Friday, October 30, 2020


What does it mean to finish strong?
It means that you will come to the end
Of your life with a strong and close
Relationship to Christ
Finishing strong

It means that unless God
Has taken your wife ahead of you
You will be married to the same woman
That you are today
What it takes to finish strong

It means that you are a man
Who is in the Scripture and living the Scripture
It means that you are a man
Who has fought some battles for kingdom
And has the scars to prove it

To finish strong means
That you are leaving your children
And grandchildren the priceless
Heritage of a godly life
To do that take vision

Especially if you’re in your twenties or thirties
Few men have the vision at that age
To look forty years into the future and
Think about how they want to finish
What it takes to finish strong

It takes finish to do it
When you’re in your forties and fifties
For that’s when so many guys get sloppy spiritually
And put it all on cruise control
Oh they’ll finish all right but they won’t finish strong

It takes vision in your sixties and seventies
To realize that those little grandchildren
Are the leaders of a future generation
And it takes vision to spend time with them
Instead of cursing the country six month out of the year


A young man who was having a significant
Ministry in a small English village many years ago
People were coming from miles around
To hear him teach the Scriptures
In his midtwenties he had a voracious appetite

For not only teaching the scriptures
But knowing them as well
He was making an impact in the village
And he surrounding area
Until the charges were made

A young woman came forward and claimed
That he had tried to force himself upon her sexually
The world spread like wildfire across the countryside
He was finished the sentiments of the people
Were with the young girl

His reputation was in shambles
And it was all a lie it simply never happened
The young man struggled deeply with the betrayal
Of the young man whom he had legitimately tried to help
But she had turned on him and was in the process
Of ruining his ministry for life

He thought he would never recover
How could he ever minister again
Anywhere with such charges against him
Bitterness just about overwhelmed him
The betrayal was too much

He couldn’t bear it and he couldn’t undo it
But with God’s help he refused to allow that bitterness
To take root in his heart
God enabled him to conquer the bitterness
Just as Joseph had conquered it

The falsely accused young man
Thought that he would never again be used by God
But there are millions of people
Who can vouch for the fact that Oswald Chambers
Was greatly used of God before it was all over

Oswald Chambers struggled
With betrayal and bitterness and finished strong
Joseph struggled with betrayal and bitterness
But he finished strong a young man challenge
Finishing strong

Perhaps you are struggling with betrayal and bitterness
You’re currently in good company, aren’t you?
For you have the same God that they trusted in
And if you will let Him
He will give you the same perspective
That he gave to both of them
You too will finish strong

Take the lance of the Word of God
And drive through it the very heart
Of that bitterness pin that thing to the ground
And get on with the race
The sooner you get on with it
The sooner you will discover
The blessings that God has for you

Trust me…
They are beyond anything you could ever
Ask, dream or imagine
And when you finally run into them
They’ll take your breath away…just ask Joseph


You remember John Colter?
He was stripped of everything
But in spite of that he still finished strong
I’ve got a question for you
Was Colter really stripped of everything

The answer is NO!
Colter was stripped of his clothes but not his courage
Colter was stripped of his weapons but not of his will
Colter was stripped of his provisions but not his purpose
Colter was stripped of his comforts but not his composure

That’s he reminds me of Joseph
Joseph was stripped of his coat but not his character
Joseph was stripped of his family but not his future
Joseph was stripped of his position but not of his purity
Joseph was stripped of his accomplishments but not of his attitude

No wonder Joseph finished strong
John Colter really does remind me of Joseph
But the more I look at Joseph
The more he reminds me of Jesus
Joseph and Jesus had a lot in common

Joseph was rejected by his brothers, so was Jesus
Joseph was loved by his father, so was Jesus
Joseph was victorious over temptation, so was Jesus
Joseph was taken into custody because of a false witness so was Jesus
Joseph suffered for doing what was right, so did Jesus
Joseph was promoted from prison to rule the nation, Jesus was
Promoted from prison of death to rule the nations

Jesus finished strong
Some guys may be thinking
Of course He finished strong He’s God
That’s true He is God and you would expect
God to finish strong but you don’t have to be God to finish strong

You just have to depend on God
That’s actually what Jesus did when he was on earth
And once again Joseph and Jesus have something in common
Whom are you depending on
You can still finish strong no matter the lousy start


Some of you deep down inside your hearts
Think that you have already disqualified
Yourself from finishing strong
Maybe you’ve communicate adultery
And left your wife for some other woman

Maybe you’ve neglected your kids
To the point that they don’t even
Want to talk you maybe you’re reading
This in a prison cell and you’re honest
Enough to admit that you deserve to be there

Or maybe you came to Christ later in life
And simply feel that you’ve wasted too many years
And lost too much ground in other words
You think that you’ve already messed up your life
So badly that you have no shot at ever finishing strong

If that’s what you’re thinking
Than hang in there with me
We learnt a lot of good stuff in Sunday school
Maybe you did too I learnt about Daniel
In the lions’ den also about the Hebrew kids

They never told me about Manasseh
Manasseh was a man Sunday school teachers
Seems to avoid frankly he’s not the kind guy
You want the kids to know about
That’s probably why his name never came up

Manasseh fits in with guys like
Attila the Hun, Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin and Saddam Hussein
I mean this guys are bad news real bad news
If you crossed Manasseh you paid big time
Lousy start strong finishing

This guy came out of a godly home
With an ungodly heatred for God
In Manasseh we see a man who ran
What may have been the wickedest, bloodiest
And rebellion race a man could ever run

