Thursday, March 13, 2014

Think Eternity

Life, long or short
Ought to be spent well
Because one day you’ll give an account
Of how you’ve live that life remember
You have only one life to live and not all eternity
To live here on earth
You prepare for exams,
Plan for travel rehearsal for concert and wedding
But have you prepare your soul for eternity
Today people hurry in and out of life
For the preparation of the future
Many with fat bank account
Investment here and there

Feeding the body with diet
Nourishing their body with so much
Never thinking where the soul will be
At the end of time
Once the silver cord is broken man goes home
To his eternal home

It is appointed unto man once to die
After this the judgment
Eternity is a world without end
A day without night a city that needs no light
Is just like given a little cup to an individual
The length from each to heaven that is how eternity is

Careless soul oh yield the warning
For your life will soon be gone oh how sad
To face the judgment unprepared to meet they Lord
That flesh will die one day and rotten away
But your soul will live forever in eternity torment and suffering HELL
Or in eternal joy and happiness HEAVEN

Now where are you coming from?
Where are you headed? Think twice
Think eternity
A time will come when all this will be over
A day will come when we all stand before the throne of God
On that judgment day

Monday, March 3, 2014

Urgent Surgery: Help Needed

There is an intense feeling
A soul is about to pass on
With tension running at crescendo
Nothing seems to matter now but this
An urgent surgery has to be perform

See life flitting away from this soul
As struggle tends to last, a call
Yes a call was sent out is a distress call
The save our us call help needed
Hearing from the other side of the phone

The voice, yes the voice was loud and clear
With so much passionate and enthusiasm
In the voice you see the need for the surgery to be carried out
Filled with anguish, pain and lost hope
The system cause it has failed us all

A time like this demands strong minds
Great hearts, true faith and ready hands
Surgeon whom the lust of office does not kill
Surgeon whom the love of office cannot buy
Surgeon whom possess opinion and a will
Surgeon who love honour…who cannot lie

Everything seems to be fallen apart
Been tired of the same story all the time
And we come to that point where enough is enough
We are sick and tired of hearing the old slogan
“e go better” for how long will we live with that

The system is bad and corrupt…”e go better”
The masses are crying the rich are laughing…e go better
The event comes and celebrations yet we are still the same
How long shall the masses cry when we their carry be heard
When we it get better, lets put part affiliation aside

See lets stop deceiving ourselves pretending all along
As if everything is better when is not, wait what we really want
Is a change for a better change we’ve come so long we can’t fool ourselves
We are now awake to what is going out the government
Urgent surgery: help needed, you are counted stand up and be counted
Be the surgeon to perform that operation of revolution for change.

Centenary: Holding Fuel

One hundred years has come and gone
With so many event and tales to tell
Each one with his own side of evaluation
Of how far we’ve come as a nation
But is it the moment of opening our doors for celebration

Inviting de la cream in our earth space
Together to celebrate does it worth it at all
The celebration and awards given day
That couples the celebration
Should it be at this time?

Where the state of the nation is dilapidated
The whole sector is in need of thing at the other
Is there comes a time when a silence becomes a betray
You seated there you know it that all is not well
With our nation you need no seer to tell you so
Because it is everywhere with a enough sign not far from you

Our system how has it been all this while
What’s worth celebrating…sufficient fuel leads to holding
Expecting the price to hack waiting for scarcity to ensue
What is wrong until we get what is really wrong
That’s when we can fix it…the system

The poor masses bear the burnt
The needy are crying they are fed up of it all
The mass has come to that point of seat down and look
Because they are tired of it all see people carrying
Black market and petro station exploit the masses

The nation is sick
An urgent operation is needed
Who we go into the theater room
We all are wanted you and me
To fix up what’s wrong with our nation

Does it worth celebrating
Are will not drifting away from our founding fathers dream
For the country they gave their all for
Many things are at stake insecurity in our land
Jobless being floats around our cities and streets
Deplorable state of our roads, education, political and economic

Give Thanks

Two lines of songs of thanksgiving
Is better off than a whole page of prayer request
Because worship or praises not only welcomes
God’s presence in the midst of His people
But also move the hands of God to work wonders
In the life of His people so we have all the reasons to
Give thanks always to God for what he has done and what
Is yet to be done

        People today are face with three enemies of personal peace
     Regret over yesterdays mistakes, anxiety over tomorrow’s problem
        And ingratitude for today’s blessing also people find it easier
        To whine and grieve over what they have not received let’s take a look

At the Palmist he praise God whether things are good or bad
We all have one thing at least, that we can thank God for
Including those of us right now in the most desperate of situation
“Think thanks” we all have a lot to be thankful for

No matter what house you live in
Wouldn’t you rather be there than the best hospital in your city?
“if we take time to think more, we will certainly thank more”
The Palmist said God “inhabit the praises of his people”
A song writer said “Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the only One give thanks because His given Jesus Christ
The son and now let the week say I am strong let the power say I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us Give Thanks.

Develop a habit of praising God at all times
God inhabit your problem through mere praises
Apart from the busy world that we often find ourselves
Caught up in lies the gentle presence of God
We find ourselves reminded of this by the intimate
Fulfilling awesome presence that God inhabit the praises of His people.