Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Life is a tale with many threads
Woven tight where each one leads
A journey marked by ups and downs
A story where each chapter crowns
Many stories in one story.

In every heart a different beat
A dance of joy a song of grief
Some pages bright with pure delight
While others dwell in darkest night
Many stories in one story.

A child is born a new day dawns
A story starts a life is drawn
With every step, new paths unfold
The tale of life is told and told
Many stories in one story.

We laugh we cry we win we lose
Each moment adds a subtle hue
In every eye, a world unseen
Many stories in one life stream
Many stories in one story.

The dreams we chase the fears we fight
The loves we find the endless nights
Each chapter weaves into the whole
A story rich with every soul
Many stories in one story.

So live each day embrace the tale
For in your heart the stories sail
In one great life a thousand live
In one small breath, the world we give
Many stories in one story.

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