But much later in life
Manasseh changed direction by 180 degrees
And amazingly he finished strong
Now to you my friend you would have
A lousy start but you can finish strong at the end

It does…it really does
If it doesn’t we’re all out of business
I don’t care who you are or what you have done
Or how evil you been
If God could forgive Manasseh He can forgive you
There is still redemption for the soul undone


You remember King David
And you probably remember his son Solomon
When Solomon died, the nation of Israel
Split into two kingdoms they had a civil war
As America did in the 1800s

They ended up with a northern kingdom
Called Israel and a southern kingdom
Called Judah Uzziah was the tenth guy on the throne
In Judah after Solomon His father had been
King for six years and he elevated 
His teenage son to serve with him

Uzziah had a long race and he was great
Out of the blocks he had a fine start at
His business of manhood and kinghood
Scripture had the record that he did
All that was right in the sight of God

Here’s a young man who had a heart for God
Early on in life He sought God
He wanted a relationship with God
He talked to the Lord and did his best
To live a life pleasing to the Lord

We all know that teenage years are
Difficult years because of incredibly
Intense peer pressure as teenage kids
We are pressured and encourage
To do what everybody else is doing
Even if it violates the moral we learned at home

But young Uzziah hung in there
He got off on the right foot and had his
Priorities set correctly from day one
He was a very fortunate young man
Today he would have been a leader

In church high school group
He would have been sharing his faith
He would have been involved in discipleship
Uzziah was excited and energized by the God
Of his father, what incredible potential 
This teenage possessed!

Quick Questions for you…
Do you remember guys in your high school
Who seemed to have limitless potentials?
Where were those guys by your ten-year reunion?
I’ve talked to guys who came back from twenty years
Reunions just shaking their heads
But something else surprised me too

A few of the biggest nerds in the class
Who couldn’t seem to relate to anybody
Are millionaires now
Uzziah accomplished a great deal
Enough for two or three lifetimes

He began to spend more time
And attention on the external rather
Than the eternal his heart was lifted
He began to gave his relationship
With God lower and lower priority

He had been marvelously helped
To become all he had become and do
All he had done but he began to forjet
Just who helped him an emptiness began
To fall across his life..he lost it all forgotten his roots


It’s amazing how many Christian guys
Have more than one wife
Does that surprise you? It shouldn’t
Unfortunately it happens all the time

It’s not common to meet a Christian man
Who is polygamous his first wife is Sarah
His second wife is pornography
His third soft porn movies when he’s traveling
And his fourth is calling sexually explicit 900 numbers

We don’t think of those activities
As other wives but that’s what they are
Kings would collect wives like toys
And it’s still happening thousand years later
Are there any other wives in your life?

You see, David couldn’t buy a pornography magazine
Or watch late night, soft porn movie on HBO or showtime
So in order to get some sexual kicks he would marry another wife
That was David’s centerfold today you don’t have to marry
Another woman to get illicit trills

These other women are waiting
In full colour magazine, in videos and on cable
You can even download them off internet
So once I pose the question
Are you a polygamist?

Maybe you’ve never thought
That pornography makes you
A many-wived man but it does
And there’s one more thing about these other wives
Just like David’s multiple wives

These wives of the 1990s also bear children
If you marry the other wife of pornography
She will bear you a child by the name of Shame
If you marry the other wife of HBO soft porn movies
She will bear you the child of Guilt
If you marry the other wife of prostitution
She will bear you the child of Humiliation

If you don’t believe that then take a hard look
At the disgraced evangelist of the ‘80s
My friend you don’t need another wife
And you don’t need any more children
At least not those kinds of children
But if you don’t put away these other wives now
Then you should know that you are on the exact
Course that both Titanic and David charted

Sin will take you farther than you wanted to go
Sin will keep you longer than you wanted to stay
Sin will cost you more than you wanted to pay


Keep your distance from other women
I’m not saying that you become rude to women
Or stand-offish I’m not saying that you gain
A reputation for been discourteous
Disrespectful, cold, or abrupt

What I am saying is that we keep
An apporpirate distance in our relationship
With the women with whom we work and associate
You don’t need to be weird or act strange
You don’t need to make anyone uncomfortable

But both the women that you work with
And your wife will intuitively know
Your behavior and actions that here
Is a man who is clean and pure in relationships
Will all women here’s a man willing to go the extra mile
In commitment to his wife

We must keep our distance emotionally
We must keep our distance physically
And if we do that we’ll be just fine
One of the reasons the vast majority
Of guys don’t finish strong can be found right here

Why don’t they finish strong?
Because the enemy takes them out
Satan’s all-time Numero Uno
Time proven tactics for snaring men
And keeping them from finish strong

Is sexual immorality
And the statics prove it
Sexual temptation is the number one issues
In the lives of most men and I think it’s primary
Way that the enemy picks off Christian men

If you want to finish strong
There is one non-negotiable trait
That you must embrace in your life
Regarding sexual temptation
And that trait is gut level honest


Twenty four characteristics of a godly man
I like to think of these as twenty four stabilizing nails
That you can hammer into the character of your life

A man of knowledge…A man moved by faith
A man fired by love…A man like God
A man careful about the worship of God
A man who serves God, not men
A man who prizes Christ…A man who weeps
A man who loves the Word
A man how has the Spirit of God residing in him
A man of humility…A man of prayer
A man of sincerity…A heavenly man
A zealous man…A patient man
A thankful man…A man who loves the saints
A man who does not indulge himself in any sin
A man who is good in his relationships
A man who does spiritual things in a spiritual manner
A man thoroughly trained in religion
A man who walks with God
A man who strives to be 
An instrument for making others godly

