Wednesday, November 27, 2019


We live in an age
Where things are happening so fast
The air space is taking a new look
And everything seems falling inside out apart
As human we must adapt to the changes around

Is either you got cut in the fluid of these change
Or you remain out there left out in this change
As the world marches on the innovation
That surpassed human reasoning and understanding
To adapt is to survive

You need to get ready for yourself
To fit in the wave is blowing so high
It will blew you off balance
That if you are not prepared for change
You got to make sure you do all what you can to survive

Because the world is moving from zero point
To that point where it all start
Great invention are discovered here and there
A lot of things are taking centre stage
The world is beginning to become a global village

As the human brain is working faster
In racing to have a faceoff with skills and talent
Birthing forth great skills and born out of great thinkers
The brain travels at crescendo beyond what it was made off
To adapt to these great invention you need to act up to survive

My friend there was saying which says
The future is tomorrow but that world has change
The future is today now we cannot seat and wait for it anymore
Tomorrow is now to adapt is to survive that is the world we live in
To move with the change coming we need to wake up

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