From the dusk of the land
To the settlement of the dusk
From the unclear path
To the path of settlement
From crossover to takeover
From shame to fame
Taking over the shame
To come out strong standing
Before kings not mere men
From crossover to takeover
From the debris of the remanent
To the living and surrounded by plenty
From crossover to taking over
The possession of what rightly belongs to you
From taking of your possession to take it all over
From crossover to crossing
Over shame and pain
Of yester years of yesterday
Of coming out strong after so many challenges
To takeover what the enemy has taken from you
From crossover to takeover
The blessing God has packed in stock for you
The greater outpouring of the Lord’s blessing on you
The right full right of sonship and daughter in the vineyard
To the chase of the enemies out of our land
From crossover to takeover
In health and blessing
Never leaving anything untouched
Never beclouding our existence
With what we are seeing currently
From crossover on every side
Take on territory and kingdom
Having dominion over everything
That is of ours never like lacking nor losing
From crossover to break forth on every side
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Thursday, December 29, 2022
So many things have happened
Life happens and drift us away
Away from our faith that questions
Our existence and chase us from here to that place
But in all we still stand strong
Life happens and drift us away
Away from our faith that questions
Our existence and chase us from here to that place
But in all we still stand strong
Counting our blessings not the loss
Of what we have lost out of life
And life has taken away from us
At one point or the other
With heartaches that follow suits
Of what we have lost out of life
And life has taken away from us
At one point or the other
With heartaches that follow suits
The loss of things so dares to us
That life itself knew we cannot do without
That we held so close to our heart
So dare that we dare not takes off sight from
Blessings not losses
That life itself knew we cannot do without
That we held so close to our heart
So dare that we dare not takes off sight from
Blessings not losses
Then we seat at the end of the day
As our life fast pass us by
We think how could life do such to us
Our heart and rend intwain
We scream, shout and cry our hearts out
As our life fast pass us by
We think how could life do such to us
Our heart and rend intwain
We scream, shout and cry our hearts out
We started counting our loss
Instead of being grateful
That in the midst of it all
We still have life together going
Even in the midst of numerous loss
Instead of being grateful
That in the midst of it all
We still have life together going
Even in the midst of numerous loss
Life has served us several blows
Front back left and center all a round
We lost it all the hope to begin again
As strength has gone off from us
Broken and shamble life humbles our courage
Front back left and center all a round
We lost it all the hope to begin again
As strength has gone off from us
Broken and shamble life humbles our courage
Instead forget the lost
Count the blessings that you have now
Let not the lost of things blind you
Against what is left so you won’t ruin all
And lost all but instead count the blessings not losses
Count the blessings that you have now
Let not the lost of things blind you
Against what is left so you won’t ruin all
And lost all but instead count the blessings not losses
To all the men out there
Who walk tirelessly and effortlessly
To make sure they held down
The home front comes rain sunshine
Hot water who turns men into boys
Who makes sure
They go the distance
Taking the mile to transform
And shaping the future of societies
For the betterment of mankind
Men who dare the impossible
Beats the odds stand up for the right
Fought to the shore of the victory line
In making sure victoria reaches home
Touching down the line of duty
Men made boys
Out of good characters
With honest report
But at home and in the public eyes
Succeeding not just out there but at home
As home is where honor begins
As charity begins at home and ends out there
Creating boys who grew out to become
Nobleman with bearing the badge of honor
Not boys who grew up and becomes animals in human form
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
To all and sundry this is time
For giving, sharing and showing love
The atmosphere is filled with so much feelings
The feeling is exciting and of something nice
Christmas comes to town in an unusual way
Christmas for the weak and strong