Guys who finish strong are stayed on Jehovah
And guys who stayed on Jehovah 
Consistently do four things
They stay in…the Scripture
They stay close…to a friend
They stay away…from other women
They stay alert…to the tactics of the enemy

There is no time to be sedatives
This is the time to stay alert!
Too many men who have started well
Have failed to finish strong
History is strewn with the wreckage of their lives

God gave us men a time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands
Men whom the lust of office does not kill
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy
Men who posses opinions and a will
Men who love honor men who will not lie


Often said over time and time again
That life begins at forty
You can slice that any way you want
But it always come out middle age
Like it or not forty-five is in the middle of aging

It’s an appropriate exercise for a man
Who finds himself at middle age or mid-life
To evaluate how he’s doing now
That he’s reached halfway point of journey
Not only is it good to evaluate the years
You’ve already lived but is very wise to consider
How you want to spend the rest of your life

A mission statement is a document a person
Writes that sums up his or her personal philosophy or creed
A personal mission statement should
Articulate the values that represent a person
Here is someone mission statement

Succeed at home first
Never compromise with honesty
Hear both sides before judging
Obtain the counsel of others
Defend those who are absent
Develop one new proficiency a year
Plan tomorrow’s work today
Maintain a positive attitude
Keep a sense of humor
Be orderly in person and in work
Listen twice as much as you speak
Concentrate all abilities and efforts 
On task at hand not worrying

Here is another person mission statement
Just in three words – Don’t Screw Up –
Men screw up all the time 
But this person goal is not to screw up
I don’t want to screw up my marriage
I don’t want to screw up my relationship with my kids
I don’t want to screw up my integrity

One day in the future there will be a funeral
My funeral after the funeral they’ll get in their black limos
And head for the cemetery 
Where a brief graveside service will be conducted
Then everyone will head to the house 
And have some food as they are at home 
Have some food the worker will dump dirt
On the casket it is common to have words on the marker

Have you ever given any thought to what you’d like
To have inscribed on your grave marker? Wait!
Let me show you what some would like 
To have on his own marker

And here it is
Okoh C Paul 
Born: 1984 
Died: _______
He Didn’t Screw Up


Who said anything about ambushes?
The bottom line in determining
How a man will finish centers
Around getting through the ambushes
The ambushes

To finish strong means that you
Survived the ambushes
Getting through the ambushes
Is what separate men from the boys
The ambushes

And the guys who get through
The ambushes are generally the guys
Who anticipate the ambushes
We can expect to encounter at least
Three major ambushes 
As we attempt to finish strong

They are
The ambush of another woman
The ambush of money
The ambush of neglected family
Think through some men in the Scripture
Who should have finished strong but couldn’t

The enemy has been 
Using these three ambushes
To keep God’s men from finishing strong
For thousands of years 
Let’s take a little closer to each one 
The ambush of another woman 

Risk is also the critical issue
In determining whether or not 
You will survive the ambush 
Of another woman

The ambush of money
For the love of money 
Is the root of all evil
Remember Ananias and Sapphire 
Had such love for money 

They both had what could
Be called a premature finish
The ambush of neglected family
A minister once asked a question
Whats your greatest fear 

About going into ministry
The said minister did not hesitate 
To answer and here his is reply
Being successful in ministry 
And losing my family


The first is Cut Off Early
Means they were taken out of leadership
Assassinations, killed in battle
Prophetically denounced, overthrown
Typical examples of those cut off early include

Abimelech, Samson, Absalom, Ahab
Josiah, John the Baptist and James
Some of these men where good leaders
But most of them were bad
Do you personally know people
Who have been cut off early? If you do
There is a tragic story that explains their finish

The second is Finished Poorly
Means they were going down hill
In the latter part of their lives
This might mean in term of personal relationship with God
Or in terms of competency…or both
Some who…are typical examples of finish poorly

Include Gideon, Eli, Saul and Solomon
In other words these guys were barely to crawl
Across the finish line either that
Or they were carried
This is what we want to avoid, gentlemen

The Third is Finished so-so
Mean they did not do what they could have done
Or should have done
They did not complete what God had for them to do
This might mean that there were some negative ramifications
From their past which lingered on even though

They were walking with God personally
At the end of their live some example of finishing so-so
Would be David, Jehosophat and Hezekiah
These were pretty good guys 
After all David was a man after God’s heart

The Fourth is Finished Well
Means that they were walking with God personally
At the end of their lives they were strong
In their faith and close to the Lord
Men who finished well Abraham, Job, Joseph
Joshua, Caleb, Samuel, Elijah, Jeremiah, Daniel
John, Paul and Peter this is where we want to be

Now here’s the big-time question
All of these leaders were gifted
And all had very impressive strength
So how come they all didn’t finish strong?
The answer is this 

They all didn’t finish strong
Because they didn’t survive
The ambushes…


By the way where is the finish line?
Well it difficult for each one of us
The finish line that I have in mind
Is when we go be with the Lord
You might have forty years 
Before you die or six months

That’s the interesting thing about this race
No one knows where the finish line is
And that makes this race just much tougher
Runners will tell you that they want to know
Where the finish line is

It doesn’t matter if they’re running
One hundred yards or a marathon
They must know where the finish line is 
They block out everything else and concentrate 
And then they get that finish line in sight
Fully and completely on the tape

That concentration on the finish line 
That keeping their eye on the mark
That’s what enable them to blot out
The pain and exhaustion and finish strong
Where is the finish line?

