Thursday, September 30, 2021


Is known to be a whole lot of drama
Where so many scene takes places
It happens and transcend all human race
With all sorts of faces
As it takes all sort of people to make the world

Is either you get knockdown
Been on the fast lane on the street
Is either you refire or retire
Calling it a quit someone made it some never
The street

The voice of the street
Some has announce it severally
Calling themselves such name
Affixing the title to their name
And they follow and move with the tide

In the street champions are made
Born in the street hustle in the street
Breed by the activities on the street
As the street got us all like a fire it refine us
The voice of the street

Make sure you stand firm
As you walk along the street called life
Be among those who move from
The transition from the street
To a greater stage of life

Take center stage of the world
In this street called life
To be announce on the global world
Of those who make things happen
In the annual of history records

A living legend
Who suffer the crimes and naughtiness
Of the street who made them
To never copy the traits
And characteristics of the street

Where you were conceive
Is never a condition to determine your destiny
Out there in the society
Because a street personality today

Will surely stand on the stage of life
Become an international brand
The voice of tomorrow
The voice of the street
The street


Some folks go a long way to do anything
Just to get their brands and products
To the public for them to patronize them
You cannot blackmail God as a yardstick
To drive a crazy sales for your product

See God is not a toy to be toyed with
Never diminish or brings His name
Into what shouldn't be
They are some thought provoking
Advertising slogan flying around this days

Be it online and offline
Everyone wants to be out there
On the fore front of acquiring sales
And so much flocks of followers
But you cannot descend too immature

And drive God saying what He did not
Quoting the Holy Scripture upside down
Calling the name in vain saying you hear this
And hear that without not hearing anything
A lot is flying around social media this days

Writers beware of how you sell your books
Advertise but leave God out of it
Don't use your smartness turn outside foolishness
To drive sell for that book
If that is if such a book or product

Is inspired by God Himself
Or inspired from the pit of hell
By the god of this world
Let's be guided on how we go about it
When it comes to advertising


Champions aren't born
But they are made
Out of the challenges of life
Crafted for greatness

The world's greatest
The mountain up way up high
The king of the jungle
That roars across the mile
And its voices resounds over a mile

The one the world is waiting for
You are the one
That we set the pace
For a whole millions to follow
A path creator and pathfinder

A legend in making
You go into the ring of life
Had a fight a face off with life
In the ring of life you reign in life
So if anybody ask you who you are

Just stand up tall look such one in the face
And say
Am the one whose speaks
And it is hard over a thousand distance
Whose faith is make strong in believe
A star up in the sky and a mountain peak up high

Who is fearless
A courageous being
An undefeatable fellow
A living legend making marks
In the annual of history records
The world's greatest

Friday, September 24, 2021


Our works are like a vapour
That fades away at dawn
Losing its light in the glorious sun
When the sunset the dew melts away
A pen on the sands of time
But the memories that we created
While we were here lingers on
On the sands of time making footprint
Each letter is so sacred and wrapt
In an high esteem as the ink gashes out
From the mouth of the pen
Each seconds an article is articulate
Each moments a poem is projected
Each minutes a well written long easy is born
A pen on the sands of time
Of what we your work be
When life has flitted out of that body of yours
And the soul goes back to eternal rest
And your lifeless body lays down
Retiring from the works here in this world
If your writeup, poems and articles
Dies the day you die as a writer
Freelancer and a ghost writer
You've leave nothing behind
A pen on the sands of time
That what you should be
While long you've head the call of Mr. Death
You must leave a worthy footprint on the sands
That while long you've gone
Your article, poem and easy becomes life
Living not like a memory
But as a life in the hearts and mind of many
Of what we your article, poems
Spoken words and long easy be
While you are gone
Is a call to mediation today
Of what and how we all these
Your intellectual property become
While the engine that produce it is gone think
Is better to become a pen on the sands of time
While long you've gone live ever green on minds

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Hmmm life is so priceless
That you cannot just place it tag
You see life is flitting some days
Other time life fading away all out
Trying to keep someone alive

...a life worth living
Is a life worth spent
For God and humanity
Sometimes it hurt in pain
Other times it so sweet in pleasure

If somebody cares that you're alive
If somebody trust you with their life
Then and then you can look back
And see that you were love and cherished
Trying to keep someone alive

Through the life threaten condition
Come hell hot water you went through it
All along you tried and walk the work
In making that life worth been around
In trying to keep someone alive

Alive to see the world another day in paradise
Alive with another chance to survive
Alive to share the sweet moments of live
Alive not just to be a memory only
In the heart of many but a life

Trying to keep someone alive
Bringing someone some love and happiness
Making each moment of theirs count
Putting laughter on their faces
Bring back hope to the street called home
In the bid of trying to keep one alive.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


You cannot tell the real
Personality of a person from a far
Some persons are beautiful
Looking at them from a distance
That they got the whole world likes

