Tuesday, July 30, 2024


In the heart of Nigeria's vibrant land
Where culture and nature go hand in hand
Lies a silent threat: corruption everywhere
A creeping blight that is ravaging the whole land
That hides in shadows, away from sight.
Mosquitoes buzz in the humid air
Spreading hunger a deadly snare
Corrupt rats scurry through the seats of power sprawl
Bringing diseases of hardship that befall all
Cockroaches in all the sector of political office holders.
Roaming around turning our nation into an infested home.
Termites gnaw at the treasure of the nation beams
Destroying dreams and childhood schemes
Nigeria, oh land of pride and song
This pestilence must not belong.
Nigeria needs fumigation
With every bite and every sting
They tarnish what our hearts do sing
Fumigation, a clarion call,
To cleanse and purify for all.
To rid the pests, to reclaim peace,
And let our health and crops increase
For in the purity of air and space
Lies the future we must embrace
Nigeria needs fumigation.
Let the chemicals work their way
And chase the pestilence away
Nigeria needs a cleaner ground
Where hope and health can both be found
So let us fumigate and fight
To bring back our land’s pure light.

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