Tuesday, July 23, 2024


On concrete stages voices rise
A symphony of discontent
Not anger's roar but truth that cries
A nation's plight, the streets present
Voices on the street.

The teacher pleads
With chalk-dusted hand,
For minds that yearn for futures bright
We need more than walls that barely stand
Invest in learning, invest in light!

The doctor sighs with stethoscope's embrace,
When sickness reigns where healing's cost
Denies a touch of a gentle grace
A healthy nation at what a loss?
Voices in the street.

The worker shouts with calloused hand held high
For honest toil a living wage
While profits soar our dreams lie dry
A fair return with a turning page
But the voices still re-echoes on every street.

The activist chants with eyes that burn
The Earth cries out with a fevered plea
From careless waste a lesson learned
Protect our home for you and me!
Voices on the street.

The immigrant speaks
With longing in their gaze
For open arms and a chance to thrive
Not walls that bar but a future's maze
We seek to build not just survive!

The veteran stands with medals on his chest
For freedoms fought with a sacred trust
When voices fade a silent test
Justice for all is a nation just!
voices on the street.

The citizen whispers with a heart that aches
The dream seems lost a promised land
The rich grow richer but alas the system breaks
Equality's call but of with a helping hand!
Voices on the street.

These voices blend
A chorus strong and clear,
A nation's pulse a yearning deep
For change to rise for hope to appear
A collective dream the streets do keep.

So listen close let empathy ignite
Beyond the chants the signs they hold
A nation's plea bathed in the light
A story waiting to unfold.

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