Wednesday, January 25, 2023


We are so close to that solemn time
In our nation's history
We have now to make the difference
That history will never forget
And we cannot fail our motherland
This time we need to stand strong
So tall with shoulder high
Getting ready and preparedness
To take our fatherland back
From the parasite that has feasted on it for so long
Will must unite in one voice
Indivisible that nothing we shattered us
No money can buy us this time
And we are not going to be tools
In their hands to toil with at all this time
Here comes a clarion call
Dear Soro Soke Generation
we are strong and let’s use our might
To go out at this time of election
To send the right one who is fit for the job
Not the one whose got a heart of selfishness
But the one whose got the heart for others
As these is the criteria for being a leader
and not just a leader but servant leadership.
Let’s save our nation
And bring back the glory of our land
Because this nation must not dead
We must arise and save this nation
With all our strength and might.


Things so cold
Prayer is gone
We’ve lost our sight
Lord, again we are so weak
We’ve lost the fire of revival

Has the fire left the alter
And the world has crept into the church
As pastors lost the leading the Spirit of God
Now they are leading with men’s will
Using mere mortals’ administration to run the church

To where do we go
From the coldness of the hands of look warmness
We are tired and withered out
We need a new change of fresh air of revival
The birth of revival great awaken to revive a thirsty soul

There is a sound of rushing winds
So strong so fierce uprooting
What is not planted from the foundation
Of the spiritual birth producing firebrand offspring
The birth of revival

In preparing for the end time saints
For their eternal home up there
In the celestial sky a new Heaven and new home
The birth of revival we stand in the gap
For our generation to light the fire

That we evoke change through the land
Not just for the moment but for generations
To come and taste the fire of the birth of revival
Our generation needs to feel the fire of revival
The birth of fresh fire coming from Heaven's throne

Monday, January 23, 2023


So many alter
So many words dished out
The words keep going out
All about the message of the gospel
But differs the gospel of Christ

Many are called
To defend the faith
But few kept the truth
In teaching and impacting
Pastors who lost the word

How far with the calling
They failed to preach the gospel
Of salvation in earnestly contending
Defending the faith of our father
Contending for it with everything

In seeking to save the world
With the gospel message
Of the redemptive power of the cross
In preaching nothing but the truth and holiness of Christ Himself

But how far today
Are you still chasing the course of Christ
Are you feeling as the prominent men of God
Who died for the same world you are called to save
With the gospel message of salvation

Thursday, January 12, 2023


A few days from now
We meet at the pooling bot
With each person prepared and ready
To cast his or her vote with PVC in hand
The thump is ready to imprint

It signs next to the preferred candidate
That the heart thinks and feels is the right one
To channel and drive the course of this nation
For the next four years ahead of us as a nation
Go get your PVC

We are ready to take back our country
Not on the merit of who dish out
The biggest incentives to the electorate
But on the merit of who got so much to offer
Not for the now but for the next four years in office

Who got a good critical thinking
In revenging our land out of the mess
We all are in today just because of the past administration
Which is about to exit the seat of power
Go get your PVC and if you have yours get it dusted

Clean it all well out
And get the location of were
You will be voting and make sure
The transfer was done well enough
Make sure everything is intact

And remember the voting for this year
Is not about party, religion nor tribe
Is about our nation wellbeing and its state
The future of the unborn citizen of this nation
Go get your PVC and get it out dust and be ready

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


No matter how far the river is
We will bring water home
No matter what happens
Hope will never leave home
For a no-return journey
Never far from home

And if the river or streams
Runs so dry we look for hope
And bring the water back home
Rushing and crushing through the drought season
No matter what don’t give up on life

Swim to the shore
So, you can chant the victory song
When the drum of victory begins to beat itself
Against all odd make sure you do stand up
That is the can-do spirit of the winner who never quitters

There is always a way where there seems to be no way
Even in the midst of the darkest of the night
Out of obscurity the light will shine
From the tunnel it we lead home
To victory point where the shore meets the land

If river don dry nkor
We still go find water elsewhere
How much do they drink along the way?
No matter how far the river is
We will bring water home

No distance was long enough,
No sun was hot enough to us those days
We grew shock absorbers and nothing shakes us till now
We stand as one together ebveryone
Will work the walk to reform our land.

