Saturday, April 30, 2022


Finally, is the complement of consistency
If your company’s consistency ensures
That your products and services
Always meet customer’s satisfaction
You might be tempted to think
That you should keep
Every aspect of your business the same
They like it now so why change it, right
Remaining flexible and adaptable
Allows you to change in order to keep meeting customer
Positive expectations
No matter how good your product
Or customer service experience maybe
You can’t assume that today's means and method
Will work tomorrow
You can always strive to be better
And to experiment with improvements
Technology is always changing
And you don’t want to get locked in
To an outdated mode of e-commerce
Social and cultural winds also
Change the retail landscape
You want to maximize their power to fly
Higher with your brand
Is time for a real good adaptability 
For that your product and likewise in your business


Is an ingredient that remains
Self-evident in many cases
Nevertheless I’m often surprised
By how many businesses do not attend
To the details about the way they’re branded
Especially online
Released out into the world
Anything ties to associate with or reflecting
Your business must reflect the attitude
Of excellence you want to maintain
Just as a slopped dressed
Unprepared interviewee doesn’t get the job
If people find sloppy graphics, misspelling
And outdated information in your ad, blog entry
Or website they will likely pass you by
Quality branding is all about
Paying close attention to details
Of functionally as well as sensory engagement
You want people to like and remember
What they see online associated with you
Your business and your brand
Your brand stands out and find a way
To distinguish itself from your competition
As well as from the cyber clutter we all face everyday
Quality is an ingredient that remains self-evident 


This means that your business name
Matches what you’re actually selling
And contributes to identifying
Your company’s primary mission
Company names that are vague
Generic or bland tend to frustrate
People who have no idea
What your business goal actually is
Haven’t we all seen commercials
On TV or ads online that were cute
Clever or charming but never adequately
Spotlighted the company or product
Perhaps through enormous repetition

We might eventually come to associate
The company with what we enjoy about the ad
But most businesses do not have this luxury
Consistency in branding often goes a long way
In communicating stability, security and reliability
These qualities usually require frequency
When customers have the same experience
With each purchase or interaction
They come to know what to expect
From you and your business
As long as you repeatedly
Meet their positive expectations
Your consistency provides fuel
For your brand to grow
Consistency is the key to sustainable business growth


We all know that it can be dangerous
To judge a book by it cover
Similarly the internet has been
Exploited for numerous scams
Because it can be used to manipulate
Words and images and thereby
To deceive others part of the internet’s
Initial allure was the way live communication
Could take place with a greater
Degree of control than in person
People could assume roles
Project a scripted persona
Or create avatars to shield their true identity
Appearance and personality
The same was true online businesses as well
Nonetheless online usage and technology
Particularly with social media has brought
Transparency and authenticity to the forefront
Yes people can fool you for a while
But the individuals and businesses
Whom clients and customers
Trust provides the three key ingredients
Which essentially comprises their brand
Consistency, Quality and Adaptability
Is a brand new day let’s do things differently

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


You must be careful with the kind and manner
Of people, you bring into your boat
To draw the net with you as sail through the sea
Because there are people you don’t need in your boat
You must assemble the right people
That we become your dream team
As you dream remember it takes one person
To dream but it takes many to birth the dream to reality
So be careful who is in your dream team
The right set of people with the same mind as you
Coming together is a beginning
Keeping together is progress
Working together is success
All this boils down to assembling your dream team
Those who really got your back for real
Those who believes in the assignment you bring to the table
Those who stands with you come hell hot water
Those who will never say no until result are achieve
Those who are ready to go the distance with you
Not the one who will stab you at your back
Not the one who will giveup on you
Not the one who will walked out on you
Not the one whose tongue spit evil behind
Not the one who never believes in you but in your pocket
Assembling your dream team
Utmost caution is needed here
You must seek the needful out of your team
As you assemble them together
Assembling your dream teams
Be intentionally about it
Never bring emotion into it
Define what you truly want
Go the distance and chase the dream but take each one along
Be intentional about it and sample other teams’ opinions it matters


