Monday, June 29, 2020


Your uniqueness is what separate
You from the pack but you have
Entertain fear for too long it takes courage to do that
Your life line is the joy that comes in the morning
It takes courage to do all that

You got to have the courage
But wait oh do you have the courage
The chase your dream in becoming
The total you in all areas of your life
It takes courage to follow our heart

To act outwardly to what you see inwardly
Do you have the courage?
Or will you die a dreamer
On the verged or on the edge of life
In the line of duty it takes courage to do that

It takes courage to be successful
It is far easier not to be successful
Misery will always have company
Success breeds contempt
If you don’t want to make waves be mediocre

Be normal and fit in to what society wants you to be
And if you’re more concern about people
Then God will neutralize everything he puts within you
Just fit in like everyone else dress like them, act like them
And walk like them then go where they go

It takes courage to be different
And to go where you never gone before
It takes courage to get you outside the box
It takes courage to win life’s battle
The world don’t talk about people who don’t win

Do you have the courage to stand there
While the storms keeps ranges and the people get to talk
And you stand not to turn around because you come thus far
Do you have the courage?

It takes courage to be exceptional
It takes courage to be wise
It takes courage to be rich
It takes courage to be entertainer
It takes courage to be knowledgeable
Because the moment you realize this all the better for you
It takes courage to be different in this TV reality world we live in today

It takes courage to say
After all have been through
And all my ancestors have been through
I don’t come to fit in to the long old status quo
It takes courage to go after my dream in life

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