Those men have their backs to the finish line
So how can they possibly finish strong?
How do they pace themselves
And how do they know when to sprint?
If they can’t see the finish line and focus upon it
Then how in the world 
Can they row an effective race?

We don’t finish strong
By focusing on the finish line
Because we don’t know where
The finish line is
We finish strong by fixing our eyes on Jesus


Don’t paint it in terms of some
He-man effort in the flesh
Because we all know that won’t cut it
Strong men fall 
Weak men find their strength in another don’t fall
How can I make sure that I’m the one in ten?

My only caution
We won’t be the one in ten
Because of our own strength or wisdom
Or courage or perseverance or any other human quality
If we finish strong it will only be because

We have tapped into ultimate strength
Limitless wisdom, the fount of courage
The sources of perseverance
He will get us across the finish line
The very gates of hell cannot make us stumble

Unless we choose to remove ourselves
From his protection and power
I’d like to see a little hope and encouragement
Here and that we can indeed be one
Of the one in ten guys who finish strong

And that’s because
His divine power
Has given us everything we need
For life and godliness
My only caution

Men who don’t hit the finish line strong
Have chosen to remove themselves
From the Lord’s protection and power
That concentration on the finish line
That keeping their eye on the mark
That’s what enables them to blot out
The pain and exhaustion and finish strong


It is not for everyone
Because it is not easy
I admit to you that it is hard
But there is another way
That is much harder

The Scriptures say that
The way of the transgressor is hard
If you are interested in what
Eugene Peterson call
A long obedience in the same direction

If you are interested in being
The one out of ten
If you are interested in being
The man who is the exception to the rule
Read on

Quietly frankly if you’ve gotten this far
And you’re still reading then you are exception
Too many guys are willing to do just enough to get by
Too many guys are ready to bail out of the race
At the first twinge of sideache

Is your marriage on rough water right now? Don’t quit
Is that secretary who is craving more of your attention
Starting to look more and more attractive? Don’t even think about it
Have you gone so long without apparently seeing God
Say yes to one of your prayers that you’re about ready to chuck
This Christian thing that would be a serious mistake
The enemy would like to sucker us into thinking
That the easy way is the best way but it never is
I have been giving a tremendous amount of thought
A punch in the stomach but there is also a challenge
And I think most men likes challenge

Will I be the one in ten?
How can I make sure
That I’m the one in ten?
Except you trust in God that when it can happen
And you will see is no longer tough to finish strong


The plight of the Titanic may be
The most famous shipwreck in all history
The sin of David with Bathsheba
May be the most famous moral shipwreck
In all of history

And they have something extremely
Significant in common
On April 10, 1912 the ship Titanic embarked
On her median cruise from Southampton to New York
A titanic mistake

The ship was so carefully structured and engineered
That it was billed as the ship that God couldn’t sink
She was four city blocks long and carried the most
Up-to-date safety devices she featured a French sidewalk
Café and luxurious suites but she carried only
Twenty lifeboats for the 2200 passengers on board

But the Titanic shipwrecked days
Before she ever hits the iceberg
How could the greatest ocean linear
Ever built shipwreck hours before she hit the iceberg
The Titanic sealed her own fate because she failed
To heed the repeated warnings of imminent danger

In actually the Titanic shipwrecked before
It ever hit that iceberg and so did David
David shipwrecked, morally years before
He ever saw Bathsheba stepping into the bathwater
David a Titanic mistake

David set the course for his own shipwreck
The moment he married a second wife
Then he married a third by that time he was on a roll
And he married a fourth followed by a fifth
By the time he was thirty he had six wives

David was a polygamist
God’s plan for David was that
He be a one-woman kind of man
But David wanted to be a many-wives kind of man
And by doing so he engineered his own personal shipwreck
Just as titanic failed to heed the six warnings
So David failed to head at least six warnings
Every time he considered taking additional wife
I firmly believe the Holy Spirit would send a telegram
To his conscience and adjust as the Titanic ignored the warning
So did David… David a Titanic mistake

Do you know the greatest tragedy of both shipwrecks?
Both of them could have been easily avoided
But they weren’t and the world would continue
To speak of both for centuries to come
David a Titanic mistake

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Converge for the days at that hallow spot
Just to press demand of the old
Ways and manner of the look
Of the nation in which they occupied
All in the name of mumu don do

Carried all sorts of placard
With their message written boldly on it
To channel their intention home
United as one indivisible force
For the government of the day to hear them out

After days of prolong silence
They were notice and attention
Starts building up the protest
Was taking both to the 
Online and offline community
But within the government 
Had an hidden agenda

After a well planned hidden agenda
Little did they know 
That they’ve messed up
Yes they messed up w
The wrong set of people this time
Because as they are busy 
Planning with an deadly motive
Their agenda licked out and information gone out

To this young protestant
To get ready for their hidden deadly agenda
These young energetic minds got into action
Waiting for them to unleash their plan
Asked to carry the national flag 
Recite the national anthem

The men in black and camouflage
Arrive the scene of the protest
And there goes an open fire
Towards an unarmed citizens
Who sent this men who gave the orders

That question is left unanswered
Till now after clocking seven days
Seven days where the life of this innocent
Unarmed citizen was wasted
And their blood painted 
The whole landscape of this nation

And no wants to take 
The responsibility of sending 
This set of people to shot 
And open fire 
what kind of country are we living?
Where uniform personnel 
Do anything at will
And get away with it 
Because they are seen
As untouchable being 
To what end is all of these