Troubles sometimes are here
Filling men’s hearts with fear
Freedom will all withhold
Now is at then
The world is so toxic today
Men’s heart is failing them big time
And a lot is happening tomorrow isn’t sure anymore
The heat of the day is squeezing so many away
From the reality of things to come
What’s your hope built on
Is your hope built on feelings
Of fears of what abounds around
Or is your hope built on emotions
Are you getting tired and give up
But wait before you cast your hope away
Is always darkest before dawn
Joy cometh in the dawn of the day
And there is a silver lining along life’s trouble road
Just remember your hope should be built on
Nothing but hope itself
The hope of a more fruitful better tomorrow
It can be blink, gloomy and dark today
But make sure your anchor holds in spite of the storms
What’s your hope built on
Make sure in all you do
Never call it a day with faith in your heart
With hope for a better tomorrow
Remember tough times never last
That every problem has its own expiry day
So no matter what
No matter how fierce and strong the storms of life
Even when the problems come like a flood
Your Maker will raise a standard against the flood
What’s your hope built on.


Sometimes the future is so unsure
Sometimes our plans never fall into place
Sometimes men fail and it gets us sick
Sometimes we feel God has forgotten us
Sometimes all we need to do is to go with God
Sometimes the situation shows homeliness
Sometimes it seems we won’t come out of it
Sometimes our life seems stuck in a pig hole
Sometimes we just get sick and tired of life
And we don’t know who to run to but go with God
Sometimes when life’s answer is too far-fetched for us
Sometimes we seek answers to life’s most daring questions
Sometimes our faith in God is questioned about our existence
Sometimes tomorrow is so unsure our heart is so afraid
Sometimes the best place to draw comfort is in God so go with God
Sometimes the journey seems endless
Sometimes the destination isn’t clear enough to see
Sometimes we fought the hard fight with life
Sometimes just to keep afloat life’s stormy sea
Sometimes the enemies come like a flood go with God He got you
Sometimes will don’t know how the beginning will end
Sometimes our heart races with doubt and fear
Sometimes with our minds, we are lost gone in thought
Sometimes many things about tomorrow we don’t seem to understand
Sometimes the future is so sure because He knows our start and end
Sometimes we don’t seem to be convinced of His ever-true promise
Sometimes we lost our gaze on Him and start looking at unbelieve
Sometimes our fears outnumber our faith
Sometimes we let our emotions overrule our faith
Sometimes our heart is empty and we know we’ve lost our way
Sometimes all we need is to stay in the Scripture
Sometimes all we need is to shut the door on our fear
Sometimes all we need is to hold to God’s unchanging hand
Sometimes all we need is to have a talk with God and everything is alright
Sometimes we need to forge ahead with God and go with God

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Whatever your business maybe
It will never work if you can’t
Go off you’re the ground into the air
And for these to happen
You have to take it off from here to there
You have to experience the exhilaration
That comes only from watching something
You’ve created from scratch catch the winds
And trends of sustainable flights
Kiss the cloud
There’s no greater
More satisfying feeling
In the world than giving birth
To a dream with strong wings
Kiss the cloud
If you’ve never done
This or if you have done it
Many times before you know there risk involved
But with any endeavor of any values
Risk is requisite for reaping rewards
So buckle up and fasten your seat belt
Because objects and ideas are overheard
Are differently about to shift
Your feet are itching to rise into the air
And ascend as you make your vision a reality
Are you ready?
Are you willing to leave?
The safety of where you stand now
In order to soar in the limitless sky above
Kiss the cloud
My friend you have been cleared for takeoff


If we worked on the assumption
That what is accepted as true
Really is true then there would be
Little hope for advance
Cleared for takeoff!
You never forget the first time you fly
You never forget the first you take the step
That one bold step that changes everything
And it feels you’ve gotten the world at your fingertip
Cleared for takeoff!
Through the portholes of life chase
Of our goals, dreams and aspiration
We heard the fight with life’s greatest problems
We fought tooth and nail to make sure
The coast is cleared for takeoff!
If we land very well
We must first clear off our path
From all forms of fears
To land well on the smooth dry ground
Cleared for takeoff
You have to get your vision off the ground
You too hold within your hands the power to soar
You may not have an angel wing sprouting out from your shoulder
But if you have the desire for advancement in your life
And you’re willing to risk the familiar comfort of where you are
Flights is possible
Even for those who are emotionally
Financially and creatively fatigued
You can take your vision built into something remarkable
Cleared for takeoff

Monday, April 25, 2022


There are days
When it seems
God is so far away
And our prayers a distance away
From the dusk to the dawn of the day

There are moments
We will just need a speedy miracle
Out of life's problems
And it seems we're traveling lonely
On life's long road

There times
Will wish we can turn
Back in the hands of time
And bring back the beautiful moment
When all seems roadblock at a t-junction

There are period
When men's criticism
Weighs us in the balance
And be withered us
And we got sick for men's despitefully use you

But in the midst of all these
God came through
And proof is never a God-like man
But He is still the God in times of old
And still God in the present hour of our life.


