Friday, January 26, 2024


People who receive
The call of God known generally
That the call is greater than their lives
If the call is at the level of their natural ability
There will be no need for grace.

If the call is moderated to their ability
Skill and knowledge there will be no need
To ask help from the supernatural God
They will not need to pray either
The call of God always goes beyond the natural ability of men.

Paul says
I know that my life will be a misfit
If I’m given to make money rather than preaching
God has not sent me into the world to make money
Others may I cannot.

If God has called you to preach the gospel
But you concentrate your effort on transient project
Though you build a hundred houses
In His sight you are adjudged a failure
Paul understood the reason for this gracious act of the Lord.

Spurgeon called his son and told him
If God wants you to be a missionary
If you become a millionaire
I would be the most miserable father on earth
If you make money contrary to God’s purpose for you.

In His sight you are a failure
If He wants you to preach
But you are busy doing something else
You are of all men the most miserable
It means your life is a failure.


May I ask you
If Paul instead of preaching
Had been a millionaire
Would we have the epistles to Romans?
If he had chosen to be a big time contractor

There may not be first and second
Epistle to the Corinthians
Maybe the epistle to the Galatians
May not have been written out
Of his inspired pen if he had not yielded to God’s call.

If he had chosen to be a great politician
How shall we have the epistle to the
Ephesians and Philippians and Colossians
What if Paul had contested and become
The executive President of his nation.

We do not have the epistle to the
Thessalonians or to Timothy
How many of the builders and contractors of his days
Had enough money to erect marvelous structures
But they are forgotten now
God called him to preach and he concentrated on preaching

If you delay in responding to the call of God
For your life He will not give you on a full commendation
Though you respond later you will miss His applaud
If God has to push and knock you like Jonah
Before you yield and pressure drove you to say.

Since I cannot run away
I surrender I am ready to do what you want me to do now
If you wait till such a period before you yield
Your commendation will no more be entire
Paul said…immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood
That is the urgency of the service.


Moses was 80 years of age
His life was almost going to an end
People say
A fool at forty is a fool forever
There is no time that is too late.

Eighty equals forty times two.
If this statement is true
Then a fool at 80 is a double fool forever
They say once you become 80
You cannot be useful by God anymore.

But God called Moses
To start a great work that will count for eternity
When he was 80 years old
Many years earlier, he had sensed and thought
About the call but ran ahead of God.

An act which cost him
Forty wasteful years in the desert
Lonely and abandoned
He walked the backside of the Midain desert
Tending the sheep of Jethro till he lost his self-ambition, pride and self-promotion.

When you think everything is finished
God says it is time to start
When you think it is too late
Now to do anything
He says this is the time to begin.

When you say I’ve lost every opportunity
There’s no point making any trial again
God says I’m willing to forgive you
You can get started now
There is no time that is too late.

We should not be in doubt
About what God wants us to do and
Where he wants us to be
There are people that are very ambition
Their hands, mouth, ears and eyes are everywhere.


Like a dream of the night
Like a locker locked out and in
Like a feather flown by bird
Like a name written on the sea sand
When fate visits.

A journey from a distance
A mile as against a thousand mile
A sound of instrument on a woodwind instrument
A timer ready to blow out the alarm
When fate visits.

So far gone into the distance
So far so good like a good news
So far like been away from home
So long but so wright to right the wrong
When fate visits.

Prayers so far away
After much has being said and done
Prayers on a journey of destination
To answers prayers that has been prayed
When fate visits.

A wired wind
Spreading across the distance
Catching the whole landscape
So far and wide life fades out
When fate visits.

It turns our hope so high
It revoke an essence of hope
It breaks forth hopelessness to hope
It breeds great fate to meets faith
When fate visits.

Sunday, January 21, 2024


We live in the days
Of where so much trend
Are taking place every seconds
A trend is drop of this and that
And the religious houses are not left out.

But trend for stupidity
As common sense is not common anymore
And the trends goes on and on over again
Each break of each day as moment flys subtly
A new form of trend is born and showcasing as well.

Days of trends
Miracle are been broadcasted
Religious leaders turning celebrity
As each one wants to outsmart
Their colleagues in ministry.

Miracles are been showcase
Charity works are been televised and advertise as well
But must you showcase the healing miracle
Of what motive behind these act
Many has turn the all powerful prayer houses.

We are all living in the last days
In the days of trending advertisement
The world is really passing away
At the speed of light life is faking out
Days of trends.


Election has come and gone
Our nation still coexist
With our numerous issues
With all side appointee
Yet the nation lacks direction.

Becoming a nation at gun point
Even though we elect leaders
But the leaders we elect
Never have a heart for others its citizens
Making our nation that is held at gun point.

Holding all almost all the nation
With a gun in their hand
Pointed right on the head of the citizens
Squandering the nation resources.

And those in the government
Do not want to cut down
On the cost of running of governance
Void of producing nothing just spending
A nation held at gun point.

Is a clear even clearer eye open fact
That the people that runs for office
Are doing this on the ground
f nothing but selfishness
A nation held at gun point.

Saturday, January 20, 2024


There is so much talk
We go for anti-confab
Spend billions on these conferences
Sat on a round table for long talking
Yet we're at still the same spot.

