Tuesday, July 23, 2024

TAKE A STAND: Protesting for Good Governance.

In streets that echo with discontent
A restless murmur grows
A tide of voices raised in protest
Where silent anger flows
Take a stand.

We stand
A tapestry of faces
A chorus strong and bold
For good governance
the right we chase with a story yet untold.

No longer will we turn a blind eye
To injustices that sting
Corruption's web a tangled lie
Where promises don't sing
Take a stand.

From empty pockets
Voices rise a symphony of pain
We yearn for leaders with clear skies
Who wash away the stain
Take a stand.

The weight of broken dreams we bear
Of futures turned to dust
Promises whispered in the air
That turned to empty trust
Take a stand.

We stand for schools where knowledge thrives
For hospitals that heal
For roads that lead to decent lives
A future hope can feel
Take a stand.

The fire in our hearts ignites
a burning righteous plea
For leaders who uphold the rights
Of all who yearn to be free
Take a stand.

A guiding star to chase away the night
Equality the guiding bar
To set a world aright
Take a stand.

This is not a fleeting cry
A moment's burst of rage
But a commitment etched so high
Upon this turning page
Take a stand.

We'll stand until the dawn breaks through
On systems built on lies
For good governance, just and true,
Beneath clear, honest skies
Take A stand.

So let the message far and wide
On every banner fly
We stand united side by side
Until justice meets the sky
You stand and take a stand.

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