Yet no one has found 
Who champion these set of being
To shoot careless into the midst of 
This young minds fighting 
For a better tomorrow for the country
And for the generation unborn 
Yet we’ve got no answer
Who gave the order? 
Am asking myself 
And am asking you yes you

Will need to find that one man
That gave these troops of soldiers 
The order to shoot
Will are coming for you because 
You got some questions to answer
To who gave the order? Mumu don do

Monday, October 26, 2020


Signs of the time are everywhere
There is a brand new feeling in the air
Lift up your head the eastern sky
For redemption draweth near
Watch we are living in the last days

The world is giving into changes
Theories of men are falling
Constitution and custom are giving into changes
Knowledge is increasing every now and then
We are living in the most critical times

And the heart of men are falling them
Innovations are building up
Men are inventing new sophiscated machines
Chasing this chasing that watch
The handwriting is on the wall

Prepare ye the way make straight
The path and prepare to meet thy God
Get the lamp ready for the marriage supper of the lamp
Hear the chant and call groom is calling
His coming for his bride spotless and ready
Prepared to meet him

So many things are happening
The church now resembles the world
Where she exists watch the signs are here
The love of God is waxing cold
The cares of this world is eaten away the Word
Watch we are living in the last days

So many people are been deceive
So many people are drifting away
So many people are shaking
So many has lost the hope of the return of the son
Watch we are living in the last days

The time has come to sound the alarm
Watch don’t get carried so you wont miss
When the master returns
It may happen very fast in the blinking of an eye
The trumpet shall sound we shall be change


Someday we die and our body
We be lied to dust
Our souls we move
From this space called earth
We shall be changed

Our body won’t live forever
But our soul we live on forever
Either in eternal joy and happiness
Or eternal pain and suffering
We shall be change

You take time to nourish your body
With that food some of us go for dieting
Get nice exceptional body cream for the body
To adorn it to always keep it glows
But we forget to prepare our soul

For the journey ahead of us
We take so much time getting busy
Laboring for what the body we eat
But leaving the soul so malnourished
While chasing after the superfluity of life

The body we die and it will change
From mortality to immortality
Fading away like the stars of the morning
Losing it essence and light in the glorious sun
Thus we be pass from this earth and its toiling

Only our decision we made today
Will determine where we land
When the earth’s toiling is passed
From mortality to immortality
Right in our own eyes just at the blink

One day 
Will all we leave this world
In two ways by death or by rapture
Remember is just 
One destination per one soul
Your decision today will determine where you shall
You either change from mortality to immortality in heaven or hell
The choice is your will you die as fool or wise person

Sunday, October 25, 2020


Choose to run not to faint
Choose to swim not to sink
Choose to remain focus
Choose to be you in the midst of fake
Choose to stay safe

Choose to take the risk
Choose to be real in all
Choose to trusted
Choose to be reliable
Choose to remain safe

Choose to chase the dream
Choose to work on the goal
Choose to be result oriented
Choose to walk the work
Choose to stay awake

Choose to be watchful
Choose to be attentive
Choose to never give up
Choose to not despair
Choose to be determine

Choose to go through the process
Choose to not chicken out
Choose to go the distance
Choose to swim to the finish line…the shore
Choose to stay safe

Choose to be on the guide
Choose to be loving and compassionate
Choose to race the course to finishline
Choose just choose to be chosen
Choose to stand out

Choose not to be an onlooker
Choose to be different others may I cannot
Choose to be realistic in unrealistic world
Choose to be all you can be for your humanity and yourself
Choose to build and leave a legacy…footprints on sands of time

Saturday, October 24, 2020


We have been on this spot for long
Chasing this and chasing that
In fight for the hope of tomorrow
As the chant is far across the land
If tomorrow never comes but the voice lingers

The heart cries transcend cities
Every high ways is welcomed
With the chant of emancipation
We are tire withered of all this shit
We’ve sat down so long on this seat

Yet we speak two voices re-echoes
Behind our eyes our ears are not deaf
So intune like a high antenna stretched forth
Cutting across borders two voice
That voice to birth freedom of today for tomorrow

The time is now to sing in unionism
With one voice one song for one course
As each hand is on deck we’re not backing out
And this time around no backing down
We are ready fully equipped with the necessary gadgets

To birth the revolution we need to birth the dream
That will see both the born and unborn
To free the mind of the unfreed mindset
We stand as one in chasing a common goal
Recreating our world making better for now and tomorrow

Two voices saying the same
Cut across board far a distance land
Saying one thing in different places
But in one song unionism
Two voices, one song

We come in one unifying group
Define all circumstances
We stage the song
Write the lyrics chose the duet
Appoints conductor for change
Two voices, one song

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


You may get behind in the game
And it may look as if
You don’t have a choice to win
But it’s not over till it’s over
Cave in or quit

Even if you lose a game or two
It’s still not over when you quit
Be independent no room for self pity
When you connect to your vision and purpose
You’ll cover a drive and power

That you never would have thought possible
And when you share a vision and purpose
With your team, your company or family
You will be connected at the deepest level
And together there will be no mountain
You can’t climb


You create a vision
And goals to attain it
You acquire the skills and elicit
The help you need to execute successfully
You put on your uniform so you can play well

You develop a regimen
Which become a discipline
You build a strong offense
And you’re putting points on board
You seem to be moving quickly
Toward attaining your vision

Then suddenly out of nowhere
A pass is intercepted or you fumble
The ball it is now time for your
Defense to take the field
Build up a strong and flexible defense