People are behaving
As if Nigeria is a banana republic
Life doesn't mean and never counts anymore
Blood ate shed at will everyday
Frustrated Nigerians everywhere.

Each day the economy
Is going dray off the track
Nothing is working
Naira keep getting weaker
And Nigerians are struggling
To survive under poverty line.

We lost our peace
As there is no rule of law
No more justice for all
All what what we have is kangaroo court
Frustrated Nigerians everywhere.

They carry it on their faces
Like the lyrics of one song like that
"Suffering and smiling"
Is the order of living in Nigeria
Frustrated Nigerians.


The question is
How do will get here?
How do we become a nation
Hanging on a pendulum
Swinging from left to right without direction.

As to not know
Where we are going to
As a nation
Has forgotten where we are coming from
A nation in dilemma.

Nigeria has lost
It's sense and right of sovereignty
Long time ago
They bid farewell
To a peaceful coexistence.

Some of our leaders
Acting out as one
Who never goes to school
As their behavior
Is seen in discharging their duties.

A nation in dilemma
And as well under dilemma
We are beginning to lose it
As a people and as a nation
Each day our security network is broken down.

You recruit ex-terrorist and bandit
Recuperating them into the military
The same we come a and study your activities
Grew up becoming nuisance then
Hijack the whole country.

Thursday, January 18, 2024


Nigeria hospitals
Are breeding ground mortuary
Leafing to a cemetery yard
Where life are cut short
Either because of.

Lack of doctors specialist and nurse
Who are not paid enough well
To take their profession seriousness
Standing with the oath they swore
Upon entering medical school.

As money is the main motivator
That keeps a system up fit and running
Likewise a motivator for those who work
In this institutions
Our healthcare system.

Is less to nothing to write home about
As it has been written off
By the so called people in power
Then what is the fate of a common man.

As these political office holders
Fly's out at will for medical appointment
While the ones that can not fly
Are left at the mercy of poor healthcare
Many dies as a result of this act of negligence.

Our healthcare system
Nigeria has happen severally
To many Nigerians
As many citizen keep living in pain
As Nigeria has happen to such a one.

How do we get here
Of our hospital that ought
To be a healing center
Have turn to a death breeding ground
Yes, our healthcare system.


Live your life to the full
Don't live your life
Full of regret make the best
Use of every single seconds
Exhale deeply.

Never rob yourself
Of your happiness
Instead be in the moment
Never allow circumstances
To choose that for you but you be in charge.

Life can only give us
What we input into this life
Life goes on with or without
Never allow yourself to carry
The baggage of what is not into your life.

Exhale deeply
Life lived in the moment
Is what really counts
As each sunset passes
You look back and glean with joyfulness.

That you live and walk this path
Called life with fulfillment
Knowing fully that of a truth
Yes, that you live so take a deep thought and
Exhale deeply.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Trending issues has great influence
On people mind and behavior
We live in the days
Where everyone wants to be heard
Not all chat you response to.

Likewise not all message you must read
a lot of people out there
In the online space
Especially the social media space
There is a lot.

The level of deception
In the media space these days
Can not be exaggerated
People don't believe what you say
They believe what they want to believe.

Some people trend
On the base of stupidity
The content creators
The bloggers and writers
Not all chat, Not all message.

Fake news and blackmail
Spreading all around
As each one wants to be in forefront
Of the latest happening around
Be careful of what you say with your mouth.

Listen up, see life is so deep
That only swallow men think they know it
There are things you should look and pass
Not for today because of your lineage
Not all chat, not all message.

That you will give account
Of all what you say with your mouth
Keypad warrior continue soon we all
Shall be witness.

Your troll this person
Because you get so much crowd followers
That anything you tweet post and share
We go viral one day you fade out
Not all chat, Not all message.

Sunday, January 7, 2024


Dear boys
This world you see
Is made up of all human beings
As it takes all sorts of people
To make the world.

Inside this same world
There is something we call society
This same society determines
The fiber of our being and existence
So be careful on how you trade this path.

Society come knocking at your door one day
And sell some life myth to you
On how you as a boy
Should live and conduct yourself
At this point be careful.

Dear boy child
The society will sell to you
That they frown at a boy who cries
As they label crying as a sign
Of a weakly man.

That boys are made of stone
And shouldn’t show their emotion
Nor express their feelings
When hurt, cheated on and abuse hmm
Nor use despitefully.

Dear boy child
Make sure you express yourself
Fully enough if crying cry
If saying it out of that which bothers you say it
Because a lot of boys go to bed alive and wakeup dead.

Been emotional
Never and will never make you weak
Expressing yourself never make you
Less of a man that you are
Dear boy child.

Never negotiate
Your sanity for anything
your peace of mind
is your price possession never throw it away
This is a heartfelt letter to you son.


The world is so big
To contain so many dream chaser
You choose where you fit in
And how you want to arrive at your destination
As decision is determine by so many things.

But in your chase for success
Give no room for mediocrity
Go beyond average and live about limitation
Never go along with the one whose got
No destination in mind.
Go the distance
Take the mile
Chase the dream while you can
There is no mountain too high to mount
Give no room for mediocrity.
Never settle for the less nor lesser
Be the actor in every scene of the movie of your life
Be ready to come out stronger each day
Be realistic in your goal setting and its chase
Never be an onlooker nor seat in the seat of discornful.