Sunday, September 15, 2024


There’s a light within unseen untold
A fire waiting a dream to unfold
Locked in the heart hidden by fear
Yet whispers of greatness are always near 
Unlocking potential how to live beyond your limits.

Beyond the limits we set in our mind
Are fields of freedom unconfined
Where courage blooms and doubt fades away
A place where we grow and where we dare to stay
Beyond the boundaries. 

To unlock potential break every chain
Step through the shadows embrace the pain
For beyond the struggle beyond the fight
Lies a world of wonder bathed in light
Unlocking potential how to live beyond your limits.

Push past the walls the doubts that bind
For greatness was never meant to be confined
Live beyond limits, dream wide and free
Become all you’re destined all you can be
Beyond the boundaries. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024


Through storm and flame we rise and fall
But in God’s hands we’re held through it all
When the world feels heavy and hope seems dim
We turn to faith, we lean on Him
God, family and survival.

Family stands like roots in the ground
A shelter of love when none is found
Through laughter and tears, joy and pain
In their embrace we’re whole again
God, family and survival.

Survival isn’t just breath and bone
It’s love it’s strength it’s never alone
With God above and family near
We conquer the dark we conquer the fear
God, family and survival.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


In every step in every stride
Greatness waits it does not hide
Not in perfection flawless and bright
But in the will to fight the fight.

The journey's long the road is steep
Yet greatness grows in what we keep
The lessons learned the dreams we chase
The steady growth that we embrace.

For progress is the truest goal
Each forward move refines the soul
Greatness redefined we see
It’s in the progress not the plea.

About the article: This article redefines greatness as progress over perfection, emphasizing that steady growth, learning, and persistence matter more than being flawless. It highlights the beauty of the journey toward self-improvement.


Through darkest nights and heavy rain
When all seems lost and filled with pain
The heart that beats with steadfast will
Can climb the highest daunting hill.

For greatness lies beyond the fear
It waits for those who persevere
In every fall in every bruise
The power’s found in what you choose.

Keep pushing on though odds are steep
In every step
 your strength will leap
The power of persistence reigns
And greatness comes to those who strain.

About the article: This article emphasizes the unyielding spirit needed to achieve greatness, focusing on persistence as the key to overcoming challenges and defying the odds. It highlights that with every obstacle faced, personal strength grows and success becomes inevitable.

Saturday, September 7, 2024


In humble roots
We plant our feet
With dreams unknown
Yet bittersweet
Step toward greatness.

The journey starts
With small strides made
Through daily tasks and dues repaid
Every footstep walks towards
Making footprints on the sand of time.

But in the heart
A fire burns bright
A call to rise to scale the height
Each lesson learned each fear we face
Transforms the soul we find our place.

From ordinary
We start the quest
With courage born
We give our best
We reach the finishline.

And step by step
We claim our fate
To extraordinary
We elevate
From ordinary to extraordinary.

About the article: This article illustrates the gradual but powerful transformation from being ordinary to extraordinary through dedication, resilience, and a journey of growth.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


Greatness calls
A voice so clear
It whispers close
It draws you near
Greatness awaits.

Beyond the fear
Beyond the fight
There’s power
In your will and might
Embrace your true potentials.

Awake the dreams
That lay in wait
Unlock the doors
Create your fate
‘cos greatness awaits.

In every step
The strength you find
Unveils the greatness
In your mind
Discovering your truest potential.

So trust the path
And heed the call
Your potential, vast, stands tall
Greatness awaits for those who dare
To rise, to grow, to meet it there.

About the article: This article highlights the journey of embracing one's true potential, encouraging courage, persistence, and belief in personal greatness.


A flame within
So softly glows
A seed of power that gently grows
It's hidden deep a quiet spark
Waiting to rise to leave its mark.

Through doubts and fears
The light may wane
Yet push ahead through joy and pain
For greatness lies in every heart
A journey where we all must start.

With each new step
You’ll find the key
Unlock the truth of who you’ll be
In courage, faith, and dreams
You’ll find your greatness was there all this time.

