Tuesday, August 20, 2024


No matter how long
Nor how short one live
The end of it all is death
Of which is the debt everyone owe
Death is certain.

At the end of life
No matter your status in life
You live life that one day
That life will be over
Only death is certain.

To all living things
Be it human, animal and plants
No one is debt free from death
And which are both living things will pay
This debt knowing fully that.

Death is certain
Young or old...king or ordinary
Rich or poor...influential or common man
One day death will visit
And ask from us what we owe him.

Friday, August 16, 2024


Some moments
Some days
Some situations
Some circumstances

God shows up for His own (ME)
Through the storms
Through the night
Through many challenges of life
Through it all of a truth.

See what You've done
Am so stuck and struck
Of your manifold goodness
Your grace carries me through many waters.

What would I have become
Without You am nothing less to not
Am amaze You're so full of love
Still good in this years past and still doing good.

You carried me not just me alone
But You took my cares and worries
As your utmost so indispensable need
What did I do to deserve this kind of love.

You came through for me
In my darkest moment of life
You light up my world
And show me so much love
I don't have a meaning and essence.

Yet You came through for me
I have nothing to quantify
This kind of love You show me
Am expressingly amaze in awe of your love for me

Thursday, August 15, 2024


The road not taken
The path not cleared
The tides keep flowing
Ocean current way up so high
Great things from small places.

It is possible to do
Great things from small place
It doesn't matter you start big
The size of your audience
Should not deters you from performing.

Because a dream born in a mold house today
Will be birthed in a mansion tomorrow
If only you keep at it
Work towards it
Brave up to brace up with challenges.

If you have to do
Great things from some place
You must stretch beyond limitation
Average shouldn't be what you settle for
From a local champion to an international champion.

Only if only
You're ready to take on the world
Don't see your locality as a limited factor
But see it as the starting point
Where great things are done from a small place.


Transcending from the inner most
Part of existence within the being
That flows with so much thoughts
Inspiration drawn from all parts
Endeavoring to keep the unity

Of rhythms of thoughts and sound
At every crescendo of imaginative thinking
An idea is conceive in the waiting room
To give passage to the birth carnal of thoughts
The pen got muse cratfing out the craftmanship.

Of the thoughts within into paper
The ink flows hits every ground of the paper
A thought gashes out every flits of blinking of eyes
Thoughts meets mind and transcending into a masterpiece
From thoughts into inks paper.

An idea is born
A master piece is curated from the curator
Minds eyes as its purple eyes glows
With so much inspiration that aspires into greatness moving
From thoughts into ink paper.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


In fields of green and endless skies
He walks alone barefoot on the earth
Where seeds of hope are sown
His world is wide but bound by fate's cruel hands
The Plight of a rural boy.

Dreams of distant places
Drift like grains of sand
The sun sets low casting
shadows on his toil
A childhood spent in labor, rooted in the soil.

He hears the call of cities
Far beyond the hills
But here he stays
With silent wishes unfulfilled
The Plight of the rural boy.

The stars at night
Whisper stories of the faraway
Yet he's tied to the land
Where he must stay
The Plight of the rural boy.

In every furrowed brow
A tale of struggle lies
A rural boy with dreams
As vast as the open skies
The plight of the rural boy.


In the heart of the city
Where dreams collide with dust
A young boy wanders
His eyes clouded with mistrust.
The plight of an urban boy.

Concrete and steel rise high
But his hopes fall low
Chasing shadows in alleys
Where no light dares to go
The plight of an urban boy.

In a world so vast
He’s a soul misplaced
Unknown longing for a childhood
That the streets have never shown.
The plight of an urban boy.

Through crowded streets
His innocence takes flight
Lost among the chaos
Of the city's endless night
The plight of an urban boy.

A playground of asphalt
Where laughter seldom stays
He dreams of open skies
Far from the urban maze
The plight of an urban boy.

Friday, August 9, 2024


Life happens
And things are abound to happen
Just like shit too do happens
That is the irony of human existence
But everything is in phases and stages.

When life comes happening to you
And all is working fine and towards
The direction you want to go
Remember that there is someone
Working on his or her life just like you do.

But when life lucky smiles on you
And the yester years hardwork pays off
And things become so rosy for you
Look back don't forget the days of humble beginning
When you finally made it.

When there was nothing in your life
To offer life and the friends of days of small starting point
Are all still with you hanging around
Also working on their life
When you finally made it.

Don't discard your friends
And stat assuming a demy god
Before then cos now status has change
And life isn't on the same level
When you finally made it.

Don't forget the years of toiling
You were helped today
So you can lift up others and help them
For life to have meaning we must seek to be light for others
And when your light has finally blossom take it and light others.

Thursday, August 8, 2024


Waking up each day
One morning like that
So much happening currently
In our nation and our land is at
The verge of dividing itself.

Just like a house that is
Divided against herself
We are not standing again
As one strong indivisible entity
We've lost our sovereignty.

Again, I wake up
With so many questions on my mind
Concerning this nation called Nigeria
For how long are we going to go down
This path as it has always been.

Questions like
Why must the deserving beg
For what they rightly deserve in this country?
Why should the reward for hardwork be disregarded?
The questions keeps flowing in.

Why do we keep overlooking
Good people and celebrate only criminals?
Why are we too comfortable with this mediocrity
Is there any hope for excellence?
For how long are we going to look away.

Ask yourself,
What role are you playing
in this tragic drama of shame?
Because this nation is a giant that refuse to grow
Into maturity by taking center stage of the nation.

Friends, it is time to change
This is a golden moment
These horrible narratives
It is time to do justly
Love mercy and walk humbly.


We've sojourn for long
Behind the scene
We light our camera
Choose our lighting and location
We make sure all things are checked in very well.

With no issues at all
Will work the walk
When lighten strikes
Withstood the storms and stand the test of time
We do not totally arrive.

We've be on this journey for long
Too long we have stayed behind the scene
Working our hands to the bone
We burn the midnight candles at both end
We do not totally arrive.

We have been outside for long
Come hell hot water we stayed
On the dream cos we believe in the hustle
Come night and day, morning and noon
We do not totally arrive.

We forge ahead with each scenes and plots
We write the script and zoom the lens of camera
Capturing with each moment acting out the script
For a lifetime memories that we live like a life
When we have fully arrive but we've been long on this path.

Saturday, August 3, 2024


Many a times
You know you have been discourage
After this time your hopes and dreams
Are all gone and lost all you need to do
Is trust in God believe Him just to be by your side.

When trouble times come
I'll go to God in prayer
Whenever am press
I'll go to God in prayer
He will never deny me
Answers are for me
He will make all things possible
By my faith after prayer answers are for me
He will always stand by me.

Whatever you need He'll provide it for you
Whatever you lack He give it unto you
Releasing faith after prayer.

When the days are dark and gloomy
When life happens and life becomes so far away
When all seems to wonder you away
When life becomes so boring and life fades out
When life become so thick and thin just have faith.

You have prayed and the prayer seems unanswered
And it seems God is so far away a million miles or more
To feel today and though you haven't lost your faith
And within you confess is so hard for you to pray
And you don't know what to say nor where to start.

But in all these
When your days is so dark and daring
Don't forget to pray
Because if you take the time to pray
You'll find that God is waiting for you just
Releasing the faith after much prayer.