Wednesday, October 6, 2021


These days every one
Wants to be in the eye of the public
As every crave for publicity
The battle is ongoing so fierce
Before you trend
Think well don't trend for rubbish
Remember everyone is doing
Doesn't mean you should follow suit
We have so many counsellors and mentors today
Who wants to be all knowing
Without not considering
Other people's opinion
Regarding themselves
A epitaph of great knowledge
Some come in on all
Social media they belong to
And start posting text, videos and pictures
Just to get attention and crowd
Before you trend
Be sure you choose how you trend
Some trend and showcase stupidity
At the highest order for a cheap fame
In search of belonging to feel been
In the game because they lack self esteem
Some exhume the act of mediocrity
As their uneducated bullet
Cannot stand face off with innovation
Even though they've been to several colleges
Bagging so great certificate
But still on still
They allow the popularity of time
To hack out their common sense
As they start acting out unfoolishness
So before you trend
Think it well through
Is better to trend well enough
For something right not wrong
For something edifying not evil
For something that brings glory to God's name
Not something that destroy
And shame the name of God
Don't trend and drag the family name
That your parent has laboured to build
Over the years
Remember actions are like egg
They are like the wind the fly so swiftly
They are like a footprint on the sands of time
They are like a scars once imprinted
Never erase before you trend
Think it all through
They are some things
Tharp are meant to be kept private
The world is turn into a global village
But that shouldn't be we should through
Caution into air
And pollute the same global village
Where we live in or else we lose big time
The decency that characterized such a habitat
So before you trend think twice ..

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