Monday, January 9, 2023


True repentance comes from the heart
Genuine repentance is always
Accompanied with great remorse
Repentance is the vomiting of the soul
Unlocking the door of God’s mercy in the new year
It means that from gut
Your abhor what you did
And if given the opportunity
To do it again you wouldn’t
It means that you are repulsed by your sin
And you want nothing
To do with it anymore
In the pit of your gut
You want nothing more than to change
And be a different kind of man
And not only that
But you are going to demonstrate
Your change of heart by a change in your behavior
That’s repentance genuine repentance
Unlocking the door of God’s mercy in the new year
You and I
Can’t always tell the difference
Between genuine and artificial repentance
We’re just as likely to fall for phony
Repentance and turn away
In cynical disgust from the real thing
But God always know the difference
When you call out to God from your gut
Definitely God will listen genuine repentance always bring
Evidence with it that’s how you recognize it.

Sunday, January 1, 2023


The past we have not be so good
And as our hope about the past was dashed
Smashed beyond unrepaired stage
As the hope of believing in a better tomorrow
Is gone with the wind of time

The storms comes crashing on us
So close it took all we’ve worked and toiled for
Leaving nothing to chance
As no stones was left untouched
The waves blowing so high to contain

No matter what has happen
And becloud our existence
Everything has come and left us
Worse then the way it meets with us
Inspite of it all lets emerge with great expectation

Because is a new day
Is a new stage let brave new world
You don’t put a new wine in an old bottle
Or else the new wine will break the old bottle
A new tongue in the New Year

You don’t use an old language in a new tongue
As the old year prepares to take a French leaf for life
Be rest assure to birth the incoming new year with faith and hope
Forget the past year with its occasion and events
A new tongue in the New Year

Brave new world…come with hope and faith
That the past year will be better off then this new year
Birth each new day with enthusiasm
Be strong to finish the year coming stronger
A new tongue in the new year

Watch your language
Guide your thoughts
Be awake in all your utterance before it comes out
Have a new look towards life
Be realistic and be real in all your dealings
Love more go with God throughout the year not religion


As the year begins today
There is a whole lot in stock for us all
From you to me in every places
Remember is a new year
And it comes with so much to expect from

It should be a new year with a new outlook
To many things that attach to our existence
From the home to the work place
Our relationships to from our families, love ones and soulmate
New Year…new space

New space
Creating a new frontier for an advancement
Tomorrow is yet unborn but we’ve got today
Is a new day with hopes so held high
Greater height greater goals greater accomplishment

New space to accommodate good stuff
That adds values and essence to our existence
Leaving the old space of our life
Opening up for a new space for something new
New Year…new space

Letting go the toxic ingredients
That stole our good vibes and energies
That stole the better parts of us
From us not living to that full potentials within us
New Year…new space

Moving into that space that gives the avenue
To explore that place within us that we never know exist
In becoming a better us in the New Year
So let’s birth the new year with a new space
To explore the better of us in making our world a new world
In a new year for a better place to all mankind


Is a new day and new horizon
A better chance to start the race all over
To race off like never before
Leaving nothing to chance
New Year, new markdowns

The future started yesterday
And today we’re late
We must arise and walk the work
While it is called today
Tomorrow has nothing in mind

We’ve written down the goals
Draw the plans in attaining such goals
And we’re not just stopping there
But never just written goals alone
But a workable goal to attain achievement

We must take the walk
And leave the bed of laziness
In order not to eat the bread of idleness
Stop sleeping on couch
New year, new markdown

So begin the year with all these in mind
Zoom off with a new vigor make sure
You got all what you have in there
To bring out the best of the best in you
For this New Year race to greatness

In all you do this New Year
Have to do list with you as you go
Towards touch the markdown line
Make sure you attain the goal and finish strong
New year, new markdown

Run the race get across the line
Break the jinx reach out of the comfort zone
Bring in all what you do better off then yesterday
Get across the finishline to touch donwline
New Year, new markdown


