Thursday, June 27, 2024


The pressure is hitting
Like sun on a Sunday afternoon
But make sure even in the sun burn
Maintain a good composure
Even when the sun has beaten you so hard.

So hard that life
Sends you to the school hardknock
With all such cater bunch from here and there
No where to turn to nor a shield to hide under
The pressure is hitting way high at crescendo.

You drift from here to there
At every run you tend to run
When nothing is chasing you
Yet you are been chase from all side
To the ruin of your life's ambition.

The pressure is hitting hard
Take life so simple but never hard
Keep the hearing of the wise one
Irrespective of the pressure of life
Stay out of crime and be up at all course
With the rule of law of the land.

Because when you broke the law
The same law of the land will prosecute you
They won't take the hardship in the land
That lad you into pressuring you
To break the law of the same land prosecuting you.

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