There are times when life will score against you
And you will need a strong defense to fight
The challenge that come your way
A very strong absorber that will bounce you back
After several breaks down

Defense helps you with a down economy
Defense helps you deal with a job loss
Defense helps you when illness strikes
Or hurricane ravages your home
Or a relationship is broken

Defense helps you block and tackle
Against the negativity that will attempt
To invade your mind and heart
Build up a strong and flexible defense
To keep life going

Your defense had better be flexible
Because you don’t know what life is going
To throws at you
Life’s like that you’re following your game plan
And then people, place and circumstances over which
You have no control throw your game off


If you want to fulfill your vision
You must discipline yourself
To do what it takes
You must create a regimen
That will lead you to your vision
For your life

A regimen consists of the things
You do every day whether you feel
Like doing them or not
Discipline occurs when you make
A mental decision to do the things
You have to do even if they’re not
What you want to do

If you are going to acquire
The discipline to accomplish
Both personal and professional success
Your have-to’s must become your want-to’s

It’s not easy
You will have to postpone
Today’s pleasure for tomorrow’s vision
But if you persist your results
Will reflect your decision

One day you will realize
That your regimen has become a discipline
It’s automatic
That’s when you will truly tap
Into your potential and turn
Your vision into reality


Imagine that attaining your vision
Is like playing in a football game
You know that your ultimate vision
Is to be victorious at the end of four quarters
You will have plays and drive goals to accomplish
So that you can attain your vision

The last thing you must do
Before you go out onto the field
Is to suit up you must put on certain
Protective pieces of clothing so you can play hard
Take hits during the game and still be victorious

In life you must put on different
Kinds of protective equipment
To ensure that you will stay strong
No matter what the challenges
Put on the uniform every day

Every day you must wear helmet
Of a new and positive mind set
Just as a coach gives the team a pep talk
Before going out on the field
You need to give yourself a pregame speech
Before you go out in life

You can choose which voices
You listen to in your life
And keep only the ones that
Offers constructive input
Focus on the reason why you can fulfill purpose

Sometimes we need to listen to things
That may seem negative in the moment
But are designed to help us become
Better and keep us on track
Put on the uniform everyday

You are in charge of what input
You allow and what you do with
The input you receive
You always have a choice to create positive
Constructive meanings from the experience and advice life offers you


When you come up with your goals and actions
You may find that you need to add resources
Or skills to accomplish them
After all goals and visions are designed
To stretch us beyond our current capacity

So it’s possible that you’ll need some help
Very few of us do things alone
We don’t have to invent the wheel
Every time we want to take a trip
To the grocery store

I believe in learning from the best
And getting the best coaching possible
When it comes to pursuing the vision for your life
Sometimes coaching comes from people
Who held in high esteem and from practical advice

When you are working towards
A specific goal I suggest you create
Your own playbook by gathering wisdom
From trusted sources and from people
Who have already successful navigated
The path you are on

There is nothing new on the face of the earth
Something has be written about whatever it is
You are trying to accomplish
Follow that strategies that have worked for others
Customizing them to your specific circumstance

Connect with people who are where you want to be
Study under them learn from the best
And remember that your best guidance
Often comes from keeping firmly
Connected to your purpose


When you and your team posses
A strong vision and purpose
You will turn out onto the field
Of life ready to play and to give
Your all in pursuit of your goals

Sometimes you’ll cruise down
The field and score easily
But more often the game will be
Hard fought and will take all
Your energy and resources

In some ways that’s good
Because the best way for us
To learn and grow is to strive
Against a worthy opponent

If David hadn’t come face to face
With Goliath he’d probably have
Ended his days as a shepherd somewhere
In the middle of Judea

But when we pursue our vision and purpose
Usually we will have to use all
Of ourselves and then some to achieve success
I do believe there are five secrets
Of turning vision and purpose into reality


As a leader you must keep
Your team inspired by purpose
And vision for the long term
That means you must be not only
A leader but a coach

Leaders communicate purpose and vision
But coaches show us how we can
Turn vision into reality
A great coach leads from the front
From the rear, from the side

Wherever he or she can be serve
The players and the vision
Great coaches help us keep going
To achieve even the most out of reach vision
Learning to coach others

Whether in sports, at home or in business
Part of a coach’s job is to create the vision
And then get others to believe
That vision is possible
Learning to coach others

Great coaches are great listeners
They’re also willing to let their players
Shine while they lead from the sidelines
More important they’re dedicated to doing
Whatever it takes to help the team grow
As a great coach and leader

Your team will run off the field saying
We did it! not coach did it and you’ll
Have the enormous satisfaction
Of having helped an entire team fulfill
Its vision and purpose long with your own

Monday, October 19, 2020


The only things that can create
A team and hold it together
Are vision and purpose
The company you work for
Has a vision or mission statement

Maybe you are involved in
A community service group
Or the PTA of your wards school
Each of these organization has a vision
That drives these organization

You might have a vision of what
You want your family to be
We all have individual visions
Whether they relate to personal
Or professional aspirations

People work for a cause
Not just for a living
There is some thing about belonging
To a group with shared vision
And shared values that inspires greatness

A shared purpose and vision
That generate passion are
The surest connective glue
Your team and business can have

If you want to build success through people
And performance your vision and purpose
Had better be strong
When you are a member of a team
How you fulfill your role
Will determine the success or failure
Of the team vision

And when teams work together
As a team when teams work together
Toward their shared vision and purpose
Attaining goals becomes far easier and success is assured