Christmas for the rich one and the poor ones
Christmas for those who have home and don’t
Christmas to the one whose lost hope and got hope
My Christmas wish
To the one who’s lost hope for living
I wish for such ones to have hope
To be happy in its entirety
Stronger then yesterday to face today and tomorrow
My Christmas wish
To the one on the street and highways
Who’s got nowhere to go
Nor where to lay their heads after the days work
No place to call their home homeless and wondering about
My wish is a gift of home to them this Christmas
To the destitute, dejected and hungry
That they find an abode called home
Not just a home but a home where the mind is at home
Living in the midst of plenty to wear, eat and drink
A forever permanent roof over their head my wish for them
To those in any form of captivity
To be set free and reunite with their love ones
To be safe home and enjoy this great season of love
Cause home is where they all belong
My wish for Christmas
For all who never know God
To come to the point of having a relationship
With God having Him as their Lord
And personal Saviour of their heart
My wish for Christmas
transcends the love of God
His son giving
His only Son to the world
a love that was expressed
Then leading to practicalization
such love from God to mankind
is not a time
To eat meat and rice
is the reason for the season
love for us, so we must extend
Our hands of love to others
with action not just mere saying it
Show love but
showing love with action
demonstrated His love towards us
He choose
to love us not just feeling
choose to love us because
If God never loved us
won’t choose to give up
His only begotten Son
perfect love
love that cost you nothing
Is an
empty demonstration of love
Love leads
to compassion
Obedient to an outward
of our love towards
God and our fellow man

For jolly, jolly celebration
Way we go remember our loved ones
To wish them jolly, jolly celebration
For this Yello! Yello Christmas
Everywhere na yello
Even our street, house and our entire road
With yello paint from our bus-stop to house
So, so yello full everywhere you go
Even the cloud too joins na yello everywhere we go
From me to you na yello Christmas
For Lagos to lafia yello Christmas
From osun to ogun yello Christmas
From Ibadan to illorin yello Christmas
From delta to damaturu yello Christmas
Yellah! Yello yello Christmas
Fro this season of bucky, bucky celebrations
I wish everybody yello yellow Christmas
From me to you just na yello Christmas
So everybody na watin I b ring for una be that
Yello Christmas
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A splendid atmosphere so beautiful to behold
With its gentle and cool breeze blowing
The snow flowing moisture on everywhere
Making vision so dim unable to see afar off
Now that Christmas is here
Our thought goes out
To those who mean so much to us
Friends, family, well-wishers and loved ones
At Christmas the Lord bless thee,
Keep thee and be glorious upon thee
Snows falling down
Friends, family, well-wishers and loved ones
At Christmas the Lord bless thee,
Keep thee and be glorious upon thee
Snows falling down
Christmas tree everywhere
Decoration of various styles
With Christmas light that adds beauty
For all to see and admire what a lovely sight
This is my wish for you at Christmas
May the joy and peace of this season
Bring you and your family happiness
And prosperity throughout
Decoration of various styles
With Christmas light that adds beauty
For all to see and admire what a lovely sight
This is my wish for you at Christmas
May the joy and peace of this season
Bring you and your family happiness
And prosperity throughout
The coming year and beyond
Health robust and goals attains
Christmas to a friend
This is from Me2You
Health robust and goals attains
Christmas to a friend
This is from Me2You
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- Lovely, Glorious, Beautiful Christmas (
you, I’ll pluck off stars for Christmas
to the end of each strand of your hair
their shine will radiate
about you to make a god
you, I’ll uproot trees in the season
the forest they are dense
replant them all about you
shield you from the rashness of wind
their leave laden branches over head
from canopy that will shade you
the search of sun
you, I’ll unveil the full of moon
when its time is come not yet
light up the night
the place of the stars in the dark sky
devoid of illumination of any sort
you I’ll mimic its squeaking
its whistling that herald it entrance: HARMATTAN
to preserve the bursting of your feeling
keep their essence from decay and state
you Ill drain out water of d sea and oceans
