Sunday, January 27, 2019


When life seems is full of disappointment
And your shatter dreams makes you question why
Still you try to pick up the broken pieces
And nobody felt the pain you feel inside
In the midst of the storm God is there

He is your peace
A shatter from the ranging storms
He counts your fears and give you comfort
In the midst of the storm God is there

Remember the three Hebrew children
Remember Daniel in the lions den
Remember Paul and Silas in the prison
Remember Hannah looking for a child
Remember the past goodness of God in your life

When it seems all hope is lost
When it seems all your plans never sees the light of the day
When it seems all is lost and throw to the wind
When it seems life is over your shoulder following down
When it seems nothing is working for your good in your favour

God is there
Let me remind of who God is
He is the image of the invincible God
He is the I am that I am
The father and mother to the orphans
Erujeje the awesome God of all flesh

His promises is ever true so sure
His worlds never fall to the ground
His ever abiding presence is always there for those who call on Him
His everlasting arms carry us when we are too weak to walk
God is there always right by your side

You cannot give up yourself
When God hasn’t please don’t place a period where God hasn’t place a full stop
Is never too late He come around when least will expect
Who is there God’s there always right by your side
So my friend God is there He hasn’t given up on you

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


As another election is around the corner
As the campaign date has been kick off
As everyone is talking discussing
Trying to weigh each candidate
Coming forward for political offices

As party faithful troops
To the various printing press across the nation
As sponsors are busy printing that posters and handbills
To proclaim and publicize their various candidate

The high ways are wearing a new look
The air is filled with unusual feelings
The ways of our cities are not left out in these feelings
Billboard are erected here and there from the cities to the highways
Something is coming to town

Election is at the corner
Every hands, mind and brain is getting busy
Busy with these strategies that tactics
In carving out a masterpiece for each campaign jingle
But they all fail to ask the question

What happen to the defaced walls?
After the aftermath of the election
Who cleans up this mess here and there?
On these walls, billboard constituting nuisance
The agency has now become mute

All just because of these ones (Politicians)
Who are too hot to touch
And no one is talking about the defaced wall
On which all their posters are bean paste
So beautiful captivating walls turn into nuisance unkempt

Someone should be talking
Someone should be asking questions
What happen after elections?
Who are accountable to clean the mess?
Wrought by politicians and their political parties
What happen to the defaced wall?

From Dusk to Dawn

It has been so great and so faithful

So great in the greatness of God
His loving kindness over His own
His faithfulness cometh alive every morning
The everlasting God

The one who fight my battle
The Erujeje what an awesome one
The everlasting God
The one who never gives up on me
Oh what a wonder a wonder you are

From generation to generation
From the rising of the sun you never failed
From the air that I breadth and every beat of my life
From the moment I was form in my nother’s womb
From the going down of the sun

The everlasting God
Has been watching over me and still watching
He got the whole world in the palm of His hands
My going out and coming in He knows
Of a truth His God and great God He is


CourageIs never the heartaches
Emotional betrayal
The one who give up on you
At your slightest moment
When you never entertain the thought

Life throws at us all sorts
Will go through challenges
The project us into a near death experience
As some experience shape our life for good or bad

Some changes us forever
Leaving on us scars
That wont be erase for a long lift time
While will sojourn here on heart
Will look as an onlooker

As will go through life
The marks and scars of life unfair dealings
Lives inside us all tend to carry on with it
Not what breaks you that matters
But what you do with what breaks really matters

Fine you been through the phase
Of bitterness, resentment and rejection
Betray that crushes your heart intwain
And you feel to end it all taken your life
Is time to get up and move

Forget the love one who left you
Forget the unfair treatment meant to you
Forget the hurtful words from mere mortals
Forget it all and move out to a new dawn of a new you

Is not what breaks you that matters
But what you do with what breaks that matters most
Tomorrow is beautiful be you and do you
Let it go whole heartedly and believe again
Not what breaks