Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Every church suffers from this
Even the deep church as its name imply
Drunk with the wine of tribalism
In appointing those who serve the table
As favoritism and Godfatherism.
Takes the center stage
From the shallow kind of church
To that deep kind of church
Politics has finally entered these so-called churches
The church is now run on the head's knowledge.
Of human administration
The one who got the big money bag donation
Is given the best attention by the pastor
And the local pastors who held
The parish and district church.
And you that don't have anything
It is relegated to the background
All because money is speaking here
The church has lost both the shallow ones
The most fortunate of this situation is the deeper ones.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


What can I say of him
He is the greatest gift
Heaven has sent me
Not many son but this is so exceptional
Made after the image of his Maker.

So handsomely made
His beauties super cede it all
From infancy with giggling that follows
His infant sense to life makes it wonderful
My son…

The laughter of many
The joy of so many people
The happiness of everyone
The center of friends and family joy
My son…

He exhumes
The grace of God in him
So brave and strong
Stronger than the tiny doubt
My son…

The contender of faith
Standing strong each every hour
His presence chase evil afar from him
Un-intimidated being
My son…

From the moment of waking up
He is so lively and full of life
Always waking up with a smile and a shout
To announce to the whole house
That is a new day of smile and joy...my son.