Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Our religious houses
Is fading away into worldliness
The weeds has crept into the church
Now lead by mere human administration
When satan goes to church.

A lot is happening
Currently so much is still happen
And will soon unfold as the days unfold in its dawn
As the dusk fades out darkness crept into the church
This is happening and becoming alarming by the day.

As satan goes to church
The men that assumes
To be called the men of God
Are no longer living up to the title they bore
They bear that name but in deeds
Their lives are opposite of the meaning of the name.

So called worshippers in this building
Called the religious houses
Are at so extremely in pursuit
Of their own selfish interest
As the love of the early is no longer found.

In today's church
You see tribalism at its peak
Then where is this saying
Though we are many we are one body in Christ
Where is the unification of that body of Christ in the church today.

Is it from the members to member relationship
Or when it comes to table serving in the house of God
Are some Pastors, Rev., Priest and Archbishop
Not been selective in appointing those who officiate in the church
Satan goes to church.

Of a truth Yes! Satan has gone to church
And he(satan) is right there
Orchestrating all manner of his deeds
Using all his deadly tools to execute his work
Among so called believers.

Because they have watered down the Word of God
As they have module things up and take away the Word
The word is lost in the world as the church starts and gradually
Losing its salt in the world where she exist depending on her power
Satan goes to church.

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