Tuesday, May 25, 2021


We live in age where things happen
Leaving not out our children
Each day in day out the evils are perpetrated
No one wants to talk about the future
But wait! If you don’t talk about the future

Sure I doubt will be following in the dark
See the children they are our future
Without them no tomorrow at all
See we can not just continue this way
We must walk up to save our future

From impending doom
We must make it a point of duty
Because we got no time at all
The past years has been lost doing nothing
As each day we see the children heading to their doom
As each walk towards that part of no return

Our children…our future
They mean so much to us and the future
Children are mean to be loved, cared and much more
Not to be frustrated to that point of sick of living
Wanting to bid the world farewell

They are our future
Yes we can’t sacrifice that
At the platter of slave trade and hawking
We can’t thread off our wards serving as house maids
Sending them to high ways instead of back to the classrooms

Our children…our future
Not to be use as an article of trade
Neither a sex toy molested, bartered and be-whethered
Just leaving wasted and amounting to less to nothing to themselves
Becoming a nuisance to themselves and the nation

See we can’t just afford to full ourselves
Seating down as if nothing is going wrong
They are our future above all our children of course
We can’t continue to fool around
Save the children…you’ve save the future of the world
Happy Children’s Day…Beautiful


From the street to the city
From the uncompleted buildings to the mold houses
From the motor park to the high ways
To the stakeholders down to the government
No one is left out

Left out in what?
To bring the children discipline
And integrity inculcating in them values
Values that will outshine long after we are gone
Because you are the care giver to this young ones

We must see the need to bring in moral and spiritual values
Balancing them both that none will be lacking in place of another
As we are busy chasing money lets not forget that the main is there
Our children we owe these beautiful creatures of ours a huge responsibility
That’s much is expected from us

To make sure we see the need to bring this children to glory
To glory reflecting the manifestation of the children of God
Of which they are not to be the other way round
What our role as parent, teachers, stakeholders and the government
Because everyone is accountable that’s why all hands must be on deck

No one must exempt himself out of this
We are involve because the future lies in their hands
And God will hold us accountable for anything that happens
If tomorrow this little ones goes astray you will be held responsible
You mean so much to them and they also too

From the one got stealing in the market
To the one at the motor park
Drunk with drinks and gabbling
No one is left out the fluid is caught by everyone
As everyone is lost away

See must make sure we ravage the land clean it all up
Make sure we bring back every child home
From the cold of social vices and decadence
If we must act and act right is now the time
We must arise

To war...against all this menace
To war...against hard drug
We must arise and let go
Each one to each child lets rise the next generation of future leaders
No one is left out on this


Dominick, David and Dominion

No matter where he/she is born
No matter the kind of city i the child live
No matter what circumstances surrounding the birth of a child
No matter whether is born out of wedlock or outside wedlock
Every child is gold

There precious in the sight of the maker
No matter what you don’t have the right to take their life
Make sure you give them the best of the best in life
Never threats them as an outcast but make sure you do well
Every child is gold

I believe that children are our future
They carry the future while long we are gone
So we must make sure will threat them well
Show them all the beauties in this life
Give them a sense of life 
make the children laughs and feel belong

You discipline and correct in love
You make sure everyone is loved equally
Show them the way of God is very important
Equip them with what will make them 
Stand where they find themself

Make it a deeds to start
Because everything in life lies in their hands
They fail (parent) you because failure in life
No matter where you have succeed 
If you in fail in child training
You have lost it all

Start a project today and what project is that?
Every Child is Gold...Every Child Counts
Make sure you ensure and pursue 
Child discipline in everything
It should not stop on your own biological children
But to non biological children of yours

In every child there a gold
Waiting to be discovered by all
Irrespective of where they are and what they do
See is in you to discover that gold 
In your child in every child make sure
You do your best in bringing it out

So my friend we must arise
Save the children and 
You’ve save the future of the world
Remember every child is gold
They’ve got something special to offer their days
It begins with the parent you


Our children are our hope
So much depends on them
As the charter the course of the future
So much depends on them
Because they are our children and our hope

The hope of many generations to come
As the nation depends on them all
Its existence and survive depends on them
No children then the future of that nation in jeopardy
Lost and walking in the dark

We be like ceasing an empty goal
When all is not well with our children
Our mind will be sick and so tired
To channel a new course for development
In the face of modernization

Am speaking of our children…our hope
Am not calling for a mere mega conference table talk
Without no action in place better still a way forward
See we have to see it from different perspective
That this beautiful little creature our life depends on them all

See this children dying
See the young groping in the dark
No one to lead them home
See them straying yonder for that bright of tomorrow
To go and bring the children back home

We must arise as the army of children to war
Arise to bring back hope and succor
Where hope has become so slim
Saying no to child abuse and child molestation
Our children…our hope

This task is for us all
No stone should be left untouched
Reach them all each of them where they are fine
This children are our future, our hope and our happiness
Our children...our hope everything depends on you
Save the children and you’ve save the future of the world