Great lofty
height attained
To build a
nation where peace and justice shall reign
That is the
nation we seek to have not just a mega kind of state
Am not
calling for a second chance but am calling for agent of change
That will
wake up to nation building redeeming back the nation
From what
has been deprive her of development for ages
See if you
are out there and you care at all
Of the
nation of which you are a citizen
Am asking
you to rise to the call for us
To move from
mediocrity not start reasoning
preparing for that future we want to see our nation
Am not
saying to hall an ill-reform without last reformation
That will
outlive its reformers long time ago when they’ve gone
But am calling
on revolutionaries who expect thing in return
See the
nation has been this way for long and we can’t just afford
To go on and
on as if nothing is happening at all
There’s a
cry out there in the cities, societies and highways
we turn to there’s an earnest plea for nothing but change
Within and
without in every sectors of our life as a nation
Am not
seeking for some collective view of some people
But all what
am asking is for a new course that is channel with passion
The passion
to change the old long status quo
and reawaken the mind to reason for change
Am speaking
for the one out there who has gone through a lot
Faith is
lost in the government of the day that spirit of patriotism is lost
While must
this just continue all the way
When we will
arise to the call to nation building
Don’t you
know that nation building is your responsibility?
Just as the
your civic right to pay your taxes
Am not
calling for complainers, critics and fault finders
Be it on
air, print media and visual medias
To build a
nation where everything is working out big time
To build a
nation where peace, equity, calmness and justice prevail
To build a
nation where political manifesto is taken with utmost care off
To build a
nation where everyone wants to be hard free hearing
To build a
nation where each one sees that the right thing is done
To see that nation me, you we’ve got to work:
it begins with you
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