That we see them as dimi god
A perfect being flawless without fault
But those who are close to them
Know them much more than
The ones afar off looking

At their personality
As one beautiful soul
So nice and has it all
Of been that wonderful person
Little did we know that this set of persons

They don't practice what they preach
In the actual sense of the worlds existence
In their day to day dealings
With their fellow human
Personality from afar

Some are beautiful nonsense
Outside looks appealing
But rotten inside
They know too much
But lack the with all to apply it to reality

See life is much more than all of these
We just need to see life
From a well pleasing cool perspective
Be real and practice what you preach
Don't allow too much of knowing ruin you

By this everyone we be fine
By this we have a better world
Where each one and everyone
Is treated not to be afraid that
When someone comes close

That the real us won't chase them off
Off from us because of the one
Coming closer to us won't see
What they did not see from afar
Be the person they see from afar
When they come near to you
Personality from afar


You have been down
You may be hurting
Human has left you
Calling it a day with you
Just hold on

Tomorrow refuses to come
As the sun refuses to shine
The stars never comes out at night
And the days fast spent
Dreams so far away to come true

Just hold on
Help is on the way
You are not forgotten
He has you in the palm of His hands
You were never forgotten

You are God's property
His project in making
His work in progress are you
He hasn't finish with you yet
Just hold on

Don't give up on living
Been real and been awake
In all your existence in this life
Make the best use of your life
And make it count

Because your story
Is about to be rewrite
By the master sculptor
His image is you
Just hold on

The story will end in praise
That life of yours will be change
Keep on working on your dream
And follow it through to the letter
Don't hang up on yet follow it through
Just hold on help is on the way


What a name
The name above all name
What a beautiful name
It makes an ugly situation beautiful
That name Jesus everything is in that name

With that name all knees now
With that name devil trembles
With that name no one is above it
With that name all hails the power
Behind that name Jesus

At the mention of that name
Principalities and power summit
No other name in which men are save
The strong tower to run in times of trouble
The name that never lost its power

That name of Jesus
Is an everlasting arms
That carries the world’s problem
Since He came into this world and left
His name is still working wonders and miracles

That name Jesus
What's the name again
Dominion bows and flee
At the mention of
That name Jesus

Fountain head of all pleasure
The answer of the world today
Name above all name
In it we have victory over satan and sin
That name Jesus of a truth

Everything is in that name Jesus
There is healing
There is salvation and sanctification
There is supernatural provision
That name Jesus do you know Him


People we get at you so hard
Some will drive you nut
Some we drip you off your step
Some we go as far to get haters accomplice
They we want to steal every moment

That you own leaving you with nothing
But pain and distrust in human
Many human are not happy
With their fellow human being
At the sight of them sighting

The next person been happy
Just enjoying and own his moment
Boom! They'll bump out from their hiding
To mire that beautiful moment
By stealing it and replacing

Happiness with their claws of pain venom
Spiting out from their mouth
Flowing right from the deep wall
Of poisonous gland within them
They fake it that they want the best for one

But in true sense they never want
And in the midst of these all
The best revenge for all these hates
Is to create your own happiness
Let them go somewhere else

To have their accident
Remember is in your hand and power
To create that beautiful moment
Always been in a state of happiness

Because no one can make your look inferior
Without your consent so go create
An habitat of happiness for yourself
Shun hatters they have no joy
In seeing others happy and good

Friday, September 17, 2021


Make sure say you live
And you take every moment so light
Because of na only today you get to live
That life that we matter
Once you kick the bucket

Chop life today tomorrow no sure
Enjoy all you can enjoy
Pamper yourself as much as you can
Nor bi only work work and walk
Take sometime to chop life

Do all you can do now
Be real for once and be you
Live the best moment not for tomorrow
But for now because now is what matters
Chop life today tomorrow no sure

Relax and seat back
As you watch and enjoy the labour
Of your hard work eats its fruit
Is better to be here and make mark
Chop that life that you have now

Tomorrow no sure
Na only today you got now
Be in every moment savour it
Appreciate the gift of life
Living the life that matter

Be eyes to the blind...shatter to the wonderers
Feet to the lame...comfort to the comfortless
Voice to to the helpless
And rainbow in someone's life
Chop life tomorrow no sure.


