Image via Wikipedia
And someday my chance will come
Write your script get to the finish line
Succeed go join the winning team
Achieve greatness be great
Never limit what you can do
Within you there is an hero
A diamond ready to show forth
The world awaits you to celebrated
Fail no fear have courage
One that has courage has everything in life
Believe it starts within
Achievers are people
Who do their home work very well
Be married to your passion
Never give up on yourself or your dream
The goal to achieve what no one has achieved
In this life
So work out early
Never deferring for an hour
Whatsoever thy hands finds to do
Do it with all thy might
Hard work never kills
It strengthen the mind
His philosophy is Oliver Goldsmith
Where determination is predominate
Failure cannot dismantle the flag of success
Have aspiration cause with it seas are cross
Poles ascended each researcher has a mark
Of quality of exceptional achievement have discipline
Never make friends with laziness
Procrastination the thief of time
Fear it cripples the mind makes vision dim
Lost focus and foresight
Until you get to the Finish Line
Never, never, never give on your dream
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