The lies that binds us
The truth that hurts us
The fake pretense that blur our eyesight
The long sologan that get us accustomed to
The lost faith killed by corrupt practices

Mumu don do
We cannot continue to go on this way
There comes a time we need to seek a way
Out of all these for so long we’ve been on the spot
No moving forward yet administration comes and go

For so long
We have lived with the lies of the heart
From the one who who entrust our trust
In the mantle of leadership to but in return
Ruining the whole process of creating a better state

For ages and decades
We been their slave living in suffering and smiling
Not knowing what to do with our life
As our lives hangs around this so called
Aged long deception but today

The veils has dropped off from our eyes
We can see the light of the whole issues
At the other end of the tunnel of truthfulness
Mumu no longer found in our vain
As mumu don do this is it the height of it

We are taking our future
From the ones we’ve entrusted our future
For these donkey years on same spot
We are ready we are to fight it to finish
Cos mumu don do

Eyes don clear
Sense don wake up
Enough is enough
We ready to take on the future
Mumu don do


Word has gone out thousands time
Transcending the whole landscape
Each one as one re-echoes the chant
The chant of a new world for this nation
We’ve spoken for long enough

There comes a time when silence
Becomes a betray the government of the day
Has cast deaf ear to our biddings for long
We have reached a deadline crossed the rubicon
And there is no taken a French leaf from all these

We aren’t backing down
We cannot take a French leaf now
As each day comes breaking
Tomorrow is what we have for the future
Today is what we have 
To make out a better future 

Words have gone out 
Through every possible medium
From the music rushing 
To spoken word online and offline
Audio and visuals aren’t let out 

In all of these but we see 
The prolong silence 
Here and there
Is killing us, overtaking us 
And breaking the ties

Oh we’ve run out of words 
But not words fail us
Enough is enough 
Of seating down and talking for long 

Mumu don do 
Is time to stand and act right
This work is not political initiated or minded
But a transcended kind 
To make the world a better place

Is time to put the words 
Of our national anthem into action
We must arise o compatriots
We have sang that song for so long
Now is the time to put it in motion
We’ve spoken for long enough

Now is the time to take the walk
Walking the long work to freedom
In bringing emancipation 
To the unfreed ones and mind
Mumu don do 

Enough is enough
We must arise and say No
Also stand our ground 
With our feet rooted deep 
Into the soul of our motherland

Friday, October 16, 2020


We stood when no refuses to stand
We walk through the hostile military men
Even with their fierce looking eyes ball
We raise our head up high walk through the formidable 
Midst we broke inbetween them peacefully

Inspite of the tightness of their elbow locked intwain
With courage in our heart we walk for change
We seek to right the wrong in history
We chase the wind against the wind
Forging ahead to fight the monster

Sounding the alarm so high
Against brutality from the men in black
That ought to protect the weak and the we in us
All hands are on deck as we march out in peaceful
Wholesome protest against the suffering in the land

As each heart pants and thirst for justice fairplay
We seek the change with all cost
As we’ve count the cost no turning back
We’ve burnt the bridge behind us
Unless Victoria we aren’t going to give up

Even though our life is placed on the line
We are ready to pay for today’s brutality
To secure a beautiful future void of brutal killings
Is time to end the menace meanted out by the men in black
To those who lend their voices

Thank you for standing by
Thank you for this march
Of a truth is a worthy march towards
Ravaging the storms that will hunts us all in the future
If we don’t place the right priority in place

We united by one voice
Driven by one creed
Chasing a common goal
In ravaging and creating a better future
Thank you of a truth generations you are never forgotten


It is a long walk
We stand when all refuse to stand
We stand against all ill-manner of treatment
As we all forge head long the march
We have to march the march to correct

When the heat is so high at crescendo
We stay long in the hit of the scorgeness of the sun
When they lay low we stood head up high
In the dark come rain come shine we were there
And still there the march of our life

There comes a time when silence
Becomes a betray there has been so much
Happening in our land
Endure so many ill-manners of treatment
As the age sologan e go better

For how long it we get better
If we keep on seating on the same
Pig hole for so long year in year out
And still on still things remain the same
The march

We march against ill-manner treatment meant out on us
We march against oppression and dehumanize treatment
We march against nepotism, tribalism and corruptions
We march against the frequent frauds perpetrated by the one in government
The march to freedom we must arise and say no to all these

We must act RIGHT and say NO
Act right to see a new society
Void of tyrant and dictator kind of leadership
Act right and march right to right all wrong in history
The march to chat new course for the coming generation behind

In the dark we march to beam light in our world
In the sun we march and stood tall even when our skin turns blacken
In the rain we march letting the rain to wash the stains of corruption off
In the snow we march never allowing the ice of corruption to erupt our heart
The march while don’t you march for peace, victory and emancipation


All across our land there is a chant
Not just a mere chant for praises
But a chant for redemption re-echoing
There is a thread that runs
Right through us all that helps us understand

Is a call from young minds
Who are ready to revoke the wind of emancipation
Not just a mere wind but a wind of change
That will cut across the length and breathe
Of this great nation

Everyone will catch this cold
The waves across the land
From the north to the south
The east and west are not left out
As each section of the state is clamoring for change

Not the change of the slogan
From a political affiliation
But an incorruptible change
Whose got a pure motive and no hidden agenda
To deliver the dividend of a real faultless spotless democracy

We all can be hero
We all can make it work
You can be hero so raise your voice in unionism
And chat a worthy course for the emancipation of this entity
There is a call is coming from the mountain 

