Friday, June 10, 2022


Hope is what we make a life out of
From the dawn of arrival
To the dusk when we all
Bids farewell to life
Noisy moment to an inevitable quiet end

There is a story of hope
In every life of how far
We've come with life
From the sweet moment of life's rosy second
To that point where life's last breathe sniff

The hole of hope
That life's rope pass-through
A passage that birth and reshape
The existence that causes us to look
For hope desperately with our life
We bet on life and life beats us

Severally we shout and scream
When the pain is too hot to handle
It hits us like a thunder bolt
We lost the bet on life and hope flew away
Away from far away from here

To the home we've lost because
Our hope were bashed against
The winds and storms of life
The story of hope we still true to
We tell the story to as many a ear
That care to listen of how far we've come

Even when our hope ropes cut intwin
We held grip to it a new day foresight
The story of hope kept us going in all.

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