their basin to flush sorrow away
fill back the tank of tears
with the residue
you Ill cast a spell
world would stop revolving
would stop manifesting
thing in existence would be held. Stand still
though in truce (truce)
keep us away from distraction
when the spell has worn off
you Ill make Christmas a destination
when reached…Visible when seen
when felt…Choking when smelt
as for you take to heart it real essence
not just the intangible thing
exists only in the mind
the light blue sky
the deep blue sea
the height of heights
depths of depths embrace
heaven stretches out
mighty arms to earth, rejoicing
great joy and shouts
bring you season’s greetings
the golden rays of the sun
the jungle greenery
rain, like drops of silver turns
to a flood of bronze beauty
stars like a million diamonds
moon like a mother of pearl
The black e bony night surround
a blanket of soft white light
trees stood like sentries
sweet music savouring
the choir of birds and windy whistle
dance and monkey’s swing
and butterflies dazzle
beauty contest of colours engaging
ocean waves and lion roar
little brooks hum their lullaby
ship glide through the waves high
planes rumble through the busy sky
the sweet vibrant musicals
new born babies arriving
the best earthly orchestras
bring you season’s greetings
you joy, unspeakable joy
untained, success unlimited
robust, strength and vitality
like a river, deep and wide
fruitfulness galore
abundant, exponential multiplication
open heavens, unlimited open doors
of blessings, many causes for jubilation
like never before
from heaven, fresh and abundant
grace, deep commitment for sure
dedication, never redundant
zeal to serve the king of Kings
and much, much more
above all your hearts desire
bring you
The first noel
The angel did sing of a new born king
And a child is born noel they sang
In one accord with much joy and passion
Born is the king of Israel
They echo it loud and clear
It clarity so clear that it is
Hard on a faraway land into distant places
Today in Bethlehem a king is born
See Him laid in the manager
Reaching out His tiny hands
Wrapped in the warmth arm of His mother
As the sheep look on the newborn king of Israel
Glory to God on high
Crown Him
King of kings
Crow Him
Lord of lords
Wonderful, counselor almighty God
Emmanuel God is with us
The Prince of peace
The Almighty one
The finisher of our faith
The Saviour of the world
Joy to the world
The lord is born
Let earth receives her king
Let everyone prepare Him room
And heaven and earth rejoice
Once in a season Christmas
With harmatan ushering it in
So much preparation for it
‘cos is a big festival
Celebrated all over the world
No one is left out in its celebration
Even the animals are aware
Santa clause is preparing
To ride through the city
As children are in anticipation for his gift
Christmas comes to town
The singing of the bird
The dangling of the Christmas bell
The glittering light on the Christmas tree
The Christmas song on every lip
You better watch out
You better don’t cry
For Christmas has come to town
And Santa clause is coming to town
Hurry for Christmas has come to town
As children are in anticipation for his gift
Christmas comes to town
The singing of the bird
The dangling of the Christmas bell
The glittering light on the Christmas tree
The Christmas song on every lip
You better watch out
You better don’t cry
For Christmas has come to town
And Santa clause is coming to town
Hurry for Christmas has come to town
…Merry Christmas
But they
could not take His life
As the son
dies in Him
Then He was
To destroy the enemy of mankind
mankind back to God again
The gate of
hell was destroyed
And the
grace has been denied
A child is
born for us to live for mankind
Bringing the
best things life got to offer
Redeeming us
back to God again
The son of
the carpenter
Born of a virgin
sinless being
Men fought
to hinder the power of Him
As heaven
and earth watch the child
Behold the Lamb
of God
At Christmas
the power of sin was crushed
Now the Saviour
is born is has been conquered
The price of
salvation has been made
there is a lamb that would stand
In the gap
for mankind to restore back our freedom
Sin has been
destroyed the power is so awesome
Heaven gets
the assurance that man wasn’t lost forever
There’s a
place for the son of men in eternity
Because a
child is born…for us all
At Christmas
the power of sin is destroyed
The power of
sin is destroyed…He was born for that
Hell got
shutting…heaven is enlarged
No matter
what the world rejoice because the birth of the Saviour
A king is
born this day so rejoice and be glad
At Christmas
sin was destroyed…Happy Christmas.