Our worlds needs great mind and heart
The ones who are ready
To make things happen
Not that one who seats with fold hands
And says what can I do

While there is so much to be done
Look around you don't have
To do great things before
You can get things done
Just that little thing

Will matter in time and future
What you do with the needs
You see around today
We go along way
Like a chord that will vibrate in eternity

You don't have to have much
To give the whole world
Before that act of given can matter
You heal the world with your gift
You can be that man in the mirror

Look into the mirror and see for yourself
That you have been that man in the mirror
That everyone is looking and talking about you
We can heal the world for you for me and all
That one whose got no food to eat

Who’s got no shatter over his family
Talkless about from where the next meal comes
Who cannot afford the social amenities
And that man in the mirror is no one but you
We must arise to the call

Not each one to them self
But everyone becoming
His neighbors watch dog
Man in the mirror that's you that's me
Look around people are suffering

Some are living below the poverty line
While some are living like kings and queen
In so much you've got take it and give
As much as you can
Because we all are the man in the mirror


He wrote that song
From the depth of his heart
As each lines of these great song
Portrays the pain and admiration
Of a being who live for humanity

And yet that same humanity
She did everything for
Still turn around and hunts her
Without no remorse of what they did to her
She have so much inside of her to give

For God and humanity
Her selfless act of service
Is nothing to contend with
Like no other she stand and stood
Inspite of the untrue stories coined out

Against her but she whether the storms
Her life was liken to be candle in the wind
Whose light was taken out at her prime
Her candle burn out long before
The legend ever did

See life serves us several coins and cards
The good you do today
We be forgetting tomorrow
While long you've done such an act of kindness
Just like a candle in the wind

Our good deeds
An act of selfless service
An act of love to all we meet
On the road called life
We surely be forgotten someday

But in the midst of this ingrate behaviour
Let forge ahead leaving it all behind us
Because is up to us all
To make the world a better place
With just a little deeds of love and kindness
And we all be fine...candle in the wind


And they come unto thee
As the people cometh
And they sit before thee as my people
And they hear thy words
But they will not do them
For with their mouth they shew
Much love but their heart goeth
After their covetousness

And lo thou art unto them
As a very lovely song of one
That hath a pleasant voice
And can play well on an instrument
Foe they hear thy words but they did not do them

The world has hardly produced
Legions of two-faced religious professors
And presumptions men and woman
Than what we have today
A hypoctie

Churches are filled with people
Preoccupied with religious activities
But who by their life-sytle
Mock true and faithful messengers of God
And ridicule the eternal settled Word

There has never been a short supply
Of people who draw nigh to God
With their mouths and honour him
With their lips but their hearts
Are far from Him

But you can stand out
By making your calling and election sure
Hypocrisy affects the hypocrite not God

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


No one said that the path
Is gonna be easy and it’s not
We know life is rough
And we know there will be pain
And whether that pain is at the hands of an enemy

Or at the hands of nature
Or time or disease there will be pain
That’s the way life is
You have been disappointed
Over and over again

Every time you try
Nobody notices you
And every time you try
You come up short
Sickness is cyclical

It comes around
It goes around
You’re well for a little while
And then it’s the same thing all over again
But this time its only worse

Because now, not only are you back
Where you started
But you have less hope that
It is ever going to be different
Because you’ve cycled though it one more time

Just to realize well I guess
I’m just a cynical person
Well I guess I’m just a negative person
Because to challenge the condition
Means to risk disappointment

And some of have tried
And got blocked
And people see and they assume
That you don’t care
No I care I cared

Sunday, September 5, 2021


When everything has fallen apart
And it seems nothing is left standing
God’s Word will stand for life and eternity
No man’s word will outlive God’s own Word
Of a truth God’s Word will stand

Is a water that refreshes
The thirsty soul and mind
The hammer that pierce into the heart
The comforter of a weary wounded soul
God’s Word will stand

His promises are not man-made
They are ever true ever faithful
From generation to generation it stands
The test of time and eternity
God’s Word will stand

Against satan’s follies and fake
Against the enemies threats and curses
Against all manner of the writings of the devil
Against every principalities and power
God’s Word will stand

Bringing salvation for the sinners
Changing life healing broken heart
A foundation n which human life rest on
Bridging the gap between us and the Creator
God’s Word will stand

The Words brings conviction
It brings confession that
Leads to conversion
It brings cleansing because
We are dirty naturally

It brings character of Christ in us
It brings compass for the conscience
It build us up and makes us live right
It brings commission let your light
Shine before men it prepare us for heaven
God’s Word will stand


For me I saw God for real today
He came live and direct through His Word
Without not sending any representative
To speak for Him without no shadow of doubt

I saw and meet with God
Today in church made of His Spirit
Not man’s spirit through His Word
Not in man’s own word
I saw God today in church

From the singing of the hymns
To the blend of melodious voices
Of true sincere worshipers as they worship
From the unified voices of the choristers
I saw God today in church

From the ministers spoken word
In which God use to dish out
His infallible ancient Word ever true
Changing life breaking harden heart
I saw God today in church

Not church made of bricks and block
Not church govern and control by tradition of men
Not church in whose sinners are comfortable
Not church that copies the world
In deeds and activities in which she exists in

But church purchase by the blood of Jesus Christ
Redeem by the sacrificial lamb on Calvary’s hill
Saved and getting ready for Christ return rapture
Church of not self righteous ones
But of holiness and righteous living ones

I saw God of a truth in church today
Is Word came alive to dead bones
As it made flesh and make it walk
In Him we all move and have our being
I saw God in church today