result oriented reforms…educational system
Political structure of our country
One man who has see it all to make and effect that change

Just one man
In a faraway distant land
Will wake up and held the call
To nation building change everything
Irrespective of the threat putting is head out
Just for change to be effected…just one man

Is Time to Wake Up

Each day our world is changing
Every second an invention is born
An idea is been hatched and given birth to
Many people are zooming off to the finishline
To get hold of the future written their script

Can’t you see from the look of things?
No one wants to wonder in mediocrity anymore
Each one wants to be among what’s happening
Spiritually, socially, academically, and physically
See our world has past the hours of wallowing in nothing

Is time to wake up, wake up you slept for long
And do that of which you are born to be
Our nation is need young vibrant being
That will channel her to greatness
And living out that creed of with she is knowning among the world

If you are still wondering about
Aimlessly without a definite purpose for living
I tell you one day right in your eyes history will be made
And you we be left out becoming an on looker
I challenge wake discover your purpose chase your dream achieve greatness

See listen and listen well
The world stands aside for that individual
Who knows where he/she is headed
See no one want to celebrate a mediocre
But no individual who fails to let go at the table of discouragement

Many wake up each day
Wondering from streets to streets
Aimlessly and not knowing what they should do with their life
See life is all about you discovering the real meaning of it
My friend is time to wake up and start living out that which you were born for


Samuel Ruther ford
Accomplished immeasurable amount
Of work for Christ what was his secret
He rose each morning at three o’clock
To converse with God

Scotland’s quiet night air
Was ladened with anguished cries
Penetrating the darkness as John Welch prayed
Once he remarked his day was ill spent
If he could not stay 8 or 10 hours in secret solitude

It is said of the distinguished and effective
Bishop Andrews that he spent more than
Five hours daily in prayer and bible study
Charles Simeon rose each day from his bunk
To bow on bended knees from four to eight

Martin Luther proclaimed prayer
A saintly work of grave necessity he said
If I fail to spend two hours in prayers each morning
The devil gets the victory through the day
John Wesley’s life epitomized work
He gave his best hours to prayer
The greatest thing anyone can do 
for God and man is prayer