Monday, September 2, 2024


The phrase
Why does bad things
Happen to good people
Is an old long time saying
And the phrase has never gone para-phrasing at all.

Sometimes life takes on a tour
Spotting us into the spotlight of life
And life happens and still goes on
On on some highways
The good and bad moments.

Life still kept happening
Revolving as it goes on life clock
It lifts one up and set the other down
When least anyone can remember
But in all there is a supreme being up there.

To those who believe He exist
And to the one who doesn't
The later beliefs life is by luck
While the former beliefs life is control by the supreme being
The God of the good and bad times.

But in the midst of it all
No matter where you are
At the moment shit do happen
But make sure you get in under control
It we all fade away one day just keep hanging on.

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