The time he don come ha yah
For jolly, jolly celebration
Way we go remember our love ones
To wish them jolly, jolly celebration
For this season of yellow Christmas
Every Na yellow
Even our street self-house and our roads
With yellow paint from our bus-stop
So, so yellow everywhere we go
Even the cloud too everywhere
From Lagos to lafia yello Christmas
Osun to ogun yello Christmas
Kana to kastina yello Christmas
Ibadan to illorin yello Christmas
Delta to damaturu yello Christmas
Everywhere ha! Yello! Yello yellow, yellow Christmas
This season Na watin we carry come for ulna be this
Bulky celebrations
I wish every body yellow yello Christmas
From myself to you Na yello Christmas
All the place we walker go.
See our
streets the feeling is in the air
See our
banking hall is not left out
Our schools
are filled with breathe taking deco
The shopping
mall wow was never left out
As each one
stands in competition
To outsmart
and out – beat each other
All because
is yet another time for Christmas
See every
you turn
The bus stop is wearing a new look
Each street
are preparing
With earnest preparation for Christmas
The Saviour
of the world is born
To rule, dominate
and destroy
The works of the god of this world
A king is
born this day in Bethlehem
See have you seen Him
Glowing in
glory that no man can ward – off
Church bells
are ringing sweet
Christians to meet
Christ at Christmas night
Their peels
of peace and love
Waft o’ver hills far wide
All because
is another Christmas
For you and for me the world at large
The world
witness a new light
In the day
the King of glory was born
Oh it was a
joy the power of sin destroyed
And the
grave has been deny because
The son of
the most high is born
What has
Christmas done in your life?
It impact
and effect in your life
Has it lost
its purpose and reason for the season?
So this is
Christmas of what it is to you?
Goats are crying chickens are shouting
A lot of noise people are getting really busy
Rushing to get stocks for Christmas
Hustling and bustling the city
Is engaged in a serious commercial activity
No one wants to be left out
Young and old are all involved
Christmas is coming to town
There’s an earnest preparation
For Christmas at Christmas
Goats are crying
Chicken is shouting
Birds are singing
Occasions are springing up
Invitations here and there
Christmas noise is so intense
Cause Christmas is coming to town
You better don’t cry because I’m telling you why
Santa clause is coming to town
Happy, happy Christmas
There are
unusual feelings in the air
As the
whole of the atmosphere
filled with a special feelings
feeling of something good to come
Christmas comes to town
shopping mall takes unusual look
streets and high walls are not left out
As each
sides takes a contest to out beat one another
In the
preparing to welcome Christmas to town
Christmas comes to town
children are full of joy
Yet is
another time of the year
expect great and lots of gifts from Santa callous
so high
With each one having a definite gift
Christmas comes to town
is a lot of give away
on various items been sold
preparing for Christmas
to be won here and there
Christmas comes to town
earnest preparation
one to clear the way for Santa
corner of the street
Is been deck with a red and white
colour of Christmas
From the moment it approaches
Christmas comes to town
A lot
of events and occasions going on
the little town outstretches to the big town
is of the scent of Christmas
joyful mood and a season of sharing
Christmas come to town
With so much
expectation to expect from
families and loved ones gather around
The air is
filled with the noise of xmas
The most of
it all is spending the xmas with you
It comes so
much with good feeling
the taste of xmas with you
So much
awesome in an atmospheric electrifying moment
Right there
with you all alone as the stars sparks down on us
As Christmas
comes to town with you to spend it with YOU
For many
people at this period of time
There comes
in – explainable yet happy sensation
That seems
to penetrate it all xmas with you
A moment for
you to remember for a life time
With you for
xmas is an event to look forward to
See the
smiles on each ones face
As the faces
glow in electrifying beauty
With you is
so much to expect from for xmas
Let the
drums be rolled out and the jingle bell rings out
So aloud
transcending every quarters of the city
Because is
xmas with you
With you it
makes it so fun
Look at the
table filled with so much drinks and food
We are all gathering
here to witness yet another Christmas
comes to town in your heart there is the feeling
That it is
Christmas…an evening of xmas with you
Bring so
much fun and excitement am here with you
So take my
land as we visit the wonderland
To see the Father
Christmas to know what he has got for us
As Christmas
because is xmas with you and only you
In which the
Saviour of the world was born
But alas we
fail to ask how selves its effect
Yeah! I mean
xmas it effect on us
What brought
about the celebration?
