Saturday, March 16, 2013

Wasting Away!

Each day you move closer to that road
of an inevitable quite end yet you can’t
realize how close you are to that point
that day when you will see your last sunset
the day is getting so busy while you waste it

Has never comes across your mind
at the end of the day here on earth
either by death or when your creator calls you home
of what account will you give your maker
when you meet at the last lap of your journey on earth

A wasted, shattered, worn out amounting to nothing
just carried on so long wondering about
with an aimless journey from pillar to post
becoming an empty shadow within
that can  not stand erect you’ve wasted it all

Going all around with you face
of regret of indecision not making high while sunshine
alas! you scream out ha! When the last scene of your life
is been played to you, you see it for yourself
wasted life, wasted years oh how foolish

At dawn you see people waking up
rushing out to work preparing for the future
you are busy sleeping away been idle in frivolity
an aimless visitation from pillar to post
amount to nothing becoming a trouble to the society

A liability to the nation
a nobody going no where
an article of no commercial value
jerk of all trade and  master of none
good for nothing fellow see them

You see them everywhere you turn to
they never seen anything worthwhile doing
all they’ve gone with the wind
goalless, visionless, with an empty face value
wasting away…to an inevitable quite end

Wasted years oh how foolish
as you walk through this life
amounting to nothing