Sunday, June 9, 2024


In the heart's quiet whisper, where dreams softly nod 
Lies the essence of hope, the presence of God
In trials and triumphs, His light gently streams 
Guiding our footsteps, igniting our dreams
His love, a beacon, through life’s stormy seas
Bringing solace and grace, a soul's sacred ease.

In the embrace of family, where love’s roots grow deep 
Lie the moments we treasure, the memories we keep
Through laughter and sorrow, together we stand
Hand in hand, heart to heart, a united band
In the circle of kin, we find strength anew
In their unwavering love, our spirits renew.

Survival’s harsh whisper, a relentless tide
Tests our resolve, where the strongest abide
Through valleys of shadow, and mountains we climb 
Each step a testament to enduring time
In resilience, we rise, like the morning sun
In the dance of survival, battles are won.

God’s grace, family’s love, survival’s keen art
Three threads intertwine, woven in the heart
In faith, we find courage, in kin, we find cheer
In endurance, we triumph, dispelling our fear
Life's tapestry rich, with these threads so entwined
In this trinity sacred, true peace we find.

So let us cherish this triad divine
God, family, survival, in life’s grand design
With faith as our anchor, love as our guide
We journey together, with hearts open wide
Through trials and blessings, in unity we stand
Crafting our story, hand in loving hand.

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