Came redemption for the soul undone
Came emancipation for the captive
Came forgiveness for the unforgiven
Came a new life for the old life
After the cross

Came the perfect plan for man's liberation
Came the fresh new air as the prison door is open
Came the fulfillment of man's insatiable wants
Came the water of life flowing freely for the thirsty  
After the cross

Came the power over sin and satan
Came the power o'er temptation and the flesh
Came the power to stage war against demons
Came the power to witness and perform miracles
After the cross

Came great access into the holies of the Holy
Came the mighty rushing might winds
Came the cloves of fire seating on everyone
Came the power to witness and reach the world
After the cross

Came the pure love from the heart
Came the unity in the body of Christ
Came the breaking of the bread of life
Came the singleness of heart and mind
After the cross

He arose from the dead
He defeat satan
He was cast out and dealt with
He is risen today hallelujah
Jesus is alive...after the cross


From the thousand voices 
That spread forth on the water
To the burning bushing but never consume
Sky suspended up above without anything holding it
I have seen God

Come through in very hopeless cases
Where everyone has written it off
Come through when nothing was in sight
He came and at the sight of Him 
There was a difference
Have seen God rise women and men 
That evoked change that lasted
For so many generations after they are dead
Have seen God raise the dead
Given life back to a lifeless body

Have seen God breaks 
Chains off from the captives 
Have seen God mend the broken heart
Have seen God doing great wonders
Just as of the days of old

When He walks upon the waters
Have seen God heal the sick 
Destroying the power of sin, yokes and curses
Have seen God bringing many 
Sons and daughters to glory not to shame

Have seen God breaks bearer
Skip protocol to bless someone
Have seen God raise men from the pit to palace
Have seen God coming through at a die minute
Last second miracles I call this kind

Have seen God becoming 
The riser and lifter of women and men
The backbone for the weak and brave
Have seen God do wonders
Have seen God given many a life a meaning

I see God today still in the business of
Liberating mankind setting them free
I see God still doing the great work
Of His power even today just as 
In the time of His Power as of old.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Sometimes as human
We go through times
That shocked the fiber of our existence
And left us for death
Man will always be man
But God never failed to be God
Even when men’s critics
Is so high and tearing one asunder
But nothing changes as
God will always be God
Even though men cast you down
Write you off throw you out
Bullied you and threaten you
You melt yourself at cross road
Man will always be man
But you see God
He never uses the yardstick of men’
To weigh us before He can help us
And when we come to Him for help
He never turns us down
Man will always be man
After man helps his fellow man
He turns around and brag about it
With all manner of boastful speech
Saying if not me we you get to this point in your life
My life today is nothing but God’s own plan
There comes a time in my life
When I left the known for the unknown
I was so scared to death
But I made up my mind come hell hot water
I realize in all these
That no matter what happens
No matter what you’ve been told
No matter the name men would have called you
God will always be God while men can never be God


The long walk to Golgotha worth it
That walk through Jerusalem that day
When the world thought is over
Satan rejoices the he has worn
But little did he know that Sunday is on the way

Black Friday came
And through the whole world
Into a mourning state
In deep, deep sorrow at Gathesimane
He prayed for the cup to pass Him by

But what has been written
It will definitely surely come to pass
In fulfillment of the written Word
The prophecy foretold by the prophets
That a child will die for the same world He came for

As it came on that day
Death was crushed to the ground
Sin lost its hold on mankind
Hell got no hold on the human race
Sunday has come

It came with redemption
To redeem us back to God again
It came with the blood
That one drop of blood at the cross
That wash us off from our crimson state of sin

It came with the ransom from sin
He paid the price for us
There is no greater sacrifice nor greater love
It came to give our life a meaning
It came to liberate us from the yoke of sin