Yeah, of a
A child is
born for us all
To love,
cared and also be reference
The effect
of xmas
Goes beyond what will think
Is time of
sober reflection
In the midst of its celebration
Let’s not be
carried away
the purpose of xmas and the rest
Christmas a
lifetime event
For all living on the surface of the earth
consecrated with all of our heart, soul and body
To honour
that day the Saviour was born
Xmas it
Was born in
the midst of troublesomeness
Away in the
In search for a safest place
To lay and
give birth to the Saviour
As Pilate do
all he can
To put the event on hold
But in spite
of every efforts
His effort
were amounted in vain
Finally the
child arrive home
witness a light in far East
A child is born
The world
saw a new light
We rejoice
the first noel was sang
has arrive is in town now
Have you
seen it look around you?
Xmas its
effect: the Saviour is born…welcome!
I pray
the purpose and effect of Christmas
experience in your life
Family and all over the world
Christmas…Christmas comes to town
Snow’s are fallen
Our street is filled with it
Painting everywhere with white
At Christmas I bring to you
Season’s greetings

Health robust and unlimited peace of mind
From me to you
At Christmas.
As the world today
Remembers the birth of the saviour
Of the world I pray that may His Birth
Not be in vain in your life
That may you flourish forever
At Christmas I bring to you
My esteem readers and visitors
Season’s greeting from
To you merry Christmas and happy New Year
Happy celebrations.
Celebrate with friends, family and well wishers
Is a seasoning of caring so give life?
Give love cause is a season of love
Reach out and touch somebody
At Christmas.
Our street is filled with it
Painting everywhere with white
At Christmas I bring to you
Season’s greetings

At Christmas
Wishing you joy unspeakableHealth robust and unlimited peace of mind
From me to you
At Christmas.
As the world today
Remembers the birth of the saviour
Of the world I pray that may His Birth
Not be in vain in your life
That may you flourish forever
At Christmas I bring to you
My esteem readers and visitors
Season’s greeting from
To you merry Christmas and happy New Year
Happy celebrations.
Celebrate with friends, family and well wishers
Is a seasoning of caring so give life?
Give love cause is a season of love
Reach out and touch somebody
At Christmas.
Image via Wikipedia
The power has gone
Things so cold
Prayer is gone
Everything is blink
You’ve gone long, long way
From bethel
Moving from gegale to Jordan
You forget about bethel
The city of refuge
Down to that road
As you thread on
You never know that you’re going
Gone with the wind
The way that seamiest right in your eyes
Little do you know
That you’ve gone far
From the father’s house
Away from bethel
Make a u turn toady
Go back to bethel
Retrace your footstep
Realize you’ve gone
Return home wondering child
Back to bethel the father’s house
No matter how far you’ve gone
Neither what you done how dip you are
In the ocean of sinful act and pleasure
Bethel can still take you
God is waiting for you
Arise and go back home
Leave Jordan for bethel
You are been declared wanted
Jesus is waiting is waiting their for you
Return oh child…back to bethel
Saturday, December 17, 2022
In a world full of so many
Hates speeches and blackmail
The uproar of criticism
And with the danger of one side story
Never allow the beauty of the best
Of you to tarnish you
While still in the face of mortals
Words of destruction
People we come and talk
So many dami words about you
Cooking up all manner
Of delicious deceitful stories
Spreading it near and far away
That it we broke all your fiber
Of your existence and nothing left
But in the midst of all these
Never allow the beauty of you
To run down the drain
When it comes in the face with destruction
The destruction of a mere mortal
Somewhere seating down
Spilling out from the venom of the tongue
Slicing you asunder on the table
Of false news about you
But never buy the meal
Cooked by this set of false news reporters
Be you and continue radiating
That beauty of you to those who believe in you.
The best of you in the face of destruction.
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