Wednesday, July 31, 2024


In the dawn of Nigeria’s rising sun
A voice was born its journey begun
Onyeka Onwenu, a name that rings
With grace and power, her heart sings

Through the echoes of freedom's call
She stood tall, breaking every wall
In music, she found her soulful art
A melody of hope, a beating heart.

Her songs a tapestry of Nigeria’s soul
Told stories of love and the struggle to be whole
She sang of peace, unity, and more
Her voice a balm for wounds of war.

From "One Love" to "You and I"
Her lyrics touched both earth and sky
A beacon of strength in every chord
Her music a prayer her pen a sword.

Beyond the stage her light did spread
In film and TV where stories are fed
A screen goddess she played her part
With dignity and a generous heart.

Her activism a fierce flame
Fighting for justice never seeking fame
For women, for children she raised her voice
A tireless warrior making the choice.

Onyeka, a leader in council and song
Her journey continues ever so strong
A trailblazer in every sphere
Her legacy, cherished, far and near.

Through the passage of time her light endures
A symbol of Nigeria vibrant and pure
Onyeka Onwenu a name of pride
In her life and times we all confide.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


In the heart of Nigeria's vibrant land
Where culture and nature go hand in hand
Lies a silent threat: corruption everywhere
A creeping blight that is ravaging the whole land
That hides in shadows, away from sight.
Mosquitoes buzz in the humid air
Spreading hunger a deadly snare
Corrupt rats scurry through the seats of power sprawl
Bringing diseases of hardship that befall all
Cockroaches in all the sector of political office holders.
Roaming around turning our nation into an infested home.
Termites gnaw at the treasure of the nation beams
Destroying dreams and childhood schemes
Nigeria, oh land of pride and song
This pestilence must not belong.
Nigeria needs fumigation
With every bite and every sting
They tarnish what our hearts do sing
Fumigation, a clarion call,
To cleanse and purify for all.
To rid the pests, to reclaim peace,
And let our health and crops increase
For in the purity of air and space
Lies the future we must embrace
Nigeria needs fumigation.
Let the chemicals work their way
And chase the pestilence away
Nigeria needs a cleaner ground
Where hope and health can both be found
So let us fumigate and fight
To bring back our land’s pure light.


A label pinned
a scarlet brand
A traitor's mark
in no man's land.

For questioning
The powers that be
A rebel's role
society decrees.

A voice that echoes truth's refrain
In corridors where shadows reign
A mind aflame, with courage bright,
A beacon in the darkest night.

They call us threats, disruptors, foes,
For daring question, where silence grows.
But in our hearts, a fire resides,
A passion burning, where justice abides.

We seek no chaos, only change,
To mend the world, where hearts exchange.
A better future, our fervent plea,
Not enemies of the state, but you and me.

Friday, July 26, 2024


This time will don't call
For violence's as violence
Can not build a nation
But rather tear it down
This time we'll get it right.

We're standing in the gap
On behave of our nation
Things has gone south
The youth has finally woken up.

Woken up to reality
That in real sense
Violence and destruction of national prosperities
Is not the way forward
But the way forward is to march and stage.

A peaceful protest
To engrave our demands
And make our voices heard
As towards ending this bad government
The youths has finally woken up.

To the ill-selfish policy created
For just one section of the nation
Making some citizens live in the affluence
Of the nation's resources looting at its peak
Is time we have slept for so long.

Arise oh patriots of this great land
Will must arrive at a great decision
Either to continue to live this way or change things
For today and tomorrow...the future of our land
Is in our hands lets not exchange the hands with bribery.


Hear the call
See the need
Feel the pain
Look at your land
The cities are not wearing a good look.

The street calls
There is a clarion call
That swifts across our land
The state of the nation is on the news
The call is for nation builders.

Who are sick and tired
Of the noise in our nation
For so long we have been on this
For how long we things get better
The street calls.

We would answer
We'll answer the call
To save our fatherland
From massive exploration of her resources
By selected few ones who are in government.

Patience is the key so they say
But for how long are going to stay being patience
Until the ones waiting patiently begins to die
And not able to see how the wait for patience turns out
The streets calls.

