Sunday, March 3, 2019


Born in the street
Raised up in the street
Walked in the street
Slept in the street
Breathe and live in the street

The street got him
And got the street
Is world revolve around the street
Because the street made him who he is
A confirmed street credibility he is
A being made by God live in street

A legend in making
Master in hustler
Never a short cut being
Following the due process
Paying is due and the street is home

Is ground of breathing greatness
His philosophy can no mortal man wardoff
As he work from dawn to dusk
Never give room for frivolities
Is motor is Oliver Goldsmith

Where determination is watchword
And guess what?
Failure cannot dismantle the flag of success
No matter what betides is so courageous ready to finish strong
Not just finishing strong but reaching the finishline guiltless

To you out there in the street
Make sure you work your hand to bone
Never walk in the way of the discornful
Shun the evil counsel be real be you
Stay out of crime it never pays

Never cut corners
Don’t take shut cut to greatness
Because success is who you are
Remember the world celebrate success not failure
Stay in the street don’t cause tort of nuisance