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We’ve been here for so long
See Nigeria cannot change by someone else
But by Nigerians this is your land
As new administration emerge
With is old one paving way for the new ones
Comes a transition into an era of new set of leadership
Our roads are still the same with its pothole
Our educational system still in the same old fashion way
Our infrastructure development still living in the past same
One reforms coming in and going out still nothing is attain
Here comes a clarion calls to one and all
Are from the east, north, south and west
We can change our nation if we play our roles very well
Our nation Nigeria, our roles abiding with rules and regulation
Payment of our taxes our civil responsibilities as citizen
Our nation is states and local government
Our roles praying for the peace of our nation
Our nation community and society, our roles community service
Our nation speak well of it, our roles investing and inviting investors
Only then we can seat down and say we’ve gotten there
I believe in Nigeria cause Nigeria is bless by God
This is our nation and our roles as citizen
Is to upheld justice fight corruption
To make Nigeria shine we must seek for the betterment
Of our nation and never fail in our roles as citizens
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