And that you never knew it
That it was there not until now
When you decide to try
To take a chance at life
In unlocking your inner greatness.

That opens you up
To the journey of self-discovery
It’s start within you on the other side
Of how you see yourself
Tap into the power of your inner greatness today.

About the article: This Article captures the essence of self-discovery and the journey toward unlocking one's inner potential, emphasizing perseverance, self-awareness, and growth.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Where we are meant
To believe so much lies
Coming from all manner of alters
Swaying so many from
This religious house to that.

In the days
Where we are meant
To sow a seed
In purchase of G.O’s blessing
From the treasure store of
Heaven’s abundant riches.

In the days
Where human administration
Supercede the leading
Of the Holy Spirit within
The body of Christ the church.

In the days
Where MOG’s
Has sold out their integrity
For what the belle can feed on
Indulging in so many questionable act.

In the days
Where no reference
For the things of God
Talkless of the man of God
Where anyone talks at will to men of God.


Life is a tale with many threads
Woven tight where each one leads
A journey marked by ups and downs
A story where each chapter crowns
Many stories in one story.

In every heart a different beat
A dance of joy a song of grief
Some pages bright with pure delight
While others dwell in darkest night
Many stories in one story.

A child is born a new day dawns
A story starts a life is drawn
With every step, new paths unfold
The tale of life is told and told
Many stories in one story.

We laugh we cry we win we lose
Each moment adds a subtle hue
In every eye, a world unseen
Many stories in one life stream
Many stories in one story.

The dreams we chase the fears we fight
The loves we find the endless nights
Each chapter weaves into the whole
A story rich with every soul
Many stories in one story.

So live each day embrace the tale
For in your heart the stories sail
In one great life a thousand live
In one small breath, the world we give
Many stories in one story.

Monday, September 2, 2024


The phrase
Why does bad things
Happen to good people
Is an old long time saying
And the phrase has never gone para-phrasing at all.

Sometimes life takes on a tour
Spotting us into the spotlight of life
And life happens and still goes on
On on some highways
The good and bad moments.

Life still kept happening
Revolving as it goes on life clock
It lifts one up and set the other down
When least anyone can remember
But in all there is a supreme being up there.

To those who believe He exist
And to the one who doesn't
The later beliefs life is by luck
While the former beliefs life is control by the supreme being
The God of the good and bad times.

But in the midst of it all
No matter where you are
At the moment shit do happen
But make sure you get in under control
It we all fade away one day just keep hanging on.


In these days
We live in
we live in the days b
of hero worship of men of God
but wait is it.

Men of God or Men of man
Who draws so much accolades
From fellow mortals
Sharing the glory of God
Who has called them.

Bequeathing the glory due to God
To themselves alone
From the introduction
To the titles atached to their names
Men of God or man of God.

Alas you we say is
A sign of respect
But where is humility in all of these
God's own Son in His days
How was He introduce.

Let's go back far as in the beginning
The early church and the Holy men of God
Upon which are use by the Holy Spirit
To introduce the Jesus Christ and his disciples
Nothing like flits of titles attached to their names.

But alas what do you we see in churches today
Before a man we come up to preach at the podium
You will see how the moderator will be hyping and hyping
The same pastor who wants to minister hyping in the name
Of celebrating the grace of God upon such a one.

Is this really Christianity
How profane has these gone
Peter, John, Paul and host of all others
Are seeing attached to their name with just Apostles
But today what do will see?

Sunday, September 1, 2024


The city awake
To a very busy day
The dawn has just broken
On a busy cities like Lagos
Is Monday.

The first day
In a working day
It gonna be a long week
Of hustling and bustling
In this city where no brains sleep.

Is Monday
the loud noise
From vehicles
plying all destination
As people hurried out to earn a living.

The various bus stops
Are not wearing an idle look
As each commuters struggles
To make way towards their destination
Is Monday.

Where Lagos don't take rubbish
Where the loud noise from cars and vehicles
The harmonious honk from all cars
Add the spice of music to the day
Is Monday.