Wednesday, December 4, 2024


A cry rings out yet falls unheard
A single voice a silenced word
But ripples spread from pain’s first call
For injustice to one is a chain on all
A wound that festers a truth deferred.

In a nation where democracy is practice
But the people has not fair hearing
To air their view in that such nation
Where everything goes you can think of
I leave you to think of anything thinkable.

Injustice is at will flying so high
Across the length of breadth of the nation
Everyone is scared and afraid to talk
Nor to write the wrong in the nation
Homeland is no longer home for the oppress.

Only the money bags get the judicial system
As the system is so corrupt left in the hand
Of corrupt government office holders
And investors aren't left in this show of shame
Of playing the devil's card of injustice.

Every where in all sectors of the nation
From the government agency
To the other agency that drives change
The church are not left out in this show of injustice
Every is showing the scenes of injustice in our land.

Until this mince of injustice is curtailed
That is when this nation will once again
Strive on the will and good mind upon which
Our founding father built it remember is
Another person today tomorrow it can be you.

Injustice for one is injustice for all
So stand unite and hear the plea
For justice thrives in unity
A fight for one lifts every voice
Together we must make the choice
To end the wrong to set hearts free.

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