Thursday, August 8, 2024


Waking up each day
One morning like that
So much happening currently
In our nation and our land is at
The verge of dividing itself.

Just like a house that is
Divided against herself
We are not standing again
As one strong indivisible entity
We've lost our sovereignty.

Again, I wake up
With so many questions on my mind
Concerning this nation called Nigeria
For how long are we going to go down
This path as it has always been.

Questions like
Why must the deserving beg
For what they rightly deserve in this country?
Why should the reward for hardwork be disregarded?
The questions keeps flowing in.

Why do we keep overlooking
Good people and celebrate only criminals?
Why are we too comfortable with this mediocrity
Is there any hope for excellence?
For how long are we going to look away.

Ask yourself,
What role are you playing
in this tragic drama of shame?
Because this nation is a giant that refuse to grow
Into maturity by taking center stage of the nation.

Friends, it is time to change
This is a golden moment
These horrible narratives
It is time to do justly
Love mercy and walk humbly.

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