Sunday, January 19, 2014

Great Force in Universe: Prayer

Prayer seems to change a whole lot
Of things that humanly speaking cannot do
The highest of height can be attain through prayer
As heart are broken in twain through prayer
The greatest weapon of Christian it is

Kingdoms are conquered through prayer
The vilest of men were captured through prayer
Nations witness great awaken through prayer
Enemies bowl before us through prayer
Histories are change re-written through prayer

Nature can contend it efficacy of prayer
The people resound with so much awe
At the demonstration of answered prayer
When it is offer up in faith…prayer
The weapon of mass destruction a terror to the kingdom of darkness
No one can withstand its power
The rivers overflow to its depths
Nations and kingdoms are changed
The power of sin is destroyed
Mountain moved at the sounds of prayer

Great force in universe
Is the prayer of a righteous being
Coming from a heart cleanse and made free from sin
Self can not attain heaven’s court of prayer
Nature knows it worth and value of such prayer

When we pray great things happen
The earth tremble the enemies run for shelter
Nations experience a wide peaceful state
When we prayer great things happen
Prayer unlock heaven’s treasure

If you take the time to wait on the Lord
You will find He’ll be waiting for you
Just linger and prayer for a while everyday
And you’ll see that all you say we come through if you do
Pray until the answer is already on the way

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