This is a golden moment
For our nation as week redress
To change the long statusquo
There is no moment than now
The street calls We must arise...1st of August.
Protest now...Peaceful Protest.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


On concrete stages voices rise
A symphony of discontent
Not anger's roar but truth that cries
A nation's plight, the streets present
Voices on the street.

The teacher pleads
With chalk-dusted hand,
For minds that yearn for futures bright
We need more than walls that barely stand
Invest in learning, invest in light!

The doctor sighs with stethoscope's embrace,
When sickness reigns where healing's cost
Denies a touch of a gentle grace
A healthy nation at what a loss?
Voices in the street.

The worker shouts with calloused hand held high
For honest toil a living wage
While profits soar our dreams lie dry
A fair return with a turning page
But the voices still re-echoes on every street.

The activist chants with eyes that burn
The Earth cries out with a fevered plea
From careless waste a lesson learned
Protect our home for you and me!
Voices on the street.

The immigrant speaks
With longing in their gaze
For open arms and a chance to thrive
Not walls that bar but a future's maze
We seek to build not just survive!

The veteran stands with medals on his chest
For freedoms fought with a sacred trust
When voices fade a silent test
Justice for all is a nation just!
voices on the street.

The citizen whispers with a heart that aches
The dream seems lost a promised land
The rich grow richer but alas the system breaks
Equality's call but of with a helping hand!
Voices on the street.

These voices blend
A chorus strong and clear,
A nation's pulse a yearning deep
For change to rise for hope to appear
A collective dream the streets do keep.

So listen close let empathy ignite
Beyond the chants the signs they hold
A nation's plea bathed in the light
A story waiting to unfold.

TAKE A STAND: Protesting for Good Governance.

In streets that echo with discontent
A restless murmur grows
A tide of voices raised in protest
Where silent anger flows
Take a stand.

We stand
A tapestry of faces
A chorus strong and bold
For good governance
the right we chase with a story yet untold.

No longer will we turn a blind eye
To injustices that sting
Corruption's web a tangled lie
Where promises don't sing
Take a stand.

From empty pockets
Voices rise a symphony of pain
We yearn for leaders with clear skies
Who wash away the stain
Take a stand.

The weight of broken dreams we bear
Of futures turned to dust
Promises whispered in the air
That turned to empty trust
Take a stand.

We stand for schools where knowledge thrives
For hospitals that heal
For roads that lead to decent lives
A future hope can feel
Take a stand.

The fire in our hearts ignites
a burning righteous plea
For leaders who uphold the rights
Of all who yearn to be free
Take a stand.

A guiding star to chase away the night
Equality the guiding bar
To set a world aright
Take a stand.

This is not a fleeting cry
A moment's burst of rage
But a commitment etched so high
Upon this turning page
Take a stand.

We'll stand until the dawn breaks through
On systems built on lies
For good governance, just and true,
Beneath clear, honest skies
Take A stand.

So let the message far and wide
On every banner fly
We stand united side by side
Until justice meets the sky
You stand and take a stand.


The dust has come and gone
The dawn is broken with a great expectation
The birds are out singing melodious tune
To usher in the new day that just began
Today we begin again.

With you in the picture
With the hope of greater things to come
Whatever may betides we forge ahead
With all vigor irrespective of the challenges
With today in mind we race of greatness.

Today we begin again
To work toward making each moment counts
That at the end of the day
The dreams in our heart are birthed into reality
This is the moment and this is our time to shine.

Today is that the day
You've waited and work for
You are here now what can you do differently today
Your today speaks volume of your tomorrow hope you no that
Today we begin again.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Somethings are better said
Than just shut up for life
Some issues are beyond mere dialogue
But if change must come
There most be a voice one single unifying voice.

As Nigerians hits the street
We are hitting the street
Because of bad government and policies
That is the main focal point here why
Nigerians are hitting the street at such a time like this.

When the cost of living is killing the living
Hardship ravaging the whole land mass
Just as an economic pandemic
Yes that is what are in at the moment
The land isn't flowing in milk an honey any longer.

