Sunday, October 25, 2020


Choose to run not to faint
Choose to swim not to sink
Choose to remain focus
Choose to be you in the midst of fake
Choose to stay safe

Choose to take the risk
Choose to be real in all
Choose to trusted
Choose to be reliable
Choose to remain safe

Choose to chase the dream
Choose to work on the goal
Choose to be result oriented
Choose to walk the work
Choose to stay awake

Choose to be watchful
Choose to be attentive
Choose to never give up
Choose to not despair
Choose to be determine

Choose to go through the process
Choose to not chicken out
Choose to go the distance
Choose to swim to the finish line…the shore
Choose to stay safe

Choose to be on the guide
Choose to be loving and compassionate
Choose to race the course to finishline
Choose just choose to be chosen
Choose to stand out

Choose not to be an onlooker
Choose to be different others may I cannot
Choose to be realistic in unrealistic world
Choose to be all you can be for your humanity and yourself
Choose to build and leave a legacy…footprints on sands of time

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