Sunday, September 15, 2024


There’s a light within unseen untold
A fire waiting a dream to unfold
Locked in the heart hidden by fear
Yet whispers of greatness are always near 
Unlocking potential how to live beyond your limits.

Beyond the limits we set in our mind
Are fields of freedom unconfined
Where courage blooms and doubt fades away
A place where we grow and where we dare to stay
Beyond the boundaries. 

To unlock potential break every chain
Step through the shadows embrace the pain
For beyond the struggle beyond the fight
Lies a world of wonder bathed in light
Unlocking potential how to live beyond your limits.

Push past the walls the doubts that bind
For greatness was never meant to be confined
Live beyond limits, dream wide and free
Become all you’re destined all you can be
Beyond the boundaries. 

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