When you encounter people 
Who are poisoned inside 
Don't let it rub off on you
If you sink down to their level
And you're cold and rude back to them
You've allowed them to contaminate you

Rise above that 
Be a part of the solution not the problem
You overcome evil with good
Of somebody is rude to you just bless them
When you're a meek person 

You don't go around trying to strengthen
Everybody out you don't 
Respond to every critics 
People may be talking about you
But you don't let it brother you

You may have the power
To strengthen bout your critics 
You may feel like giving them a piece of your mind
Your emotions may tell you get in there
Pay them back...get even

Be clam and cool and steady
Don't give away your power 
Keep your strength under control
Successful people don't allow garbage 
Trucks to unload on them

Keep your lid on
Sometimes you may need to have a steel lid
These days though so many people 
Are dumping out poison through criticism 
You'll need to keep that lid tight.


"God has anointed you 
With the oil of gladness
More than your companions 
You and I are supposed to be happier
Than the average person 

God has anointed us
With the oil of joy
In the New Year you can't let
Anyone's bad attitude ruins your good one
The oil of joy for the New Year

Instead infect them
With a smile and kind words
God knew you would have 
To deal with negative people 
That's why He said

I've given you an advantage 
I've anointed you with 
The oil of joy in this New Year and forever
So you can be happier and live happier 
Than those around you in this New Year.


The Scripture talks about believers 
Representing God here on earth 
We are Christ's ambassadors
If we're to represent God properly 
We should do it with joy, enthusiasm and smile

People of faith are supposed 
To be the lights of the world
In this New Year
I believe the switch that turns on
The light is a smile

Some who lacks faith 
May not want to listen 
To what we believe 
But they certainly watch how we live
Lighting the world in the New Year

We are living epistles read by all men
Some may not read the Bible 
But they're reading our lives 
As the saying goes preach at all times
Use words only when necessary
Many people see you
What kind of message are they getting
Are you friendly, happy and good-nurtured?
Do you want the life you have?
Or are you uptight on edge, stressed
So grumpy that people run from you.


If you're complaining 
About where you are
You won't get where you want to be
If you're complaining about what you have
I believe God will not increase you with more

To keep  your life in perspective 
Try making a list of all things 
You are grateful for
Write down ten things that God has blessed you with
And put the list where you constantly see it

Every morning 
Read over that list two or three times
Do the same every night before you go to bed
In the New Year remember 
You complain you remain
When you meditate on the goodness or God
It will help you leave the right perspective 
And release your faith too
When your faith is released 
God's power is activated.


In this New Year
When you get up every morning
And you’re tempted to dwell on your problems
How you don’t want to go to work
And how life’s not been fair to you
Why don’t you turn around?
Instead, thank God that you can scratch your itch
Why don’t you thank God
That you have no problem breathing?
This new year take nothing for granted
Why don’t you look out the window
And appreciate the simple things
Like the sun coming up the birds singing
And the flowers blooming
Take nothing for granted in the New Year
There’s nothing ordinary
About getting up and going to work
About being able to see 
Have friends and family
Those are gifts from God 


A brand new you
A new breed of you
From inside to outside
Glistering for all to you
Is a new day a new dawn of another year

As the old year just rolled away
Paving a new path for the New Year
To take center course of our space life
Everything is so new in our eyes
New Year, new you

There cannot be a new day
Without the rising of the sun
From the dusk called the dawn
The dew of the early morning day
That announces the a new dawn of a new day

Cock crows at dawn
With the subtle sound of the cricket
In a distance landscape the early morn sun forms it shape
Casting its lights to wipe away the darkness of yester night
New Year, new you

There cannot be a new day
Without a new you
A new day without
The rising of a new moon
New Year without a new you

See you cannot bring your old self
Into a new day and except good in that day
You must first let go your old you
For you to welcome greater things in the new day
New you must step into a new year

So be refresh and be ready
To embrace the greater opportunity awaits you
In the dawn of a new year
Before you start screaming a happy new year
Be sure you are a new you in the New Year