Saturday, April 20, 2024


From the gift of a loving family
Whose love is unreservedly
To the laughter and joyous moment
To a family where love is so pure
Grace sends me this beautiful beings.

From the gift of a loving spouse
Filling the space that once said
By the Holy Scripture
That ye who finds a wife
Finds nothing less than a good thing.

From the gift of great offspring
To a bundle of joy a son is giving
So full of life loved by all and sundry
Growing each day in strength and good health
Thankful to the creator for such a gift of a son.

From the gift of great friendship
Sent to me by the creator to me His creature
As friends are one of the greatest gift to mankind
Like angels they are so grateful for
Grace sending my way beautiful friendship relationship.

All my life
Have been carried and still carry
By the marvelous matchless grace of God
Everything that I see and all that I do
Is not by my own strength but by the grace of God.


If you don't believe in you
Then the world will get you
The one you'll believe in
By handling into your hand
The you that you are not.

Society will come with their own
Of the very version of the person
They will likening you to become
As the footprint of the society
Is what is generally acceptable by all.

The who you believe
Will go a long way in determining
How your life will become
As you go through this life
In living that life of yours.

If you don’t believe in you
You’ll would have lived all your life
Doing nothing with your life
All because your believe system
Was shoke by the society.

If you don’t believe in you
The who you believe in
Will end up controlling your life
Making you the real you dead and long gone
While you are still in the chase of this and that.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Something is about to happen
The wind is about to blow
That will shake the whole of human
Existence if care is not taken
Is starting in the household of faith.

The church
Of what end will it be
When judgments begins in the same
House of faith the congregation of believers
Let him that thinketh ye standeth take yield.

The wind of great cleansing
Is about to blow if you are caught
On the fast lane of this great wind coming
As of a might rushing winds
You will be swept away by the wind.

Pastors is a clarion call to you
To get the church ready for
This mighty outpouring
The revival of the end time
Is about to rain and the wind is coming first.

Just to prepare the ground
And make way for this great outpouring
The rushing mighty winds in the last day
There is gonna be a great shaking
To the fiber of every man’s existence.

Get the lamp ready
Repair the licking roof
Settle that old account of your life
Be prepared because the cloud is gathering
There is gonna be a great revival of wind in the land.

To the one who seat on pulpit
To the one who seat on the bench
From the minsters and leaders of the church
To members in the congregation
Get ready is about to rain the wind of revival is coming.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


It was a long awaited months
Filled with so much intense heat
All and sundry bears the hotness of the weather
At night many can't sleep in the bed
But alas it seems the rain is here.

It was a well announced and ushered in
With a grand opening of the wind
Beneath the night feet as everyone
Is about to prepare for another night of heat
But the preparation was aborted like a mission been aborted.

And the rain is here
Finally there shall be showers of rain tonight
Not the usual showers of heat
With the body exhuming the drop of sweat
From the sweat gland of the human body.

The rain is here finally
Let its droplet of each drops
Come down and drop the dew of the coldness
Let our night be emacipated with cold of the winds
That blows across every street into every room of our home.