Friday, May 24, 2024


When the night falls
The ink is awake
To write so many thoughts down
When the world is asleep
The ink never sleeps.

Inspiration like a pool of water
Swimming through torrent of many thoughts
Imagination begat into reality
Everything keeps pouring out
And the ink is at work never slumbers off.

From the paper
It goes from one line to another
In less than some few minutes
The whole line of the paper
Is stain with ink transforming into great piece.

A great master piece of work art is born
When men slept inspiration wakes up the brain
Even while the body is long beckoning on the brain
To call it a day and rest from the days task
But alas the day is just starting because.

The ink never sleeps
Still gushing out
At every drop of each dot of the ink
Great words that will matter in time and space
Is being curated from the creators mindset.

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