Home land is no longer home
The land is escorted with all manner of ill-activities
Especially kidnapper long before now
Will where waging war with corruption
But the one worster than corruption has befallen us.

Fuel our own resources
Has turn out over night
To become a dread commodity to buy
The whole nation is boiling
As Nigerians hits the street.


Our religious houses
Is fading away into worldliness
The weeds has crept into the church
Now lead by mere human administration
When satan goes to church.

A lot is happening
Currently so much is still happen
And will soon unfold as the days unfold in its dawn
As the dusk fades out darkness crept into the church
This is happening and becoming alarming by the day.

As satan goes to church
The men that assumes
To be called the men of God
Are no longer living up to the title they bore
They bear that name but in deeds
Their lives are opposite of the meaning of the name.

So called worshippers in this building
Called the religious houses
Are at so extremely in pursuit
Of their own selfish interest
As the love of the early is no longer found.

In today's church
You see tribalism at its peak
Then where is this saying
Though we are many we are one body in Christ
Where is the unification of that body of Christ in the church today.

Is it from the members to member relationship
Or when it comes to table serving in the house of God
Are some Pastors, Rev., Priest and Archbishop
Not been selective in appointing those who officiate in the church
Satan goes to church.

Of a truth Yes! Satan has gone to church
And he(satan) is right there
Orchestrating all manner of his deeds
Using all his deadly tools to execute his work
Among so called believers.

Because they have watered down the Word of God
As they have module things up and take away the Word
The word is lost in the world as the church starts and gradually
Losing its salt in the world where she exist depending on her power
Satan goes to church.

From the ages Thus Far.

You still remain who You are
Your mercies flows like a rivers wide
You are so great to compare to none
Your love no one can fathom
From the ages thus far.

Your loving kindness comes alive every morning
You are so beautiful beyond description
Your amazing grace is so amazing in all its ways
You are the game changer the source that never runs dry
From the ages thus far.

You are the King that never goes on ezale
Your throne suspend earth footstool
You hold the commands of the world in your hands
Your sovereignty none can contend with it
From the ages thus far.

You are the giver of life
Your love is more than the highest mountain
You reach out and breathe the breath of life upon human
Your loving kindness is enough to express your kindness to man
From the ages thus far.

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Some day it we be so tough
So hard that you can't push hard
So many times you have got reason to give up
Strength starts failing and deep inside you felt alone
But in all of these just keep pushing it.

Come hell hot water
When it seems all is lost
And tomorrow isn't sure
To catch the glimpse of the dream coming true
Just keep pushing it.

Push it when is so hard
Push it when life becomes boring
Push it when you're knock down by failure
Push it when friends don't believe in you
Just keep pushing it.

One day it we make sense
The storms will pass and it'll be aright
In the morning so do not cry dont give up
Hang on there help is on the way
Just keep pushing it.

In the dark of the night
When the sounds of cheering voices
Are so faraway from cheering you up
Encourage yourself and get up and get going
Just keep pushing it.


When it all left with
Just you and you alone
And the world travel way
Too fast and the empty space
The night has fallen way fast too deep.

Deep into the oblivion
From the day noisy engagement
The sounds from the street of life
So far away now just you and you
Seating down all alone.

Life moment flashes
So many a scene right
Before your purple eyes
You sat down all alone
By yourself to reason life.

Of how far life has been
The reach for this and that
With the chase in pursuit of happiness
A lot to be done and life flows on a fast lane
Just wrap inside and outside of ones thought.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


The mind is weak
The faith system is tired
The pressure is hitting hard
Just one look all will be fine
That one look of faith.
Trouble mind becomes calm
Our faith system is energize
And our believe system returns
Revival, renew and refresh with
One look of faith.
Is a look of life
Is a look of miracle
Is a look worth starring at
One look of faith
Makes everything alright.
Forget the problem you have
Forget how you feel because
Is the faith not the feeling
Just a look that one single
Look of faith.
Life have still being change
Broken heart get heal and mended
Shattered dream got fixed up
With just that look that changes it all
Just that look one look of faith.