Tuesday, October 15, 2024


There are a whole lots
Of talent out there
In the world today
Some got the opportunity and platform
To be heard loud and clear.

And the world thoughts
That they are the best of voices
Out of so many out there
But that is because
They were given the chance
To speak for their voice to heard.

But I come to tell you
That they are better off
Voices than the ones
You have heard about and of
This voices are making marks.

In their respective domain
From the little corner they are
They exhume large volumes
That shine like a diamond
Even when the needed opportunity wasn't there.

They create the little stage
They don't mind if the audience
Aren't crowd well enough
They went head long to perform
Their craft crafting a master voice.

For the world to come and see
As their voice are heard
Over the trenches without no
Internet to amplify their voice
They amplify their voice turns it into a golden voice.

Becoming many voices
Out of the little corner
They are turning into an
International champions
Who was once a local domain champion.

Many voices...many words
Many faces...many dreams
Many route...many goals
One destination towards
Attaining nothing but reaching greatness
But yet many voices discovering out of the blue.

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