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Cloud becomes dark
The sun turns red
The moon follows suit
The veil of the temple rent in twain
Black Friday
Everyone looks for safety
As the foundation of the world shake
Everything falls and gives way
It was a long silence
Black Friday
Thunder strikes
As lighten light up the universe
The ransom is about to be paid
The last moment of God’s own son on earth
Black Friday
Sweat turn blood
Thicker than it drops as it
Makes inerasable footprint on the sands on the earth
And the world matches on
Black Friday
In the midst of the dark night
With the silent cold night
In deep agony of a Saviour’s departure
But there was no loss at all
As earth’s gain Heaven rejoice
Sin is destroyed
Satan’s army defeated
Death lost its stink on mankind
Black Friday brings breakthrough

Monday, April 11, 2022


Stood amidst
The maddening crowd
Drowned in cries of disarray
Something about this gentle capture
The long walk to Golgotha

Stood that day in that arena
As the Creator of the universe
Watched from above as
His only begotten Son
Was interrogated by the creature He created

Through the crimson rivets flowing
His eyes they pulsed with love
And through the swarming sea of fists
His gaze was cast above
The long walk to Golgotha

They kicked Him down
With every lunge
A vicious spite fueled taunt
They marched their prey atop the hill
To torture kill and flaunt

Blood thickened
On the sun of scourged sand
Trickling from His tight clenched fists
They mounted Him on the cross
As He was raised to all to see

The man so pure so true
And as He hung His deadening glare
Which faded in affection
Death had lost its mighty sting
As He waited resurrection

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Friends the days are unpredictable
A lot of stuff happens
Just as life happens
The street is never home anymore
The street is so cold

Death flies at will
Hates so filled the air
Love has lost its essence
The human becomes prey to one another
The street is cold

As hope is gone off from the street
That street once name home
As been replaced and bought
By the state of the hopelessness on the street
Ohhhh what have we turned the street to be

The street who birth and nurtures
Great mind from infancy to adulthood
Those who serve, live all their life out there
On the street but many years have come and gone
The street is cold

Coldness prevail over
Every inch and nich of the street
There is no sweet fresh air anymore
As all we smell is hate, hairessy
The street is cold

Oh who will bring back
The early days of street life
Where will all stand as one
Chasing a common goal "love"
But now alas the street is cold.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


I don’t care how good you are
I don’t care how talented you are
I don’t care how much you work on yourself
There’s sometimes when things aren’t gonna go right
When life breaks you

There are times anything can happen, will happen
Life happens the unexpected
The uncalled for the unintentional
We’ve been damaged emotionally and spiritually
When life breaks you

It may be your business
It may be your heart
That is broken today
It may be the number in your bank account
That is screaming you are broke

You break physically
You can break mentally
You can break your heart
You can break your spirit
When life breaks you

And all of those are gonna leave a mark
But the mark that they leave
Can be the mark of victory
Or it can be the mark of defeat
When life breaks you

It is staying with the breaking
That produce the blessing
It is not what you go through
That determines where you end up
It’s who you listen to
When life breaks you


I pray we rise up
I pray we wake up
The people that do morning cry
Are no more doing it
Rise up

Those who preached
At the slightest opportunity
Back in those days
Are getting so tired and have left
The business of evangelism

They are now passionless
They forgotten the mission
Of Christ to us as believers here on earth
Preach the Word
Sound the Word

The Word of goodness
That Jesus has paid the price
For the redemption of mankind from sin
That God wants us to come out
And live for this...the saving of the souls

But they have to come
Without their sins
If they come with their sins
They have not come because
He wants us to come without our sin

The greatest profit you can make
Here on earth is the profit of the soul
The passion of soul to be saved
That we run after them
Because passion produce passionate people

I pray
We will rise up
From where we are to reach out to souls
We will wake up
From the slumbering and laziness
Of not reaching out to the souls with the gospel of Christ.

Friday, April 1, 2022


What's happy in the month
You guys are all shouting
Is it the unrest in our nation
And the killings here and there
In the land

Or the several rapes cases
Here and there
The political turmoil going on
Or the high cost of living
In the nation

Kidnapping at will banditry
No one knows who to trust
The hack in virtually everything
In this nation food prices

Electricity bill hacks,
Cable TV hacks, ASSU strikes,
The moral decadence,
Police molestation and
A host lot of others

And you are here shouting happy new month
But in all am grateful to God
Through all these things
I am still here.