Friday, August 16, 2024


Some moments
Some days
Some situations
Some circumstances

God shows up for His own (ME)
Through the storms
Through the night
Through many challenges of life
Through it all of a truth.

See what You've done
Am so stuck and struck
Of your manifold goodness
Your grace carries me through many waters.

What would I have become
Without You am nothing less to not
Am amaze You're so full of love
Still good in this years past and still doing good.

You carried me not just me alone
But You took my cares and worries
As your utmost so indispensable need
What did I do to deserve this kind of love.

You came through for me
In my darkest moment of life
You light up my world
And show me so much love
I don't have a meaning and essence.

Yet You came through for me
I have nothing to quantify
This kind of love You show me
Am expressingly amaze in awe of your love for me

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