To one and all who dares and care for change
As we march on from city to city
From pillar to post not leaving any road unthreaded
Fighting head long in peaceful co-existence

We’ve been long for so long on this spot
Mumu don do is time to arise of compatriots
Defend your fatherland to save your motherland
Never allow the labour of your hero’s past be in vain
We must arise to fan the flames and waves of change blowing around


Beautiful people beautiful mind
Spreading across all boards
Radiating the beauty of life
Beautify people beautify faces
This is the colour of tomorrow

Whose got the hope of so many
Across the land and sea you see it all
Painted the whole of the landscape
With the touch light of greater things to come
This is the colour of tomorrow

Today is what we have now
To be all we can be we just cannot seat
And watch things go this way or sway off that way
We must arise and seek this change
This is the colour of tomorrow

To have a beautiful view of tomorrow
We must prepared for such a view now
While it is now we must walk the work
Even it’s a long walk to emancipation
This colour of tomorrow must be well painted

That it beautification we radiate not this for now
But for the future to come long lasting legacy
For those coming and those already here
We must make sure in our bids to colour a beautiful piece
We must be prepared to make some sacrifice

Just as the painter carries out a beautiful
Piece of work of arts we must arrive
At a master piece at the end of the day
Looking back so assured that of a truth we did
Our best to paint the colour of tomorrow

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Don’t wait any more
Don’t think anymore
Don’t make any excuses anymore
Don’t rationalize anymore
Those ideas won’t execute itself

Take the risk
Leave the comfort zone
Go the distance
No backing off anymore
No compliance you have to take action now

No dreaming dream is over
I need specific, what are you doing?
What are you doing on Monday and Tuesday?
What are you doing on Wednesday and Thursday?
What are you doing on Friday and Saturday then Sunday?

I need you to be specific
Is time to put things together of your hustle
Time is running out on you
You got just only 365 days a year
You been too slow 
You are too causal 
You need to get hold of your life

Start living life with the sense of urgency
Using what you get using ourself
Sharing what the universe wants to share
Because if we don’t nobody else we do
Stop wasting valuable time

Get hold of your life
And life as if each day was your last
Our life we get a whole new meaning
And when you die that no idea left in you
No dream left in you

We all got one shot to this life here
No more indecision of procrastination
You’ve got to finish strong the day death comes
Stop wasting valuable precious time
Time waits for no man enough of seating
On the sideline doing nothing get up and go now

Monday, October 5, 2020


The stranger you meet today
Can suffice to be a warm nice person tomorrow
And life flows the experience was awesome
Life is beautiful…life is good
But who deep down there

The stranger that turns to be an angel
Some days gone by
Seconds by seconds
Friendship blossom awesome
But no knows who got to know

Who knows the heart
As men we don’t know our heart
Neither do we know the thought
Of the one who seats next to us
Who knows the heart

Even if we hears the heart beats
But who knows what the heart
What it says though it beats like drum
So high at crescendo pitching high
But the deeds of the heart no one knows

And the fears that grips us often
Is this person who is so loving today
Changing like a sleep of the night tomorrow
Also like a book that left the shelf long ago
Who knows the heart

That is an age long searched question
That the heart has never found an answer to
That no can fathom the depth of it
That is just the superficial outwardness
The heart of men…who knows the heart

Heaven knows all the answers
That time will ever tell
From the sounds of the heart beats
To every bit of the words of the heart
But who knows the intent of what the heart says

But only heaven knows all the answers to all that

Thursday, October 1, 2020


As a nation we need to go back
To our values we must focus on
Integrity, honesty and fairness in all
I want to see a Nigeria where
Everything walks to its fullest potentials

Where everyone is held accountable
To how each kobo of this great nation
Resources is been spent and on what
Making integrity the watch word
When it comes to finance

The bedrock on which so many things rest on
Because to educate is to liberate
We must seek to restore back the hope
Back into Nigerians whose lost faith in this great nation
Nigeria my wakanda

To innovate we must set forth
Our best foot forward
We must make sure that is our best people
That goes into the public services
In chasing innovation driven by experience
Nigeria my Wakanda must be reality not just a movie

Now / sense of urgency
Growth we must grow the national cake
Excellence / execution
Restore / rebuild
All of us are guilty / all hands on deck Nigeria must work for all

We all must make sure that
Nigeria my wakanda
A reality not just a movie


What’s the essence of independent?
Without nothing like freedom
To live the life our founding father
Carved out for this great motherland
Where we all live in fear of what befalls us

As our future (youths) the hope
That will rekindle the flame of our tomorrow
Have lost fate in the country
In which we stand today to celebrate
A lot is happening and still to come to happen

Citizens are suffering and smiling
Under the disguise of e go better
That is an age long motto
For how long are going to go this circle
Of a pig hole

Gathered at this hallowed spot Eagles’ square
The rich are getting richer at every blink of an eye
As the poor masses are at the mercy of the rich few
While the wealth of this great nation
Is left in the hands of selected few going round and round

Little wonder a song writer and singer
Asked a question so many years ago
Which Way Nigeria? That questions has lingered enough
For it to get the answer but alas the writer did not get answers
Until an inevitable quiet end visited him

We are just a prisoner in our homeland
The door of the prison is open
But the prisoners refuse to come out
That’s how we are here in this entity called the state
No independence because we are still dependent in so many ways

Where do we start from?
How do we get to this spot?
Where are we coming from?
Are we really independent or still dependent?
As state, as people and as a nation
Let’s think about this as we celebrate at 60

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