Tuesday, October 15, 2024


In silence
I whispered prayers long and deep
Through nights of longing in dreams and in sleep
The line seemed distant the heavens far
Like searching for light in a sky without star.

But one day
The skies broke open wide
A voice like thunder gentle yet tried
"My child, I’ve heard you every tear every plea
In the stillness you’ve always been seen by Me."

And in that moment hope was reborn
A heart once weary no longer torn
For when God picks up the wait fades away
And all you’ve desired finds light in the day
When God finally picks your call.


There are a whole lots
Of talent out there
In the world today
Some got the opportunity and platform
To be heard loud and clear.

And the world thoughts
That they are the best of voices
Out of so many out there
But that is because
They were given the chance
To speak for their voice to heard.

But I come to tell you
That they are better off
Voices than the ones
You have heard about and of
This voices are making marks.

In their respective domain
From the little corner they are
They exhume large volumes
That shine like a diamond
Even when the needed opportunity wasn't there.

They create the little stage
They don't mind if the audience
Aren't crowd well enough
They went head long to perform
Their craft crafting a master voice.

For the world to come and see
As their voice are heard
Over the trenches without no
Internet to amplify their voice
They amplify their voice turns it into a golden voice.

Becoming many voices
Out of the little corner
They are turning into an
International champions
Who was once a local domain champion.

Many voices...many words
Many faces...many dreams
Many route...many goals
One destination towards
Attaining nothing but reaching greatness
But yet many voices discovering out of the blue.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


In shadows deep where silence speaks
Where heavy burdens crush the weak
There is a light that finds my way
A watchful eye, both night and day
My God who sees me.

You see me when the tears won’t cease
In moments robbed of hope and peace
Your gaze is soft yet strong and sure
A love that knows, a heart that’s pure
My God who sees me

When I am lost You still pursue
In desert lands Your streams break through
You hold my soul within Your sight
And chase away the darkest night
My God who sees me.

O God who sees the pain the scar
You know the depths of who we are
No corner of my soul unknown
For in Your care, I’m not alone
My God who sees me

You are the eyes that never close
In joy in grief You see You know
My God who sees whose love redeems
You hold my heart, my hopes and my dreams
My God who sees me.


You no need to fly
Before you can see God
God is always close to us
Just as our breath is
So He is.

You no need to climb
The highest mountain
Before you can feel
The presence of God
His presence is everywhere.

To every turn you take
To every road you travel through
You no need to go too far
Before you can see God
His presence is everywhere you go.

You no need to run the miles
Before you can reach God
God dey for you if you dey for Him
Na two way things and condition dey sha
So forget watin society talk about God.

Because God is never a God
Which is so far off Him way no too dey hard
His presence dey closer than you think
Watin man think say or paint ‘em nor bi em at all
Remember say you no need to fly before you see God.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


There’s a light within unseen untold
A fire waiting a dream to unfold
Locked in the heart hidden by fear
Yet whispers of greatness are always near 
Unlocking potential how to live beyond your limits.

Beyond the limits we set in our mind
Are fields of freedom unconfined
Where courage blooms and doubt fades away
A place where we grow and where we dare to stay
Beyond the boundaries. 

To unlock potential break every chain
Step through the shadows embrace the pain
For beyond the struggle beyond the fight
Lies a world of wonder bathed in light
Unlocking potential how to live beyond your limits.

Push past the walls the doubts that bind
For greatness was never meant to be confined
Live beyond limits, dream wide and free
Become all you’re destined all you can be
Beyond the boundaries.